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Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex Applications

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⌛️ vuex-loading

Multiple Process Loader Management for Vue and (optionally) Vuex.

Even it's named as "vuex-loading", Vuex is now completely optional.

Play with demo above.

vuex-loading helps to manage multiple loading states on the page without any conflict. It's based on a very simple idea that manages a Vuex store with multiple loading states. The built-in loader component listens its registered loader and immediately become loading state.


Power supplies

  • Vuex, optionally (v2.0.0+)


$ npm install vuex-loading
# or if you using Yarn
$ yarn add vuex-loading


import VueLoading from 'vuex-loading'

Vue.use(VueLoading) // add VueLoading as Vue plugin

Then you should register VueLoading module:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  vueLoading: new VueLoading({registerComponents: false}), // configure VueLoading here

Usage with Vuex

Simply set useVuex parameter to true and optionally override moduleName

import VueLoading from 'vuex-loading'

Vue.use(VueLoading) // add VueLoading as Vue plugin

Then you should register vueLoading module:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  vueLoading: new VueLoading({ useVuex: true, moduleName: 'vuex-example-module' }), // configure VueLoading here

Now VueLoading will use Vuex store for data management which can be traced in Vue DevTools

VueLoading options

You can use this options for customize VueLoading behavior


boolean value, false by default, use this value for enabling integration with Vuex store

When this value is true VueLoading will store data in Vuex store and all changes to this data will be made by dispatching actions to store


string value, loading by default. Name for Vuex store if useVuex set to true, otherwise not used.


boolean value, true by default, register v-loading components.

Global Template Helpers

vuex-loading provides some helpers to you to use in your templates. All features can be obtained from $vuexLoading property in Vue components


Returns boolean value if any loader exists in page.

  <progress-bar v-if="$vuexLoading.anyLoading">Please wait...</progress-bar>

$isLoading(loader String)

Returns boolean value if given loader exists in page.

  <progress-bar v-if="$vuexLoading.isLoading('creating user')">Creating User...</progress-bar>

$isLoading(loaders Array<String>)

Returns boolean value if some of given loaders exists in page.

  <progress-bar v-if="$vuexLoading.isLoading(['creating user', 'page loading'])">Creating User...</progress-bar>

$startLoading(loader String)

Starts the given loader.

  <button @click="$vuexLoading.startLoading('creating user')">Create User</button>

$endLoading(loader String)

Stops the given loader.

  <button @click="$vuexLoading.endLoading('creating user')">Cancel</button>

Global Action Helpers

vuex-loading provides some helpers to you to use in your Vuex stores.

import { createActionHelpers } from 'vuex-loading'
const { startLoading, endLoading } = createActionHelpers({
  moduleName: 'loading'

startLoading(dispatcher, loader String [,async callback])

You can trigger loader from the action. This will make your templates cleaner and you will have an accurate loader status. startLoading will trigger a loading and will end loader after the optional async callback is finished.

Example using the Promise returning callback function

export default {
  actions: {
    async createUser({ commit, dispatch }) {
      const response = await startLoading(dispatch, 'creating user', () => {
        return fetch("...") // Some async job that returns Promise instance.
      commit(types.CREATE_USER, response)
  // ...

Example call without a provided callback

export default {
  actions: {
    createUser({ commit, dispatch }) {
      startLoading(dispatch, 'creating user');
      request('/create-user', (response) => {
        endLoading(dispatch, 'creating user')
        commit(types.CREATE_USER, response);
  // ...

endLoading(dispatcher, loader String)

Ends given loading from actions.

export default {
  actions: {
    async createUser({ commit, dispatch }) {
      try {
        const response = await startLoading(dispatch, 'creating user', () => { /* ... */ });
        commit(types.CREATE_USER, response)
      } catch (e) {
        // In any unexpected thing occurs on runtime, end the loading.
        endLoading(dispatch, 'creating user')
  // ...

Using v-loading Component

If you disable registerComponents option then import and add v-loading into components

import vLoading from 'vuex-loading/v-loading.vue'
components: {
  'v-loading': vLoading

In template, you should wrap your content with v-loading component to show loading on it.

<v-loading loader='fetching data'>
  <template slot='spinner'>
    This will be shown when "fetching data" loader starts.

  This will be shown when "fetching data" loader ends.

Better example for a button with loading state:

<button :disabled='$loading.isLoading("creating user")'>
  <v-loading loader='creating user'>
    <template slot='spinner'>Creating User...</template>
    Create User

Making Reusable Loader Components

With reusable loader components, you will be able to use custom loader components as example below. This will allow you to create better user loading experience.

In this example above, the tab gets data from back-end, and the table loads data from back-end at the same time. With vuex-loading, you will be able to manage these two seperated loading processes easily:

<template lang='pug'>
  v-loading(loader='fetching tabs')
          b-nav-item(active disabled)
            v-icon(name='circle-o-notch', spin)
        b-nav-item(v-for='tab in tabs') {{ tab.name }}

  v-loading(loader='fetching data')
      tr(v-for='row in data')
        // ...

You may want to design your own reusable loader for your project. You better create a wrapper component called my-spinner:

<!-- MySpinner.vue -->
    loading: Yükleniyor...
    loading: Loading...

<template lang="pug">
    //- Uses vue-awesome spinner
    v-icon(name='refresh', spin)
    span {{ $t('loading') }}

<style scoped lang="scss">
  .loading-spinner {
    opacity: 0.5;
    margin: 50px auto;
    text-align: center;
    .fa-icon {
      vertical-align: middle;
      margin-right: 10px;

Now you can use your spinner everywhere using slot='spinner' attribute:

<template lang="pug">
  v-loading(loader='fetching data')
      p My main content after fetching data...

Built-in Loaders (WIP)

Also you can use built in loaders:

  • v-loading-spinner
  • v-loading-heart
  • ... more to come.

You need to put them into a template tag.

<v-loading loader='fetching data'>
  <template slot="spinner">
    <v-loading-spinner height='30px' width='30px' />

  This will be shown when "fetching data" loader ends.

Please see example for more detailed example.

Run example

Use npm run dev-vuex or npm run dev-default commands for running examples locally.


  • Fatih Kadir Akın, (creator)
  • Igor, (maintainer, made Vuex-free)


MIT © Fatih Kadir Akın


Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex Applications

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 51.2%Language:Vue 48.8%