Lamtea / dotfiles-i3

My dotfiles for i3-gaps on Arch linux on laptop.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My dotfiles for i3 on Arch linux on laptop.


Main display:


Sub display:


My Base Configurations

Only settings related to the 'Depend on' list are excerpted.

Category Configuration
Boot Loader GRUB 2
Kernel Linux Zen, Linux, Linux LTS
File System Btrfs on LVM on LUKS2 (SSD, HDD)
Graphic Intel UHD 630, NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (NVIDIA Optimus)
Network Realtek RTL8169 (LAN), Intel Wireless-AC 9560 (WiFi, Bluetooth)
Monitor Laptop Built-in(eDP-1 connected), LG24UD58(HDMI-2 connected)
Tablet Wacom Intuos 4
Printer Brother DCP-J152N
Scanner Brother DCP-J152N

How to Install


Please complete the following tasks:

dotfiles (My dotfiles for command-line interface on Arch linux)


# Options can use other packages or be ignored(see below 'Depend on' list).
# You may have to edit with the file by changing options.
# See Arch wiki for settings.
yay -S <dependent packages>
# Set and enable the required services.
#   NetworkManager, wpa_supplicant, apparmor, avahi-daemon, bluetooth, hddtemp,
#   clamav-daemon(optional), clamav-freshclam(optional), cups(optional), cups-browserd(optional),
#   lightdm, nmb(optional), smb(optional), colord(optional),
#   libvirtd(optional), snapper(optional)
# See Arch wiki for settings.
sudo systemctl enable <dependent service packages>
# Set and enable the required user services.
#  mpd
# See Arch wiki for settings.
sudo systemctl --user enable <dependent user service packages>
cd ~
git clone .dotfiles-i3
cd .dotfiles-i3
cp <your favorite icon> .face
# Customize to your hardware.
# For Localization, see below 'Localization'.
vi .bin/
  PRIMARY_NAME="<your primary monitor>"
vi .bin/
  DISPLAY_MAIN="<your primary monitor>"
  DISPLAY_SUB="<your secondary monitor>"
vi .config/polybar/config
vi .config/conky/archer-conky-left.conf
vi .config/conky/archer-conky-right.conf
# Add lsm to kernel parameters for apparmor.
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="lsm=landlock,lockdown,yama,integrity,apparmor,bpf ..."
sudo update-grub
sudo systemctl reboot

Set the tools:

  • Themes:
    • lxappearrance-gtk3
      • Adapta-Nokto
      • Papirus-Dark
      • Flatbed Cursors original Black
      • Noto Sans CJK JP Regular
    • kvantum
      • KvAdaptaDark
    • fcitx5 (optional)
      • nord

