Kungsgeten / major-mode-hydra.el

Spacemacs-esque major mode leader key powered by Hydra

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Major Mode Hydra


Inspired by Spacemacs major mode leader key and based on the awesome hydra, this package offers a better way to manage your major mode specific key bindings.



This package is available on MELPA.

M-x package-install [RET] major-mode-hydra [RET]


This package depends on hydra, dash and s.el. Make sure they are installed first.

Download the source code and put it wherever you like and add the directory to the load path:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/place/where/you/put/it/")


require the package and bind the major-mode-hydra command to a key:

(require 'major-mode-hydra)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-m") 'major-mode-hydra)

or if you prefer use-package:

(use-package major-mode-hydra
  ("C-M-m" . major-mode-hydra))

Whenever the command major-mode-hydra is executed, a (hopefully) pretty hydra for the major mode of the current buffer pops up.


Use the major-mode-hydra-bind macro to add heads to a major mode hydra. The following is an example for clojure-mode (as shown in the above screenshot):

(major-mode-hydra-bind clojure-mode "Connect"
  ("j" cider-jack-in "jack-in")
  ("J" cider-jack-in-clojurescript "jack-in-cljs")
  ("c" cider-connect "connect")
  ("R" cider-restart "restart")
  ("Q" cider-quit "quit"))
(major-mode-hydra-bind clojure-mode "Load"
  ("k" cider-load-buffer "buffer")
  ("l" cider-load-file "file")
  ("L" cider-load-all-project-ns "all-ns")
  ("r" cider-refresh "reload"))

It takes the name of a major mode (it should be an unquoted symbol), a column name and a list of hydra heads under that column. Each head is defined exactly in the same way as defhydra. You can call major-mode-hydra-bind multiple times for the same major mode in different places. Every time it's called, the hydra for that major mode will be recreated the next time major-mode-hydra command is used.

The generated hydra has the following default options:

(:color teal :hint nil)

which means by default it quits the hydra after a head command is executed. For major mode commands, this should usually be what you want. You can override it for each head using head options:

(major-mode-hydra-bind clojure-mode "Load"
  ("k" cider-load-buffer "buffer" :exit nil)
  ("l" cider-load-file "file" :color red))


Custom separator

You can customize the separator by setting the custom varable major-mode-hydra-separator. It should be set to a string containing a single character which is used to draw the separator line. Unicode box drawing characters are recommended.

Add an invisible hydra head for quitting

You can set major-mode-hydra-invisible-quit-key to a key sequence which can be used for quitting the hydra. This key doesn't show up in the docstring. The key being used is not allowed in major-mode-hydra-bind, otherwise there can be conflicts.

Add title to the hydra

You can add a title to the major mode hydra by setting major-mode-hydra-title-generator, which is a function that takes the major mode symbol and returns a string. For example, the title in the above screenshot is generated with the following generator:

(setq major-mode-hydra-title-generator
      '(lambda (mode)
         (s-concat "\n"
                   (s-repeat 10 " ")
                   (all-the-icons-icon-for-mode mode :v-adjust 0.05)
                   " "
                   (symbol-name mode)
                   " commands")))

Pretty Hydra


This package includes pretty-hydra.el which is used by major-mode-hydra.el but can also be installed and used on its own.

The following is an example in my own configuration:

(pretty-hydra-define jp-window (:hint nil :foreign-keys warn :quit-key "q")
  (;; general window management commands
   "Windows" (("x" ace-delete-window "delete")
              ("m" ace-delete-other-windows "maximize")
              ("s" ace-swap-window "swap")
              ("a" ace-select-window "select")
              ("o" other-window "cycle"))
   ;; resize
   "Resize" (("h" move-border-left "")
             ("j" move-border-down "")
             ("k" move-border-up "")
             ("l" move-border-right "")
             ("n" balance-windows "balance"))
   ;; split
   "Split"  (("b" split-window-right "horizontally")
             ("B" split-window-horizontally-instead "horizontally instead")
             ("v" split-window-below "vertically")
             ("V" split-window-vertically-instead "vertically instead"))
   ;; zoom
   "Zoom" (("+" zoom-in "in")
           ("=" zoom-in)
           ("-" zoom-out "out")
           ("0" jp-zoom-default "reset"))))

Apart from hydra's options like :hint or :color, there are additional options that allow you to customize the generated body docstring:

  • :title adds a title to the docstring. If it is a elisp variable or sexp, it's evaluated every time the hydra is opened or refreshed.
  • :formatter allows you to fully customize the docstring. It's a function that takes the docstring pretty-hydra-define generates, and returns a new docstring that's gonna be used. You can do things like generating a border etc.
  • :quit-key adds a invisible hydra head for quitting the hydra. It can be very useful when you set :foreign-keys to warn.

Hint for each head can be dynamic, either a symbol or an sexp which gets evaluated dynamically when rendering the hydra. Dynamic hint is always padded with space, or trimmed so that its length is fixed. This is to ensure the pretty layout doesn't get broken. You can specify the expected :width in head plists.

Dynamic hints are useful in toggles where it shows different hint based on the state of the toggle. pretty-hydra has built-in support for such use cases. You can enable it by setting :toggle to t in head plist. In this case, the command should also be a variable that indicates whether the toggle is on or off. This is the case for pretty much all minor modes.

The following is an example toggles hydra:

(pretty-hydra-define jp-toggles
  (:hint nil :color amaranth :quit-key "q" :title jp-toggles--title)
   (("n" linum-mode "line number" :toggle t)
    ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace" :toggle t)
    ("W" whitespace-cleanup-mode "whitespace cleanup" :toggle t)
    ("r" rainbow-mode "rainbow" :toggle t)
    ("L" page-break-lines-mode "page break lines" :toggle t))
   (("s" symbol-overlay-mode "symbol" :toggle t)
    ("l" hl-line-mode "line" :toggle t)
    ("x" highlight-sexp-mode "sexp" :toggle t)
    ("t" hl-todo-mode "todo" :toggle t))
   (("d" jp-themes-toggle-light-dark (pretty-hydra-toggle "dark theme" jp-current-theme-dark-p)))
   (("p" smartparens-mode "smartparens" :toggle t)
    ("P" smartparens-strict-mode "smartparens strict" :toggle t)
    ("f" flycheck-mode "flycheck" :toggle t))))


The on/off faces can be customized through pretty-hydra-toggle-on-face and pretty-hydra-toggle-off-face.

You can use pretty-hydra-define+ in order to add heads to an already existing pretty-hydra. New heads are appended to existing columns, if their names match (otherwise new columns are created). Here's an example redefining the jp-window hydra we created above.

(pretty-hydra-define+ jp-window ()
  (;; these heads are added to the existing "Windows" column
   "Windows" (("r" transpose-frame "rotate")
              ("z" zone "zone out!"))
   ;; this is a new column, which gets added
   "Appearance" (("f" set-frame-font "font")
                 ("t" load-theme "theme"))))


Copyright © 2018 Jerry Peng

Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3


Spacemacs-esque major mode leader key powered by Hydra


Language:Emacs Lisp 99.3%Language:Makefile 0.7%