Kusig / gwt-storage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GWT-Storage provides a layer above Phonegap file system and browsers local storage. It's main goal is to provide a local cache system for multimedia files used within a hybrid gwt phonegap application


Apache 2.0 License




The StorageManager must be configured initially once in order to retrieve the resources from the right location dependent of the runtime.

  1. If running as normal Webapp in the browser, the resources will be read always from the apps context path, thus from the Webserver.
  2. If running in Phonegap, it will read the resource from the given RemoteAppBaseUrl + StorageUrl
StorageManager storage = injector.getStorageManager();

The Json files stored at this location must have the name according the objects name in Java following the ID of the object.

Example: ch.gbrain.app.model.DomainItem-1.json

It must be retrievable from this address (concatenated AppBaseUrl + StorageUrl + Filename): http://www.gbrain.ch/testapp/storage/v1/ch.gbrain.app.model.DomainItem-1.json

This means that you have in your app a class DomainItem which is inherited from StorageItem, implementing the toJson/fromJson methods and with the id attribute set to "1" when reading the item through the StorageManager.readStorageItem(..) method.

JSON Resources

Inherit any JSON Resource from the base class StorageItem and implement toJson() and fromJson() method. See test cases model for an example. Of course you need as well to create for each moel class the RestyGWT JSON-Encoder/Decoder which is (can be) used within the toJson() / fromJson() methods.

Example toJson:

  public JSONValue toJson()
      TestItemCodec codec = GWT.create(TestItemCodec.class);
      return codec.encode(this);
    }catch(Exception ex)
      Logger.getGlobal().log(Level.WARNING, "Failure converting to Json", ex);
    return null;

Example fromJson: Here, the returned JSON object must be mapped into the object itself in order to be treated correctly further.

  public void fromJson(JSONValue json)
      TestItemCodec codec = GWT.create(TestItemCodec.class);
      TestItem tmp =  codec.decode(json);
      if (tmp!=null)
    }catch(Exception ex)
      Logger.getGlobal().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failure converting from Json", ex);

Retrieve JSON resources

This will retrieve the resource from the applications remote location if we run in phonegap, if we run in the browser, it will read always from apps context path. If the resource was already loaded before and its version and cache timeout is valid it will just return the local cached resource.

  storageManager.readStorageItem(jsonItem, true, 1, 3600, getLoadHandler()); 

  * Creates and returns a Callback to react once the json resource was 
  * properly retrieved
  * @return
private Callback<StorageItem, StorageError> getLoadHandler()
  return new Callback<StorageItem, StorageError>()
    public void onSuccess(StorageItem newItem)
      logger.log(Level.INFO, "Success reading the item=" + items.getLogId());
    public void onFailure(StorageError error)
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failure reading the item=" + items.getLogId());

Read JSON Resoures from LocalStorage

Retrieve the JSON object from the local browser storage (running in browser or phonegap doesn't matter). The item will be loaded dependent on its type, its id and the version all given with the Json object in which the result will be given back.


Write JSON Resources to LocalStorage

Write the JSON object to the local browsers storage given the Type of the object, the ID and the version.


Retrieve media resources

This downloads the resource (eg. image or video) from the relative url given. It checks with the version if we have the resource already in the local cached by comparing the version first and doesn't download if existing already.


Resolve cached files URL reference

Once you have downloaded any media resources, they are stored in the local cache directory. In order to retrieve the URL to this stored resource, you could call the following method. It will check if the resource is available and give you back the right URL dependent on the underlying runtime (browser / phonegap).

// preset with remote path in any case, will be overwritten later in the callback if possible
// invoke the resolver
storageManager.retrieveResourceUrl(item.getImage(),item.getVersion(), new Callback<String,FileError>()
   public void onSuccess(String url)
   public void onFailure(FileError error)
     logger.log(Level.WARNING,"Unable to retrieve Image resource " + item.getImage());


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%