Kokonaut / elite-lab-final

Final Project Template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elite Final Project: Your Own Site


This project will be your final product from this course. Feel free to reupload this directory as your own github repo after we are done.

We have provided a starter personal portfolio site for you. It includes:

  • A hero section
  • A sub banner section
  • Text blurb
  • Project descriptions
  • Interests (with hover overlays)
  • Footer with contact info

These are meant to be starters and examples for your own site. Add in your own content, reorder, restructure. Feel free to customize this as much as you want.

Also, the we have provided the framework for a working chat app. This includes:

  • Create Chatroom Form
  • Sign in Form
  • Chatroom Page
  • Supporting backend components

As always, feel free to reach out to me if you run into issues, or if there is something you want to implement, but don't know where to get started. (I always recommend looking at other sites for inspiration).

Even after this course is over, feel free to contact me for any help web dev related. I'll always find time to help you guys out. ( kevin.koh.dev@gmail.com )

Chat App Functional Doc

Key Definitions

  • Chatroom refers to the frontend chatroom. For ex: /chatrooms/abc123/ will return the HTML page for the chatroom.
  • Chat refers to the collection of messages in the backend. For ex: /chats/123/ is an API that will return the message data for that chat.

Model Components

The chat app leverages 3 models for data storage. These are:


Storage of individual messages used in the chat app. It has a many-to-one relationship to Chat (as in MANY messages belong to ONE chat). This is set with the chat_id foreign key.

  • Message
    • id <Integer>: The primary key used to identify indivual messages
    • chat_id <Integer>: The foreign key used to identify which chat this message belongs to
    • timestamp <DateTime>: The timestamp for when this message was created
    • username <String>: Username of person that sent the message
    • content <String>: Text content of the message


Storage of chats. Used to identify and name chatrooms, and to organize messages. It has a one-to-many relationship to Message (as in ONE chat has MANY messages)

  • Message
    • id <Integer>: The primary key used to identify indivual messages
    • name <String>: The name for this specific chat
    • hash_key <String>: A randomly generated sequence of characters that can be stored in the link URL and identify the chat.


Stores a session, mapping a token to a username. When a user "logs in" they create a new session and are given the token. Whenever the user makes a request with that token, we can associate it back to that user.

Keep in mind: There are some obvious security features that we skip over (for sake of simplicity). For example, anyone can sign in with the same username and assume to be that user. Think about how this could be handled.

  • Session
    • id <Integer>: The primary key used to identify indivual sessions
    • token <String>: A randomly generated sequence of characters that can be used to ID a session. We try to be long and random here, so we can't have other users "guess" the token
    • username <String>: The username that we call the user in this session

User Flow

(Remember that we use cookies and tokens to create sessions for a user. A user has a single username for that session, which is used between chatrooms).

We have two typical user flows:

User Creates Chatroom

  • User goes to the create chatroom page
  • Fills in the chatroom name and hits submit
  • User is directed to the chatroom page
  • IF the user is not currently in a session
    • Redirect them to the session create (login) form
    • User gives a username and submits
    • User is given a token that's stored in cookies
    • User is redirected to the chatroom page
  • User is on the chatroom page, gets initial messages, and can send messages

User Joins Chatroom

  • User is given a link to a chatroom page
  • User visits chatroom page
  • IF the user is not currently in a session
    • Redirect them to the session create (login) form
    • User gives a username and submits
    • User is given a token that's stored in cookies
    • User is redirected to the chatroom page
  • User is on the chatroom page, gets initial messages, and can send messages



Your goal is to create the Chat model and perform the migration

Lab is complete when you are able to succesfully:

  • Create a chatroom
  • Create a session with a username
  • Send, receive, and share that chatroom

You will be editing these files:

  • app/models.py


Your goal will require you to write the model class. Please use the other model classes as a reference (it will show you how to define your fields).

Set Up

  • Fork and clone the repository to your local dev environment

  • Activate your virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install the dependencies to your virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Start up your SQLite database with:
python3 -m flask db init
python3 -m flask db migrate -m "my first migration"
python3 -m flask db upgrade
  • Spin up the local web server with:
python3 -m flask run

Lab Steps

  • Look at the docs above to see what fields you need to define in the Chat model

  • Put these definitions into code in app/models.py

  • Now that you've changed the model, you need to perform a migration

  • Prepare the migration with this command: python3 -m flask db migrate -m "<Insert name of migration>"

  • Run the migration with: python3 -m flask db upgrade

  • Confirm the migration worked by running the app and checking the site

To test the app:

  • Create a chatroom

  • Validate that you can start a session

  • Send some messages as yourself in this session

  • Open the same webpage in a different tab or window (but same browser) and check if you are still logged in as the same person

  • Get the share link at the bottom of the page and copy it

  • Open up a new window with an incognito tab or separate browser.

  • Paste the share link from earlier and log in as someone else

  • Send messages and verify that you can talk between different windows

Once you're finished, customize the rest of your site (feel free to copy/paste your work from week 3 lab).

Lab Advice

  • If your database goes out of sync with your schema, you can run these commands:
python3 -m flask db stamp head
python3 -m flask db migrate
python3 -m flask db upgrade


Final Project Template


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