KucherenkoIhor / LocationTracker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An example that shows how to track location when app is in background. It tracks location using FusedLocationProvideClient every 15 minutes when app in background and every 20 seconds in foreground. When app goes in background we schedule a task using the setExactAndAllowWhileIdle of AlarmManager that launches a foreground service and saves received location to local database. App follows the Clean Architecture pattern.

The test folder contains a test of use case using the Spek framework.


App contains a screen with a map that shows the last saved location if it exist and it is not older than 1 hour. It also request location updates and moves a marker according to updates.

App also contains a screen with a history of locations saved to database in background.




Language:Kotlin 100.0%