Konloch / Class-File-Searcher

Dump Classfiles & Strings from arbitrary data

Home Page:https://konloch.com/Class-File-Searcher

Repository from Github https://github.comKonloch/Class-File-SearcherRepository from Github https://github.comKonloch/Class-File-Searcher


Command-line tool for dumping Class-files & Strings from arbitrary data


How To Install

How To Use - Count Class Files (Initial first look)

  • cfs count input.bin - Searches for classes inside the file input.bin
  • cfs count input-p1.bin input-p2.bin - Searches for classes inside the two files input-p1.bin & input-p2.bin
  • cfs count *.bin - Searches for classes in all files in the current path that end in .bin (non-recursive)
  • cfs count dir/ - Searches for classes in the specified folder

How To Use - Dump Strings From Found Class Files (Peak what's inside)

  • cfs classes input.bin - Searches for strings from classes inside the file input.bin
  • cfs classes input-p1.bin input-p2.bin - Searches for strings from classes inside the two files input-p1.bin & input-p2.bin
  • cfs classes *.bin - Searches for strings from classes in all files in the current path that end in .bin (non-recursive)
  • cfs classes dir/ - Searches for strings from classes in the specified folder

How To Use - Dump Class Files (Full dive with a decompiler)

  • cfs classes input.bin - Searches for classes inside the file input.bin
  • cfs classes input-p1.bin input-p2.bin - Searches for classes inside the two files input-p1.bin & input-p2.bin
  • cfs classes *.bin - Searches for classes in all files in the current path that end in .bin (non-recursive)
  • cfs classes dir/ - Searches for classes in the specified folder

How Does It Work?

  • We search for all instances of 'CAFEBABE' and store the data between each file, assuming the files are stored back to back.
  • We make the following assumptions:
    • It's uncompressed data
    • It's not lying to us when it says 'CAFEBABE'
    • The files are stored back to back, I.E. each chunk of 'CAFEBABE' represents another class once reached.


  • We're resistant to most obfuscation, but if you find something that breaks CFS feel free to report the issue.


Dump Classfiles & Strings from arbitrary data


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%