KostaD02 / algorithms

Usable algorithms written in JavaScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this repository, there will be some major algorithms used for sorting and searching. Each algorithm is separated into folders for search and sort. Each folder contains JavaScript files with algorithms in them. Each folder has a main.js file for the main part of the code; it serves as a wrapper for testing and seeing how fast each algorithm runs. Both main.js files have a config object which can be modified as you want to test the algorithms. There are already some great algorithms written; you can simply test them as you like, push them to edge cases, increase array size, or modify random number ranges (min-max).


const config = {
  SHOW_NUMBERS_LOG: false, // prints array of numbers
  SHOW_FASTEST_TIME_ALGORITHM: true, // showing fastest algoritm
  PRINT_IN_TABLE: true, // prints result in table
  RANDOM_MAX_NUMBER: 1000, // array numbers max value
  RANDOM_MIN_NUMBER: 1, // array numbers min value
  NUMBERS_SIZE: 1000, // array size

Run code

To run the code, you could simply use the Node environment or modify some parts of the code for running it on the web.

Sort code run:

node "{path}/algoritms/sort/main.js"

Search code run:

node "{path}/algoritms/search/main.js"


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Usable algorithms written in JavaScript

License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Language:JavaScript 100.0%