Lakshmi Deepak's repositories
This is an python wrapper !!! made by Lakshmi deepak This wrapper uses for birthday wishes to your friend in a different way using python. Firstly, what you have to do is? You have to install the required packages, don't worry about the code and blabla things. I made it simple for you. First download this wrapper, extract it, open the folder. Open the terminal in these location. and run pip install -r requirements.txt and don't forget to connect the internet to your lap..... and then made changes in artfies located in arts folder, I have given a plain art for you and plainart with extra decorations too add the colors to your wish. and change the artfile in, it is set to default change it to plainart or plainartwithstars, where you made the changes and added colors. Follow the color codes to add colors. u change the speed of art in by reducing the speed value, you increase the speed of art. Same for coding speed to, 0.001 is defualt value at last run the python3 in the these location terminal to see the art.... Thank you
This is multiFunctional Advanced KeyLogger using Python which includes keyTracing , Getting Clipboard data, Getting Screenshot, Getting Systeminfo and encrpts the files using Cryptography
Send messages to any person in any time how much you want.
my Cisco Packet Tracer Labs for CCNA 200-301
The key objective of this project is to monitor the soil’s moisture content during its dry and wet conditions with the aid of a moisture sensor circuit, calculate the corresponding relative humidity and irrigate it based on its nature using Arduino, Soil moisture sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, GSM and an automatic water inlet setup which can also monitor and record temperature, which is constantly modified and can be controlled in future to optimize these resources so that the plant growth and yield is maximized.
Whatsapp Bot - Node Js.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
WhatsApp Bot
this is a replication of a LAN network of my collage. Did to test my CCNA Knowledge
A comprehensive CCNA CLI reference.
Solved examples of Linux Shell Scripting from 4 different text books.
⬇️ The only Markdown Cheatsheet you will ever need to raise your docs to the next level. PDF included.