LarryLuTW / zsh-plugins

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zsh alias and functions

Here are many useful aliases and functions for zsh. This is for my own usage. If you want to create your own alias, you can fork this and add your own.

How to use these plugins with zplug

Install all plugins in the repository

Just put the following line in your .zshrc, and run zplug install in your terminal.

zplug "LarryLuTW/zsh-plugins"

For more details about how to use zplug, please goto zplug usage

Install specific plugin

# only use git plugin
zplug "LarryLuTW/zsh-plugins", use:git.plugin.zsh

Update plugin

Just run zplug update in your terminal.




Language:Shell 100.0%