Kverma517 / easy-oidc-provider

OpenID Connect Provider implementation, configure your OP in few minutes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

easy-oidc-provider - easy to setup OpenID Connect Provider

OpenID Connect Provider implementation, configure your OpenID-Connect Provider in less than an hour

OIDC Grants supported

  • Authorization code
  • Authorization code with PKCE
  • Implicit
  • Refresh Token
  • Resource Owner Password
  • JWT-Bearer
  • Client Credentials


(1) Choose OpenID-Connect Provider domain

(a) open global_config.json in editor and set YOUR_OP_HOST_DOMAIN as you openID-Connect provider domain i.e. op.example.org
# ./configuration/global_config.json
    "wellKnownConfiguration": {
        "hosts_supported": ["YOUR_OP_HOST_DOMAIN"]
(b) open generate_signing_keys_and_certs.sh in editor and set certificate YOUR_STATE, YOUR_CITY, YOUR_COMPANY and YOUR_OP_HOST_DOMAIN
# ./generate_signing_keys_and_certs.sh
openssl req -subj '/C=US/ST=YOUR_STATE/L=YOUR_CITY/O=YOUR_COMPANY/CN=YOUR_OP_HOST_DOMAIN' -new -key private.pem -out server.csr   

(2) Generate RSA keypair for JWT signing (required)

#Generates a private key, public key, JWK and stores into "signing-keys-and-certs" directory

(3) Generate encryption keys for authorization code and state (required)

# run following command
# open global_config.json in editor and copy STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY and STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY
# ./configuration/global_config.json
    "stateEncryptionKey": "STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY",
    "codeEncryptionKey": "STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY", 

(4) Generate master client_id, client_secret to call client credentials CRUD APIs (required)

# run following command
# open global_config.json in editor and copy CLIENT_CRUD_API_CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_CRUD_API_CLIENT_SECRET
# ./configuration/global_config.json
    "clientAPICredentials": {
        "client_id": "CLIENT_CRUD_API_CLIENT_ID",
        "client_secret": "CLIENT_CRUD_API_CLIENT_SECRET"

(5) Setup dynamodb and add tables (required)

# create dynamodb in AWS
Note: for local testing, run dynamodb locally by follow the steps described in 

# create following tables in dynamodb
Table #1 - Authorization codes
Purpose: store authorization code
Name: oidc-authorization-codes
Hash Attribute name: code Type: String
Global Secondary Index (GSI) name: session_id_index, attribute: session_id, type: string

Table #2 - Refresh tokens
Purpose: store refresh tokens
Name: oidc-refresh-tokens
Hash Attribute name: token Type: String
Global Secondary Index (GSI):
Hash Attribute name: refresh_token Type: String
Global Secondary Index (GSI) #1 name: session_id_index, attribute: session_id type: string
Global Secondary Index (GSI) #2 name: user_id_index, attribute: user_id type: string

Table #3 - Single sign on session
Purpose: store single sign on session 
Name: oidc-sso-sessions
Global Secondary Index (GSI):
Hash Attribute name: id Type: String
Global Secondary Index (GSI) #2 name: user_id_index, attribute: user_id type: string

Table #4 - Client credentials
Purpose: Store client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri ( callback urls) 
Name: oidc-client-credentials
Global Secondary Index (GSI):
Hash Attribute name: client_id Type: String
Global Secondary Index (GSI) #2 name: client_name_index, attribute: client_name type: string

(6) Add dynamodb configuration (required)

# global configuration
path: ./configuration/global_config.json
Add dynamodb (which was created in above prerequisite) endpoints into configuration
    "dynamoDBConfiguration": {
        "endpoint": "ADD_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT_HERE",
        "region": "AWS_REGION"
Note: for local testing
    "dynamoDBConfiguration": {
        "endpoint": "http://localhost:8000",
        "region": "us-west-2"

(7) Configure authentication script (required)

