Konstanius / GitHubMcSync


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom Project: GitMcSync


  • Manual and fully automatic import / export of files and plugins to and from the GitHub repository
  • Listening for changes on the repository
  • One click commit pushing and installation via client IDE

Basic usage

Main principles

  • Easier collaboration of multiple developers
  • Automatic archiving and code changelog generation
  • Faster testing of config changes via One-Click configuration pushes


  • Move the plugin to your server's plugins folder and restart the server
  • Create a public or private GitHub repository and copy its link to the config "repository-url" (e.g.: https://github.com/Konstanius/GitHubMcSync)
  • If the repository is private, generate an account access token (https://github.com/settings/tokens) and paste it into the config under "token", then set "authenticate" to true
  • Restart the server and you're good to go

Enabling automatic features

  • To enable automatic commit and push detection, you will have to create a webhook on the repository and listen to it on the minecraft server
  • First, open a port on your server and change the config "webhook-port" to that port
  • Create a webhook on your linked GitHub repository (/settings/webhooks)
    • Add webhook
    • Specify the payloud url to be "http://(your server ip):(your webhook port)/webhook"
    • Set content type to be "application/json"
    • Leave Secret blank
    • Set events to listen to "Just the push event"
    • Add webhook
  • The repository will now be linked abd you can test it with the steps in Getting started

Getting started


  • Developer access on the Minecraft server
  • Collaborator access on this GitHub repository
  • IntelliJ IDEA <Community / Ultimate> (Link)
  • Git installed on your local computer (Link)

Setting up your environment:

  • Open IntelliJ IDEA
  • If a current project is still opened, click on File -> Close Project
  • Click "Get from VCS" in the top right
  • Select GitHub on the left, log-in with your account if applicable
  • Select server repository from the list of repositories
  • Click Clone

With this you have successfully cloned the repository on your local machine.

Configuring your environment: (Not required, but heavily recommended)

  • Open settings of the IDE (CTRL + ALT + S)
  • Version Control -> Git -> Uncheck "Show Push dialog for Commit and Push"
  • Version Control -> Commit -> Check "Use non-modeal commit interface", if not already checked
  • Apply and close settings
  • Click the "Commit" tab in your IDE (usually on the left border of the window)
  • Right-click "Unversioned files" -> add to .gitignore -> .idea/.gitignore
  • Make an exemplary change to any file and click the Commit and Push button

QuickSync file testing

  • Useful for: Small, chained changes of a configuration of a single plugin such as MythicMobs
  • An automated action will be taken as soon as the commit is registered by the Minecraft server
  • This action will merge the files of the modified directory with the server files
  • Usage:
    • Change any configuration files of a plugin
    • Modify the commit message to start with: /gitupgrade <plugin> <flag> / <Commit changelog message>
    • Flags are important:
      • If the plugin has a dedicated reload function of the format: /<plugin> reload use no flag
      • To reload a plugin using BileTools, use -b as flag
      • To restart the server after merging files, use -r as flag
      • To do nothing after merging files, use -s as flag


/gitexport <directory>

Uploads a directory and its contents / subdirectories to the repository.
Only files with a whitelisted file extension or no file extension will be uploaded.

/gitpull <-ai> <-s/-r>

Creates a manual pull request from the GitHub branch to the server branch and displays it as such.

  • -ai - Automatically uses /gitmerge <rest flags> to merge the files
  • -s - (Only usable with flag -ai) Do not display plugin reload list after installation
  • -r - (Only usable with flag -ai) Restart the server afetr installation to apply all changes

/gitmerge <token> <-s/-r>

Pull all files from the GitHub branch to the server branch.
This command can be automatically executed by clicking the installation message in a detected commit or with the -ai flag in the /gitpull -ai command.
After completion it will display a list of all installed plugins which can be individually clicked to reload them with BileTools.

  • -s - Do not display plugin reload list after installation
  • -r - Restart the server after installation to apply all changes

/gitupgrade <plugin> <-s/-r/-b>

Pull a specific plugin's directory files from the GitHub branch to the server branch.

  • -s - Do nothing after installation
  • -r - Restart the server afetr installation to apply all changes
  • -b - Reload the plugin using BileTools
  • none - Use the plugin internal reload command (/plugin reload) if it exists


Delete all local GitMcSync cache files, directories and temporary repositories. Useful to delete files on the remote repository without deleting them on the server if commits have been made after exporting and before deletion of data files.


Toggles the visibility of push detects in chat.
Is not persistent through a reload / restart of the plugin.




Language:Java 100.0%