Konjungate / docker-container

Link to the Konjungate Docker Container

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Konjungate docker-container

How to run the Konjungate-qt GUI on a Docker Container

Replace these strings in step 1. with the values that apply for your system:

  • PATH-TO-XAUTHORITY-FILE: location of the Xauthority file (usually /home/$user/.Xauthority)
  • PATH-TO-LOCAL-WALLET-DIRECTORY: a directory for your local wallet

1. Create a container
docker create --name konjungate-qt \
-e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/Xauthority \
-v PATH-TO-XAUTHORITY-FILE:~/.Xauthority \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id \

2. The output will be the container ID. If you forgot it, then run docker ps and get the container ID of the thesix/konjungate-qt image. Copy this string and replace it with $containerID in the following command to allow forwarding from our container to xhost:
xhost +local:`docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' $containerID

3. Start the container
docker start konjungate-qt


Link to the Konjungate Docker Container