LIVEauctioneers / cloudwatch2scalyr

Code and instructions for streaming AWS CloudWatch logs to Scalyr in near-real-time.

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Streaming Logs from CloudWatch to Scalyr

In order to send logs to Scalyr in near-real-time, there are two steps involved:

  1. Create an AWS Lambda Function that receives CloudWatch log events, transforms them to a Scalyr-compatible message, and posts that to a Scalyr API.
  2. Set up your CloudWatch Log Group(s) with a subscription filter that will stream CloudWatch log data to that lambda function.

If you haven’t set up a "cloudwatch2scalyr" lambda function yet, both of these steps will be taken care of in the Lambda Function creation wizard as described below.

NOTE: At some point (later in the instructions) you'll be asked to upload a ZIP file to Amazon. You can find the latest pre-built copy here, or you can build your own locally using the shell script.

Start the Lambda Function creation wizard

First, go to the Lambda Management Console in AWS. For us-east-1, the link is – if you’re in a different region, you can substitute that region for "us-east-1" in the URL above.

Once you navigate to that page, you should see something like this:

Click "Create a Lambda function" - this will start the wizard.

Pick runtime and function blueprint

On the next page, you’ll need to pick a "runtime" and a function “blueprint”. Choose “Node.js 4.3” for the runtime and click on “Blank Function” for the blueprint, as shown below:

Configure trigger

On the next page, you’ll configure a trigger to invoke the function. Click on the rounded dashed-line rectangle to do this and then select "CloudWatch Logs" from the dropdown that appears:

At this point, you’ll need to select a Log Group and provide a Filter Name (which can be anything, but it is required). Also, check the "Enable trigger" checkbox:

Supply function name and upload code

On the next screen, you’ll need to supply a function name and an optional description, as well as upload the lambda function code (which is in

Supply environment variables

You’ll need to specify your Scalyr "Write Logs" API key as an environment variable on this screen (scroll down a bit). In order to do this, you’ll need to create a KMS encryption key if you don’t have one in your account already (beyond the scope of this document). Select your encryption key and enter an environment variable:

  • Enter "SCALYR_WRITE_LOGS_KEY" in the first column (no quotes)
  • Provide your account’s actual Scalyr "Write Logs" API Key in the second column.

There are a couple of additional environment variables you can pass to the code - USE_ADD_EVENTS_API and PARSER_NAME. (These should not be encrypted.) In general, USE_ADD_EVENTS_API should be false (and you don’t actually need to specify it unless you want it to be true). PARSER_NAME is optional as well and refers to a specific custom parser defined using the Scalyr UI - if not specified, the default parser is used.

Last step

Now, click "Next". On the next page, click “Create Function”. You should see a screen like:

At this point, you’re done!

Try it out

Try it out by triggering some kind of action that will generate CloudWatch logs. This should cause events to be streamed to Scalyr (it may take a few seconds for them to show up):

As you’ll notice, the log messages that show up in Scalyr are identical to those you would see in CloudWatch. Also note the serverHost field ("cloudwatch-536….") and logfile field (“/aws/lambda/airQuality”). You can set up a custom parser in Scalyr based on the log file name (it should match your PARSER_NAME environment variable).

A bit about the addEvents transformation code (experimental)

This is an experimental feature that allows you to do some parsing in AWS Lambda itself by modifying the code in cloudwatch2scalyr.

The file contains one main file (index.js) as well as supporting Node.js libraries. If you wish to pre-parse interesting fields from the logs, you’ll probably be most interested in the transformToAddEventsMessage function, which is responsible for translating from CloudWatch-speak to Scalyr-speak. Note: at this time, we don’t recommend using the addEvents API from Amazon Lambda (use uploadLogs, the default, instead).

For more information about the format Scalyr expects, see this link:

Here’s the function in question:

 * Translates a CloudWatch message into a format appropriate for submitting to the Scalyr addEvents API endpoint.
 * @param cloudWatchMessage   Incoming CloudWatch message.
 * @returns {Object}          Outgoing Scalyr message.
function transformToAddEventsMessage(cloudWatchMessage) {
  return {
    'token': decryptedScalyrApiKey,
    'session': cloudWatchMessage.logStream,
    'sessionInfo': {
      'serverHost': `cloudwatch-${cloudWatchMessage.owner}`, // TODO change this if you like
      'logfile': cloudWatchMessage.logGroup,
      'parser': parserName
    'events': => {
      return {
        'ts': `${cloudWatchEvent.timestamp}000000`,
        'type': 0,
        'sev': 3,
        'attrs': {
          // TODO make changes here if you want to parse in AWS Lambda before sending to Scalyr
          'message': cloudWatchEvent.message


Code and instructions for streaming AWS CloudWatch logs to Scalyr in near-real-time.


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%