# authentication configuration: required, needs to be implemented for user authentication
description: implement user authentication and return authenticated user
required: yes
path: ./configuration/authentication/authentication_script.js
variables: ./configuration/authentication/authentication_script_variables.json - configure variables to be passed in above script

(8) Configure grant type hooks (optional)

# hooks configuration
description: javascript code to intercept various OIDC phases

a) hook configuration variables
file path: ./configuration/hooks/global_hooks_configuration.json
// add your variables in the below file which are shared in all the hooks
    "configuration" : {

b) post authenthentication hook : optional
script path: ./configuration/hooks/post_authentication_hook.js - implement your post authentication hook

c) authorization code grant hook : optional
script path: ./configuration/hooks/authorization_code_grant_hook.js - intercept authorization code exchange and add/remove id_token claims

d) refresh token grant hook : optional
script path: ./configuration/hooks/refresh_token_grant_hook.js - intercept refresh_token grant and add/remove id_token claims

e) client credentials grant hook : optional
script path: ./configuration/hooks/client_credentials_grant_hook.js - intercept client_credentials token call and add/remove id_token claims

f) jwt bearer grant hook : optional
script path: ./configuration/hooks/jwt_bearer_grant_hook.js - intercept jwt-bearer grant and add/remove id_token claims

(9) Update Login page (optional)

# login page
path: ./configuration/login-page/login.html

Run service with PM2

npm install
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

Run service without PM2

npm install
node --experimental-modules --experimental-json-modules src/server.mjs

OAuth2/OIDC endpoints

Authorization endpoint --> /oauth2/authorize
Token endpoint --> /oauth2/token
Wellknown endpoint --> /.well-known/openid-configuration
UserInfo endpoint --> /oauth2/userinfo

Authorization code flow

302 --> http://localhost:8080/oauth2/authorize?scope=SCOPE&client_id=CLIENT_ID&response_type=RESPONSE_TYPE&redirect_uri=RP_CALLBACK_URL&nonce=RP_GENERATED_NONCE&state=RP_GENERATED_STATE
302 --> http://localhost:8080/login-page?scope=SCOPE&client_id=CLIENT_ID&response_type=RESPONSE_TYPE&redirect_uri=RP_CALLBACK_URL&nonce=RP_GENERATED_NONCE&state=OP_STATE
[user submits username and password ]
--> POST: http://localhost:8080/authenticate
--> POST: http://localhost:8080/postauth/handler
302 --> RP_CALLBACK_URL?code=&state=
GET RP_CALLBACK_URL?code=&state=
[POST: http://localhost:8080/oauth2/token
 body: code=&redirect_uri=&client_id=&client_secret=&grant_type=authorization_code
 retrieve id_token
 RP consumes id_token as necesary

Client Credentials flow

POST /oauth2/token      //Line breaks for clarity
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

&scope=SCOPE_SUPPORTED // scopes created during client registration

// response
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBP..."

decoded access_token's claim would look like this
  "scope": "api:myapi",
  "iat": 1641919169,
  "exp": 1642351169,
  "aud": "qT2WlR3bDhhGc8THQP0EXMyWSWR56S5Vwkqk9FjG",
  "iss": "https://localhost:8080/"

Client registration APIs to create new client_id/client_secret

# get master client_id and client_secret from step#5 of prerequisites from
# Generate access token
curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://localhost:8080/oauth2/token' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=MASTER_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=MASTER_CLIENT_SECRET&scope=create:client read:client update:client delete:client'
# response
Swagger document - http://localhost:8080/api-docs/#/
# use above swagger url with above API_ACCESS_TOKEN to create new client credentials
Create client   -->    POST /api/clients
Get client      -->    GET /api/clients/{id}
Get all clients -->    GET /api/clients
Update client   -->    PATCH /api/clients/{id}
Delete client   -->    DELETE /api/clients/{id}

Integration tests

npm run integration-tests


OpenID Connect Provider implementation, configure your OP in few minutes.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.6%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:HTML 1.1%