Kociamber / ex_maps

Simple Elixir wrapper around Google Maps API

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Fast, industrial strength, concurrent Google Maps interface for Elixir platforms.


Currently the wrapper handles Directions and Distance Matrix Google API calls.

Yes, it's written in Elixir and it's concurrent. It means that every coordinates entry on param list will spawn separate Elixir process (task) to retrieve the data from Google API or the cache if query has been already sent. It allows to create large amounts of queries in the same time and return them quickly. In addition each interface type spawns his own "coordinator" process which prevents long queueing in case of multiple calls do different APIs in the same time.

The application is using super fast generational caching lib Nebulex.


Add ExMaps as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps() do
  [{:ex_maps, "1.1.2"}]


In order to be able to use Google API, you need to get free or commercial key. Please then create environmental variable MAPS_API_KEY with the value of your key.

If you are going to use this application as a dependency in your own project, you will need to copy and paste below configuration to your config/config.exs file:

config :ex_maps, api_key: System.get_env("MAPS_API_KEY")

config :ex_maps, ExMaps.Cache,
  adapter: Nebulex.Adapters.Local,
  n_shards: 2,
  gc_interval: 3600

..and you are ready to go!

Basic Usage

Please note that free Google API key has some limitations and it will be easy to exceed query limit per second. First param is a list of coordinates, second one is a list of additional options explained on hexdocs and Google Dev Guide.

ExMaps.get_directions([%{origin: "Warsaw", destination: "Amsterdam"}], units: :metric)
[%{"geocoded_waypoints" => ... }]

You can of course mix coordinates types, ie. cities names, latitude / longitude, etc.

ExMaps.get_directions([%{origin: "Warsaw", destination: "Amsterdam"}, %{origin: {52.3714894, 4.8957388}, destination: {52.3719729, 4.8903469}}], units: :metric)
[%{"geocoded_waypoints" => ... }, %{"geocoded_waypoints" => ... }]
ExMaps.get_distance_matrix([%{origins: ["Warsaw", "Kraków"], destinations: ["Amsterdam", "Utrecht"]}], language: "pl")
[%{"destination_addresses" => ...}]

To do

  • Add Elevation service.
  • Simplify configuration.


This project is MIT licensed. Please see the LICENSE.md file for more details.


Simple Elixir wrapper around Google Maps API

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%