have a joystick version that supports charging buttons
have a charging driver version
Joystick package have name "automatic-charging" like package of this repository. You need to clone this in different directories.
mkdir allpr; cd allpr; git clone <this repo>; git clone <driver repo>; mkdir joystick; cd joystick; git clone <joystick repo>
dts devel build -f -H <autobot name>
docker -H <autobot name>.local run --name charging_driver -v /dev/mem --privileged --network=host -dit --restart unless-stopped -e ROBOT_TYPE=duckiebot docker.io/duckietown/charging-driver:automatic-charging-arm32v7
dts devel build -f
dts duckiebot keyboard_control --gui_image duckietown/dt-automatic-charging <autobot name>
dts devel build -f -H <autobot name> && dts devel run -f -H <autobot name>
When all nodes (responsible for parking, charging status and joystick) are running, you can start the parking process
With the active joystick, you need to press the "F" button to start parking or "G" to end it.
Due to the peculiarity of ROS, it is not enough to briefly press "F", in this case it is necessary to hold down "F" for 1-2 seconds