LamaBleu / moRFeus_listener

Remote or local control for moRFeus. Telnet, TCP/UDP,HTTP status

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Remote or local control for moRFeus. Telnet, TCP/UDP,HTTP status

moRFeus listener for Linux x86/x64, Raspberry Pi.
by LamaBleu 05/2018

Once again using bash: simple, portable & robust. I writed this script to control moRFeus from network, using more or less GQRX remote control protocol. Please report issue or adapt to fit your needs :)

Online demo available : telnet (or PuTTY) on port 7778 HTTP status :

Features :

  • Remote or local ( access to moRFeus using TCP/IP.
    Nothing to install on client computer, except a telnet client (PuTTY or other terminal app)
    Simultaneous connections allowed.

  • Local use: launch CLI from console (no networking)

  • telnet access, moRFeus HTTP status

  • Send raw TCP/UDP frames to moRFeus from scripts.

  • Ports usage
    7778 : TCP port for telnet access
    7779 : UDP port
    7780 : display HTTP status only.

Available commands :

S : display moRFeus status  
F 123456789  : set frequency to 123456789 Hz  
M [x] : switch to Mixer mode, power value = x  
G [x] : switch to Generator mode, power value = x  
P x : set Current value to x  
X or Q : disconnect  
KK : disconnect and KILL server  
  • examples : G , M 0 , G 5 , F 547854789
  • lowercase/UPPERCASE accepted. errors are ignored by CLI or moRFeus
  • x (to set power) can be omitted, power is kept unmodified

Install :

git clone
cd moRFeus_listener
chmod +x ./

Actions performed by :

  • download morfeus_tool from Outernet archives website for the right platform
  • reconfigure files to the current working user/directory (instead of default user : pi)
  • set permissions

For a RPi running with default user 'pi', downloading and making executable the morfeus_tools should be enough.

Launch :

-Manual launch from terminal:

basic for local use from shell, no network

cd ~/moRFeus_listener  
sudo ./  

-network daemon :

cd ~/moRFeus_listener  
sudo ./ &

and access to the CLI : telnet morfeus_ip 7778 (ip= if moRFeus connected to local computer)

  • kill server

    sudo killall socat

    or use 'KK' command from CLI



  • Enable the moRFeus server at boot (replace username and path-to-directory values) :

edit /etc/rc.local file, add BEFORE 'exit 0' instruction this line : su username -c '/path_to_directory/' &

ONCE AGAIN : Be careful to add this line BEFORE 'exit 0' and set correct path !

  • Network

TCP : echo "M 4" | nc -q2 7778
TCP : echo "G 3" | nc -q3 7778 >&- (blind mode: no message displayed on console)
UDP : echo "M 2" | nc -u 7779
UDP : echo "G 2" | nc -u -q1 7779 >&- (blind mode: no message displayed on console)

Telnet : telnet 7778
another simple telnet "client" for linux: nc 7778

Get moRFeus status from shell :
get frequency : nc 7780 | grep Freq | awk '{print $3}'
get mode : nc 7780 | grep Freq | awk '{print $3}'
get power : nc 7780 | grep Power | awk '{print $3}'

  • Network checking (is the server running?)

sudo netstat -atupn | grep socat

display listening ports :

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      852/socat  
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      850/socat  
udp        0      0  *                           851/socat  
  • SSH access (using morfeus_listener from remote client)

    ssh username@morfeus_ip-address 'sudo /path_to_morfeus_listener/'

example :

ssh myname@ 'sudo /home/myname/moRFeus_listener/'

However this is not really secure :(

More secure alternative is to add a specific user (belonging to sudo group) for moRFeus device:


and give full rights through /etc/sudoers file:

moRFeus   ALL=NOPASSWD:  /home/moRFeus/moRFeus_listener/


Remote or local control for moRFeus. Telnet, TCP/UDP,HTTP status


Language:Shell 100.0%