LaskaKit / ESP12-Board

Simple and clean board with ESP-12/-07, low power consumption in sleep mode

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The development board is called LASKAKIT ESP-12 board which includes popular Wi-Fi module ESP-12 with IC ESP8266, what is supported by manufacturer and also community.

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board is pin-to-pin compatible with Wemos D1 Mini. LASKAKIT ESP-12 is much more energy efficient board instead of Wemos D1 Mini.

If you are looking for a pin-to-pin compatible board with Wemos D1 Mini, you should at least check this board. Thanks to LASKAKIT ESP-12 board, you can save the energy from the batteries of your device while maintaining the performance.

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board description

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board constains HT7833 regulator with really low quiescent current which regulates the input voltage (typically 5V) to 3.3V. The ESP8266 is included in module ESP-12.

The quiescent current of HT7833 is only 4 uA. The combination with low power consumption in the deepsleep mode of ESP8266 you can achieve only 20 uA in the deepsleep mode. Don't forget to solder the "SLEEP" soldering bridge.

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board deepsleep current


ADC input of ESP8266 is connected through voltage divider to A0 pin (Vadc1). The maximum input voltage of ESP8266 may be up to 1V. Thanks the built-in votlage divider, you may measure up to 4.3V (with R7 = 330k; R8 = 100k).

The formula how to calculate the input voltage is below.

Vadc1 = voltage on A0 pin

Vadc = voltage on output of voltage divider

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board ADC voltage divider


LASKAKIT ESP-12 board pinout

Thanks to pinout compatibility with Wemos D1 Mini you may to use extended modules - microSD card, temperature and humidity sensor DHT11/DHT22, SHT30, BMP180 or OLED.

All modules are available on


Install the support of ESP8266 in Arduino IDE

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board Arduino IDE

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board Arduino IDE

Before the uploading of code, you have to switch the ESP8266 to bootloader mode.

Follow these steps

  • Push the "FLASH" button and hold it
  • Push the "RESET" button and still hold the "FLASH" button
  • Release the "RESET" button and after that also "FLASH" button, ESP-12 is in bootloader
  • Upload your code by "Upload" button in Arduino IDE
  • After the uploading, push the "RESET button and release it to achieve the leaving of bootloader

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board Arduino IDE

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board is open-hardware, the schematic and manufacturing data are available on this github.

You may enable the assembly kit which is available on

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board kit

LASKAKIT ESP-12 board bare PCB


Simple and clean board with ESP-12/-07, low power consumption in sleep mode



Language:C++ 100.0%