Depend on

  • dotfiles (My dotfiles for command-line interface on Arch linux)
  • X
    • xorg-server
    • xorg-apps (not include xorg-xbacklight, replaced acpilight)
    • xf86-input-wacom (optional) (If you haven't wacom tablet, remove .bin/ and the relevant part from .xprofile)
    • srandrd (aur)
    • numlockx
  • Graphics (optional) (If you haven't NVIDIA Optimus, remove prime-run from .config/i3/config, and remove or edit .config/mpv/mpv.conf)
    • GPU
      • Intel (UHD 630)
      • NVIDIA Optimus (GeForce MX150)
        • nvidia-prime
        • nvidia-settings
    • Hardware video acceleration
      • libva-intel-driver
      • intel-gpu-tools
      • libva-utils
      • libvdpau-va-gl
      • vdpauinfo
    • Vulkan
      • vulkan-icd-loader
      • vulkan-headers
      • vulkan-validation-layers
      • vulkan-tools
      • vulkan-intel
      • nvidia-utils
    • OpenCL
      • opencl-headers
      • ocl-icd
      • intel-compute-runtime
      • opencl-nvidia
    • CUDA
      • cuda
      • cuda-tools
      • ncurses5-compat-libs (aur)
      • opencv-cuda
      • python-cuda
      • python-pycuda
    • Machine learning
      • cudnn
      • tensorflow-opt-cuda
      • python-tensorflow-opt-cuda
  • Icon
    • papirus-icon-theme
  • Cursor
    • xcursor-flatbed
  • Font
    • noto-fonts
    • noto-fonts-* (optional) (your locale, cjk is default)
    • noto-fonts-emoji
    • noto-fonts-extra
    • ttf-ricty (optional) (aur, Japanese font, urxvt use it)
    • ttf-hackgen (optional) (aur, Japanese font, alacritty use it)
    • ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k (aur)
    • fantasque-sans-mono
    • ttf-monapo (optional) (aur, Japanese font, jdim use it)
    • ttf-liberation (optional) (for steam)
    • ttf-noto-nerd
    • ttf-meslo-nerd
    • ttf-hack-nerd
    • ttf-fantasque-nerd
    • font-manager (font viewer)
  • Theme manager
    • Gtk
      • lxappearrance-gtk3
    • Qt
      • kvantum
  • Login manager
    • lightdm
      • lightdm-gtk-greeter
      • lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
  • User manager
    • mugshot (aur)
  • Window manager
    • i3-wm
  • Status bar
    • polybar
      • procps-ng
      • nvidia-smi (optional) (If you haven't NVIDIA Optimus, remove .bin/ and the relevant part form .config/polybar/config)
      • hddtemp
        • openbsd-netcat
  • Menu
    • dockbarx-git (aur)
    • rofi
      • rofi-calc
    • xfce4-appfinder
  • Compositor
    • picom/compton
  • Background
    • nitrogen
  • Display
    • Display CAL (optional) (If you haven't monitor for creators, remove a line of exec --no-startup-id displaycal-apply-profiles from .config/i3/config)
      • displaycal-apply-profiles
      • colord
        • colord-gtk
        • colord-sane
    • Redshift
      • redshift
  • Audio
    • pipewire
      • lib32-pipewire
      • wireplumber
      • helvum
      • pipewire-alsa
      • pipewire-pulse
      • pipewire-jack
      • lib32-pipewire-jack
      • volumeicon
      • pavucontrol
      • gst-plugin-pipewire
  • Geolocation
    • geoclue
  • Notify daemon
    • dunst
  • System monitor
    • conky-lua-nv (optional) (aur, If you are not sure, remove lines of exec --no-startup-id conky from .config/i3/config)
  • Package manager
    • octopi (aur)
    • snapd (aur)
    • yay (aur, from dotfiles)
  • Linux security module
    • apparmor
  • Policy kit
    • polkit-gnome
  • Keyring
    • gnome-keyring (from dotfiles)
    • libgnome-keyring (from dotfiles)
    • seahorse
  • Network manager
    • networkmanager
      • networkmanager-openvpn
      • wireguard-tools
  • mDNS
    • avahi
  • Windows cooperation (optional)
    • samba
  • Bluetooth manager
    • blueman
  • Clipboard manager
    • clipit
  • Power manager
    • systemd-logind
    • thermald
  • Screen locker
    • // xss-lock
    • // xautolock
    • // xscreensaver
    • // light-locker
  • Screen shooter
    • scrot
    • flameshot
  • Terminal
    • rxvt-unicode-truecolor-wide-glyphs (aur)
    • alacritty
  • File manager
    • thunar
      • thunar-archive-plugin (optional) (depend on Archiver)
      • thunar-media-tags-plugin
      • thunar-volman
      • thunar-dropbox (optional) (aur, require dropbox account)
