Lahutina / equations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This program is aimed at checking the correctness and solving equations with unknown variables. If equation is correct it is saved in the database otherwise message displayed with the result of calculations of two parts of the equation. The user also has the option to save the equation together with the roots, if the root/roots are correct, they are saved together with the equation in the database, if the roots are not correct and the equation is correct, then the equation only is saved.

  1. The equation is entered correctly, but without variables. Result: a message is displayed that the equation has been saved successfully, there will be null in the roots cell in the database.


  1. The entered equation is not correct, i.e. the right part is not equal to the left part. Result: a message is displayed that the equation is incorrect and not saved in the database.


  1. The equation is already with variables, but the brackets are placed incorrectly. Result: a message is displayed that the brackets are not correctly placed and the equation is not saved in the database.


  1. The correct equation is entered, but the roots do not fit. Result: a message about this is displayed and only the equation is stored in the database.


  1. The equation is entered incorrectly, i.e. two operations in a row. Result: a message about this is displayed and an error is thrown, nothing is saved to the database.


  1. The correct equation is entered, the brackets are correctly placed, the variables are the roots of the equation. Result: a message is displayed that everything is fine and the values are stored in the database.


  1. Reading all equations from the database.


  1. Reading equations from the database, in which one of the roots is a number entered by the user


  1. Reading equations that contain only one root:




Language:Java 100.0%