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Hi there πŸ‘‹

I am the developer and maintainer of komorebi, the most starred, actively developed tiling window manager for Windows on GitHub.

If komorebi is an integral part of your professional or personal workflow, please consider sponsoring me - even if it's just $1/month.

You can also tip on Ko-fi, and make anonymous Lightning (lgug2z@getalby.com) and Bitcoin (bc1q68zxj9wc0gqx92lmhjjm3xrh7wqwk2rx8rcls3) donations.

If you're not in a position to sponsor or donate, the next best thing you can do to support the project is subscribe to my YouTube channel to help me reach the 1000 subscribers required to be part of the YouTube Partner Program and start receiving ad revenue.

πŸ”§ I run Notado, Kullish and xeetshot.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» I post live development videos and tutorials on YouTube.

❄️ I maintain NixOS starter templates for WSL, Cloud VMs, Bare Metal servers and multi-machine configurations.

πŸ”­ I curate RSS feeds of high-quality highlights and commentary from across the internet:

  • Software development (What makes good and bad software development experiences)
  • Social media (The state of different social media services, user generated content and recommendation algorithms)
  • Addiction (Living with, overcoming and life after addiction)
  • Mental health (Factors impacting our mental health in the modern age)
  • Capitalism (How capitalism intersects with work, art, technology, urban planning, life and love)
  • Education (What makes for good and bad education experiences at different stages of life)

✍️ I write regularly about language, identity, culture, literature, community and software on my website.

πŸ“« You can contact me directly on Mastodon (@LGUG2Z@hachyderm.io), Twitter (@LGUG2Z) or Discord
