Kyle-Pu / functionalmf

Functional matrix factorization via Bayesian tensor filtering

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functionalmf: Bayesian factorization of functional matrices

This package implements a Bayesian tensor filtering (BTF), a method for factorizing matrices where each entry is an entire curve or function, rather than a scalar. Install with:

pip install functionalmf

Please open an issue if you have any trouble!

Factorizing a functional matrix with functionalmf

The general problem that functionalmf solves is that you have data in a 3- or 4-dimensional array:

import numpy as np
data = ... # get your data as a numpy 3- or 4-tensor
print('Data shape is {}'.format(data.shape))
# Output: Data shape is (10, 11, 12, 3)
# Means 10 rows, 11 functional columns, 12 points to evaluate each function, 3 repeated draws at each point

And you want to factorize the matrix under the assumption:

  • dim 1: rows with latent attributes that remain fixed
  • dim 2: columns with latent attributes that change mostly-smoothly in dim 3
  • dim 4: replicates. if you have only a 3-tensor, just make this dim size 1 or the code will do it for you implicitly.

Missing data: If you have missing data, it should be passed in as np.nan values in the data array.

The specific class you should use depends on the likelihood function for your observations.

Gaussian observations

If your observations are real-valued and generally assumed to follow a normal distribution for errors:

from functionalmf.factor import GaussianBayesianTensorFiltering

def init_model(nembeds=3, tf_order=2, lam2=0.1, sigma2=0.5, nu2=1):
    # Setup the model
    return GaussianBayesianTensorFiltering(nrows, ncols, ndepth,
                                                          nembeds=nembeds, tf_order=tf_order,
                                                          sigma2_init=sigma2, nthreads=1,
                                                          lam2_init=lam2, nu2_init=nu2)

model = init_model()

You can then run the Gibbs sampler on the model with:

results = model.run_gibbs(Y_missing, nburn=nburn, nthin=nthin, nsamples=nsamples, print_freq=50, verbose=True)

And you can get the sampler results along with the inferred means:

Ws = results['W'] # posterior samples of row embeddings
Vs = results['V'] # posterior samples of functional column embeddings

# Get the Bayes estimate
Mu_hat = np.einsum('znk,zmtk->znmt', Ws, Vs) # dot product of all row x (column,depth) embeddings
Mu_hat_mean = Mu_hat.mean(axis=0) # average over all posterior samples

See examples/ for a full example. Results should look like:

Visualization of the Binomial functional matrix factorization

Binomial, Bernoulli, or Negative Binomial observations

If your observations are binomial (or binary or negative binomial), you can use the Binomial sampler:

from functionalmf.factor import BinomialBayesianTensorFiltering
def init_model(nembeds=3, tf_order=2, lam2=0.1, sigma2=0.5):
    # Setup the model
    return BinomialBayesianTensorFiltering(nrows, ncols, ndepth,
                                                          nembeds=nembeds, tf_order=tf_order,
                                                          sigma2_init=sigma2, nthreads=1,

model = init_model()

The result follows the Gaussian example above, EXCEPT you need to pass the resulting means through the inverse logit transform:

from functionalmf.utils import ilogit
Mu_hat = ilogit(np.einsum('znk,zmtk->znmt', Ws, Vs))
Mu_hat_mean = Mu_hat.mean(axis=0)

See examples/ for a full example. Results should look like:

Visualization of the Binomial functional matrix factorization

Black box observations (Poisson example)

If you have a likelihood that is not in one of the conjugate or conditionally-conjugate categories above, you can use the non-conjugate sampler. This example focuses on a Poisson likelihood, common with count data, where the latent rate is constrained to be positive everywhere:

from functionalmf.factor import ConstrainedNonconjugateBayesianTensorFiltering

def rowcol_loglikelihood(Y, WV, row=None, col=None):
    if row is not None:
        Y = Y[row]
    if col is not None:
        Y = Y[:,col]
    if len(Y.shape) > len(WV.shape):
        WV = WV[...,None]
    import warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        z = np.nansum(poisson.logpmf(Y, WV))
    return z

def init_model(tf_order=0, lam2=0.1, sigma2=0.5):
    # Constraints requiring positive means
    C_zero = np.concatenate([np.eye(ndepth), np.zeros((ndepth,1))], axis=1)
    # Setup the model
    return ConstrainedNonconjugateBayesianTensorFiltering(nrows, ncols, ndepth,
                                                          nembeds=nembeds, tf_order=tf_order,
                                                          sigma2_true=sigma2, nthreads=1,

The code requires you provide it a log-likelihood function (rowcol_loglikelihood) that can optionally accept a row or column specifier. If those are specified, the corresponding WV matrix is limited to that specific row or column.

The rest of the code works the same as the above Gaussian sampler case. The results should look like this:

Visualization of the Poisson functional matrix factorization

The blue bars show the NMF-based EP approximation that centers the sampler. The orange line is the fit.

See examples/ for the complete example code.

Dose-Response Modeling

Dealing with dose-response modeling in multi-drug, multi-sample studies requires handling experimental technical error. An example dose-response model is not part of the functionalmf package, but is implemented on top of it. See doseresponse/ for a complete example of dose-response modeling.

Generalized analytic slice sampling

Included in the BTF code at functionalmf/ is a standalone tool for sampling from posteriors with truncated multivariate normal priors. The model enables linear constraints and arbitrary likelihoods. The script includes a runnable example of a truncated, monotone GP. The result looks something like this:

Visualization of the monotone GP

Orange bands represent 90% Bayesian credible intervals.

Installation issues

Known issues that come up installing and using the library are below.

  • You may have trouble with sksparse on MacOSX using conda. A solution is to install suitesparse: conda install -c conda-forge suitesparse

Citing this code

If you use this code, please cite the following paper (available here):

Bayesian Tensor Filtering: Smooth, Locally-Adaptive Factorization of Functional Matrices
W. Tansey, C. Tosh, D.M. Blei
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.04072

Bibtex entry:

  title={Bayesian Tensor Filtering: Smooth, Locally-Adaptive Factorization of Functional Matrices},
  author={Tansey, Wesley and Tosh, Christopher and Blei, David M.},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.04072},


Functional matrix factorization via Bayesian tensor filtering

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 78.5%Language:MATLAB 21.5%