Konjungate / KONJUNGATE-WooCommerce-Plugin

Start accepting payments in KONJUNGATE cryptocurrency.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


KONJUNGATE cryptocurrency WooCommerce plugin installation guide

1.) Download plugin Download the plugin from the official KONJUNGATE github Organisation (https://github.com/Konjungate/)

2.) Install plugin To install the plugin, navigate to Plugins/Add New in the main navigation of your Wordpress Site. After that, press “Upload plugin“ and choose file “woocommerce-konjungate.zip” in the upload form. Press “Install Now“. Once the plugin is installed successfully, press the button “Activate Pugin”.

3.) Configure settings Before you start accepting payments, you need to configure the settings with a payment address. In the list of plugins, click on “Settings” link. In settings page, all settings are predefind with optimal configuration, however, you can change them according to your preferrences. Add your KONJUNGATE address in the field “KONJUNGATE Wallet Address” and save settings. Make sure that you only use this address for receiving payments on your e-commerce store.

That’s all! You are ready now to start receiving payments in KONJUNGATE cryptocurrency!


Start accepting payments in KONJUNGATE cryptocurrency.