Kunedawg / kev-bot-1.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


kev-bot is a discord bot for playing custom audio clips. The bot utilizes the discord.js library, MySQL, Google Cloud Storage and Heroku. See below for more information.

Table of contents


All commands to the bot are text commands. Commands can be sent in a text channel of a Discord Guild that the bot is a member of. Select commands can be sent directly to the bot (most commands except for the ones that actually play audio). All commands have the following basic syntax:

commandName!arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argN

The commandName is the name of the command that will be called and everything after the ! are the arguments of that specific command. Here are some common example commands:

upload! (with .mp3 file attached)

Audio Commands

commandName Argument 1 Argument 2 Description Example Usage
p audioClipName none Plays the given audioClipName p!hellogov
pr categoryName none Plays a random clip from the given categoryName pr!all
raid audioClipName voiceChannelIndex Plays the given audioClipName in the given voiceChannelIndex raid!chump 3

List Command

commandName Argument 1 Argument 2 Description Example Usage
list categoryName numOfMostPlayed (optional) The bot will DM the user a list of everything in the given categoryName. If the categoryName of mostplayed is used the default list length is 25. The user can provide the optional argument numOfMostPlayed list!all , list!mostplayed 10

Note there are are some specialized categoryNames that can be used with the list! command and the pr! command. See the table below:

categoryName Description Compatible with commmands
categories, cats All of the categories list!
emptycats All of the categories that have no clips list!
all All audio clips. Note providing no categoryName will be interpreted as all list!, pr!
mostplayed The most played audio clips. Note the user can request the specific amount, so top 5, 10, 54 etc... list!, pr!
myuploads The audio clips that the user has personally uploaded list!, pr!
playhistory The most recently played audio clips list!, pr!
uploadhistory The most recently uploaded audio clips list!, pr!

Greeting Commands

Each user can set a specific audio clip to be their greeting. The bot will play the user's greeting anytime a user joins a discord voice channel. The greeting is not played when switching between voice channels in the same discord.

commandName Argument 1 Argument 2 Description Example Usage
setgreeting audioClipName or categoryName type Sets the user's greeting to the given audioClipName. Specifiy the type (file or category) if the file or category name is ambiguous. setgreeting!hellogov
delgreeting none none Deletes/removes the user's greeting. No greeting will be played now. delgreeting!
getgreeting none none The bot will DM the user the name of their current greeting. getgreeting!

Farewell Commands

Each user can set a specific audio clip to be their farewell. The bot will play the user's farewell anytime a user disconnects from a discord guild. The farewell is not played when switching between voice channels in the same discord. Note that farewells are limited to 3 sec.

commandName Argument 1 Description Example Usage
setfarewell audioClipName Sets the user's farewell to the given audioClipName. Max clip length is 3 sec setfarewell!solong
delfarewell none Deletes/removes the user's farewell. No farewell will be played now. delfarewell!
getfarewell none The bot will DM the user the name of their current farewell. getfarewell!

Upload Command

commandName Arguments 1+ Special Arguments Description Example Usage
upload categoryNames (optional) mp3 File Uploads the attached mp3 file to the bot's google cloud storage. There are restrictions on the max length of the file and the name. The user can optionally include categories that the file should be added to. upload!arnold w/ mp3 attached


Category Commands

The bot supports categories, which allows the user to group audio clips into categories and then play a random clip from that category with the pr! command. It is also possible to list all of the clips in a certain category with the list! command. Categories can be created with the newcategory! command and clips can be added to a category with the addtocat! command. See the table below for more details and a full list of category commands.

commandName Argument 1 Argument 2+ Description Example Usage
newcategory categoryName none Creates a new category with the given categoryName newcategory!arnold
delcategory categoryName none Deletes the category with the given categoryName delcategory!arnold
addtocat categoryName audioClipNames Adds the given audioClipNames to the given categoryName addtocat!arnold icetomeetyou whoisyourdaddy magicschoolbus
delfromcat categoryName audioClipNames Deletes the given audioClipNames from the given categoryName delfromcat!arnold magicschoolbus
addcatsto audioClipName categoryNames Adds the given audioClipName to the given categoryNames addcatsto!billions trump president smart
delcatsfrom audioClipName categoryNames Removes the given audioClipName from the given categoryNames delcatsfrom!billions smart


Help Command

commandName Argument 1 Description Example Usage
help helpCategory The bot will DM the user helpful info on all the commands. Currently the only helpCategories are {kb,kevbot,kev-bot} help!kb

Code Architecture

Below you can find a diagram depicting the architecture of kev-bot. Note the main resources being leveraged by this project are: Node, Discord.js, the Discord API, Heroku, MySQL, GitHub, and Google Cloud.


Node, Discord.js, Discord API

The javascript code that runs on node is the brains of the bot. The Discord.js library is used to interact with the Discord API.


Heroku is a cloud computing platform that allows you to host processes. The javascript code as well as the MySQL Database are both hosted on Heroku. Note that GitHub is connected to Heroku so that anytime the master branch is pushed to it will update the code on the Heroku server.


The MySQL database stores a variety of permanent data that makes features like categories or greetings possible. See below for a visual representation of the database.


Google Cloud Storage

A Google Cloud Storage bucket is used to store all the mp3 files. The bot downloads all of the files on startup of a new build.

Release Notes


  • Upgraded to discord.js v14.
  • Support for SQL CA SSL.
  • Refactored code.


  • Bug fix to greetings of type file not playing.
  • Updated the README to include updates to greeting functionality


  • Greeting command now supports categories. Now you can set your greeting to a category and a random file from that category will be played upon entering a discord channel.


  • GitHub is now public and a README has been written. Arbitrarily calling this release v1.0.0, now that everything is setup.
  • Added farewells. Farewells are the same as greetings, except the clip is played on exit of a discord guild instead of entry.
  • Added new categories: playhistory and uploadhistory.
  • Various bug fixes and code improvements.



Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:Procfile 0.0%