      • thunar-shares-plugin (optional) (aur, depend on samba)
      • thunar-vcs-plugin (aur)
      • gvfs
        • gvfs-smb
        • gvfs-mtp
        • gvfs-gphoto2
        • gvfs-afc
      • tumbler
      • raw-thumbnailer (aur)
      • catfish
    • ranger (from dotfiles)
  • Archiver (optional)
    • xarchiver
  • Editor
    • neovim (from dotfiles)
    • mousepad (optional)
  • Browser
    • w3m (from dotfiles)
    • vivaldi
      • vivaldi-ffmepg-codecs
    • brave-bin (aur)
    • google-chrome-stable (aur)
    • firefox-developer-edition
      • firefox-developer-edition-i18n-* (your locale)
      • youtube-dl
  • Mail
    • postfix (from dotfiles)
    • neomutt (from dotfiles)
    • thunderbird
    • birdtray (aur)
  • Music player
    • mpd
    • ncmpcpp
    • cantata
    • spotify (aur)
  • Input method (optional) (If you don't use it, remove a line of exec --no-startup-id fcitx5 from .config/i3/config)
    • fcitx5-im
    • fcitx5-nord
    • fcitx5-mozc
  • PDF Viewer (optional)
    • zathura
      • zathura-ps
      • zathura-pdf-mupdf
      • zathura-djvu
      • zathura-cb
      • mupdf-gl
    • evince
  • Printer & scanner (optional)
    • cups
      • brother DCP-J152N printer driver (brother official)
      • cups-pdf
      • cups-pk-helper
      • cups-filters
      • system-config-printer
      • bluez-cups
  • Virus scanner (optional)
    • clamav
    • clamtk
  • Writer (optional)
    • xfburn
    • etcher-bin (aur)
    • rpi-imager (aur)
  • Firewall
    • ufw
    • gufw
  • Cloud
    • rclone (from dotfiles) (optional) (If you are not sure, remove lines of exec --no-startup-id ~/.bin/ from .config/i3/config)
  • System admin (optional)
    • gnome-firmware
      • fwupd
      • fwupd-efi
    • gparted
      • parted
    • gsmartcontrol
      • smartmontools
    • snapper-gui-git (aur, btrfs user only)
      • snapper
      • snap-pac
      • snap-pac-grub (aur)
      • grub-btrfs
    • btrfs-assistant (aur, btrfs user only)
  • Utility (optional)
    • qtqr
  • Systemtray application
    • udiskie
    • remmina
    • osmo
    • my-weather-indicator-git (aur)
    • veracrypt
    • uget
      • uget-integrator (aur)
      • uget-integrator-firefox (aur)
    • xpad
    • joplin-appimage (aur)
    • slack-desktop (aur)
    • qsync (optional) (If you haven't qnap nas, remove a line of exec --no-startup-id /usr/local/bin/QNAP/QsyncClient/ from .config/i3/config)
  • Developer tool
    • visual-studio-code-bin (aur)
    • android-studio (aur)
    • dbeaver
    • azuredatastudio-bin (aur)
    • storageexplorer (aur)
    • meld
    • postman-bin (aur)
    • wireshark-qt
    • wireshark-cli
    • filezilla (optional)
  • Virtual machine (optional)
    • virt-manager
      • qemu-desktop
      • libvirt
      • edk2-ovmf
      • dnsmasq
      • iptables-nft
    • virtualbox
      • virtualbox-guest-iso
      • virtualbox-guest-utils
      • vitrualbox-host-dkms (for linux-zen users)
      • virtualbox-ext-oracle (aur)
  • Creator tool
    • krita
    • gimp
      • gimp-plugin-gmic
      • gimp-nufraw
      • gimp-help-* (your locale)
    • inkscape
    • blender
  • Main application
    • discord
    • jdim (optional) (snap, If you don't use it, remove a line of exec from .config/i3/config)
    • lutris
    • steam (multilib)
    • speedcrunch
    • calibre
    • mcomix (aur)
    • geeqie
    • xsane (optional) (If you haven't scanner, remove a line of exec xsane from .config/i3/config)
      • xsane-gimp
    • smplayer
      • smplayer-skins
      • smplayer-themes
      • mpv
    • peek
    • libreoffice-fresh-* (your locale)


  • Edit font settings.
    • Noto * CJK JP, ricty, HackGenNerd # change your locale.
  • Edit .config/conky/archer-conky-left.conf.
    • ### Datetime section.
      • ${time %Y年%m月%d日}$ # change your locale.


See: Wiki


Name Description check package updates. set xrandr. get hddtemp. get nvidia card temperature. start polybar. start rofi. start rofi power menu. disable touch pad. enable wacom pen tablet. script for firefox extension. get window class name for i3.

Develop Environment

  • bash
  • python
  • lua
  • git
  • neovim


My dotfiles for i3-gaps on Arch linux on laptop.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 57.7%Language:Python 42.3%