The code consists of two parts: model_train and model_attack. In the model_train section, you can execute the "" file to train your model. We offer three types of models: st-gcn, t-gcn, and a3t-gcn. For t-gcn and a3t-gcn, the code is based on the code available at As for st-gcn, the code is based on the code provided at Additionally, you have the option to train corresponding models with Dropout, Dropnode, and Dropedge. The model information will be generated in the "model_train/out" folder.
The SPSA algorithm code is derived from In the model_attack section, you can run the "" file to launch attacks on the models using different algorithms mentioned in our paper. We have shared the trained models on our Google Drive at If you wish to attack new models that you have trained yourself, you can train them using the "model_train/" file and obtain the results in the "model_train/out" folder. Simply copy the "out" folder from "model_train/out" to "model_attack/out" and ensure that the file names match. Finally, execute the "" file.
Please cite our work if you utilize datasets or codes from our research:
@ARTICLE{10167720, author={Zhu, Lyuyi and Feng, Kairui and Pu, Ziyuan and Ma, Wei}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, title={Adversarial Diffusion Attacks on Graph-Based Traffic Prediction Models}, year={2024}, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={1481-1495}, doi={10.1109/JIOT.2023.3290401} }