Mazak has a set of CNC machines connected to MTConnect Agents - the data for one of the machines can be viewed here -
The XML underlying the dashboard is available here -
Ladder99 is used to read data from an MTConnect Agent - the data is written to a SQL database (Postgres), which is then read by the dashboard (Grafana).
Ladder99 is a free and open-source pipeline for reading data from devices and MTConnect Agents and transforming it to easily digestible dashboards. For more information see
Dashboard (Grafana)
SQL access (pgAdmin)
Monitor (Traefik)
More Mazak Agents
This setup uses a Raspberry Pi to host the Ladder99 pipeline (Relay, Postgres, Grafana), SQL access (pgadmin), and a reverse proxy (Traefik).
Login to the pi console here -
Login as root then drop down to mriiot with su -- mriiot
, then cd ~
Make a directory ladder99
mkdir ladder99
cd ladder99
Clone this repo and ladder99 there
git clone
git clone
cd ladder99
git checkout develop
Start all Docker services (Grafana, Postgres, Relay, pgadmin, Traefik) -
./l99 start demo
- you'll be asked to edit an .env file - be sure to set the Postgres password.
See status of services with
docker ps
To access the database console
docker exec -it postgres bash
then within the postgres container
psql -U postgres
now can enter SQL and Postgres commands
psql (13.3)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | bins | table | postgres
public | dataitems | view | postgres
public | devices | view | postgres
public | edges | table | postgres
public | history | table | postgres
public | history_all | view | postgres
public | history_float | view | postgres
public | history_text | view | postgres
public | meta | table | postgres
public | metrics | view | postgres
public | nodes | table | postgres
public | nodes_node_id_seq | sequence | postgres
To update code when github repos are updated
cd ~/ladder99/ladder99
./l99 update demo
this will update both ladder99 and client-demo repos.
If you need to update the running Grafana dashboard,
docker stop grafana
./l99 start demo grafana
To restart the Relay service,
docker stop relay
./l99 start demo relay
Traefik is a reverse proxy that exposes services to the internet. See the compose-overrides.yaml for things like this -
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.agent.rule=Host(``)
- traefik.http.routers.agent.tls=true
- traefik.http.routers.agent.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt
- traefik.port=8888
Note the '.agent.' in the keys - it just needs to be something unique for each service exposed.
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