LER0ever / Swarm-Setup

Code that powers my server cluster

Home Page:https://code.rongyi.io/LER0ever/Swarm-Setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server Manifest

This repo contains configurations for my servers and workstation clustering setup.
(And now also contains detailed explanations and guide:)


  • Basic Load-Balancing using Reverse Proxy Round-Robin
  • Dynamic Reverse Proxy from Docker Flow
  • Cluster Visualizer using Docker Swarm Visualizer
  • Vitualized subnet for both local dorm computers and remote servers
  • High Availability, Service auto-restarting


  • My own git hosting (gitea)
  • Continuous Integration (drone-ci)
  • LAN Ports forwarding (frp)
  • Kanban Task Board (kanboard)
  • Status pages for each node (netdata)
  • Dev branch of my personal website (caddy, gatsby)
  • Shadowsocks
  • Transmission Daemon for downloading you-know-what
  • Portainer Management
  • Mastodon (deleted, too memory consuming)
  • More to come


Swarm Visualizer

Swarm Visualizer

Code Hosting


NPM Registry

NPM Registry

Kanban (one of the boards)


Drone CI


Transmission WebUI


Technical Details

1. Private networking

This is achieved using Weave Net.


sudo curl -L git.io/weave -o /usr/local/bin/weave
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave

Before starting the swarm, weave is started in docker and created an overlay network between hosts both in my dorm and in the cloud, so as to create a virtual subnet containing all the nodes.

Then, weave expose is executed to not only connects docker containers to that virtual network, but also brings the physical hosts in, which enables me to later create a swarm without having to manually expose 2377, 4xxx ports on each computers which are behind the firewall.

After doing these, my addresses for each node would become for example:

  • Main Server:
  • Singapore Server:
  • LosAngeles Server:
  • Dorm Desktop:
  • Dorm Samsung:
  • Laptop Somewhere:

And they can reach each other using the above addresses.

Additionally, one can use Weave scope to visualize the virtual network and manage containers in the network.

2. Swarm Setup

Once the nodes have their own 10.x.x.x virtual address, docker swarm mode can be easily setup by running the following:

On the master node:
eval $(weave env)
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
# and you'll get a command for workers to join
On every worker node:
eval $(weave env)
docker swarm join --token xxxx --advertise-addr 10.3x.x.x:2377

3. Docker Stack deploy

The monitor stack and the actual services are seperated so that they won't affect each other.

# Deploy monitor stack
docker stack deploy -c monitor-stack.yml m_prod_180625

# Deploy services
docker stack deploy -c swarm-stack.yml prod_180625

My own stack visualizer is live (or not) at swarm.rongyi.io


The code and configuration in this repo is open source under the terms of Apache 2.0


Code that powers my server cluster

