KoBionic / node-config-server

Centralized configuration server providing a dynamic RESTful API, allowing retrieval of entire files content or their parsed properties.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node Config Server

npm version Build Status Coverage Quality Gate Maintainability Security Dependencies Status DevDependencies Status License

Centralized configuration server providing a dynamic RESTful API, allowing retrieval of entire files content or their parsed properties.


The Node Config Server project is deployed both on npm & the Docker Hub. Choose which type of installation meets your requirements and follow the appropriate procedure as described below.


npm install --global @kobionic/node-config-server


Using plain-old Docker command

docker run -d --name node-config-server kobionic/node-config-server

The image basically exposes port 20490, therefore container links will make it available to the linked containers.

If you want to make it available to services running on your host, use the -p options to publish the port on your host:

docker run -d -p 20490:20490 --name node-config-server kobionic/node-config-server

Using Docker Compose

With Docker Compose, configuration is as easy as writing a docker-compose.yml file such as:

version: '3'

    image: 'kobionic/node-config-server'
    container_name: 'node-config-server'
    restart: 'always'
      - '20490:20490'
      - '/path/to/your/config:/app/config:ro'


Configuration of the application is done using environment variables. You can find a list of all available variables by reading this documentation a little bit further.

Configure with Docker Compose

Configuring the application with Docker Compose only requires adding an environment array to your docker-compose.yml file.

As an example, if you would like to add a correlation ID to the logger, you need to add this to your docker-compose.yml file:

  LOG_PRINT_ID: 'true'

Configure by setting OS environment variables

Let's use the example above again and set LOG_PRINT_ID to true using environment variables, both on Linux & Windows.

On Linux

export LOG_PRINT_ID=true

On Windows

set LOG_PRINT_ID=true

Environment variables

Numerous environment variables can be set to configure the application.

Variable Type Default Description
PORT number 20490 the port the server will listen on
LOG_DIR string ./logs log file directory
LOG_LEVEL string info set the logging level ( debug | error | info | none )
LOG_NAME string node-config-server log file name
LOG_PRINT_ID boolean false if set to true, will add a correlation ID to the logging output
LOG_WEBSOCKET boolean true if set to true, will add a WebSocket transport to the logger
NODE_CONFIG_DIR string ./config base directory where served files will be looked for
EUREKA_CLIENT boolean false the server will try to register to an Eureka server if set to true
EUREKA_SERVER_HOST string localhost configures the Eureka server hostname
EUREKA_SERVER_PORT number 8761 configures the Eureka server port number



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


Centralized configuration server providing a dynamic RESTful API, allowing retrieval of entire files content or their parsed properties.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%