Here are some articles I wrote about my environment:
What's in there?
- all my
dependencies including: applications, fonts, etc. SeeBrewfile
- all my
configuration. Seemacos
- all my shell configuration including my own
theme. Seeshell/
- all my
configuration. Seevscode/
We are using dotbot
to set things up. Steps:
- Clone this repo with:
git clone dotfiles
cd dotfiles/
- Run:
bash ./install
I am using both hyper
and default Terminal App
as terminal emulators.
I am using zsh
with oh-my-zsh
as the main shell.
And zplug
to manage shell plugins.
I also have a lot of tools / scripts / aliases to make my working experience better.
I mainly work with several stacks:
So, they are configured nice and smoothly. You will have configured version managers, editor support, best practices, and useful tools. And some productivity hacks!
I also have several other languages installed. But I don't use them on a daily basis.
I am using brew
to install all free apps for my mac.
I also sync apps from AppStore with brew
via mas
so the resulting Brewfile
contains everything.
I try to containerize everything.
So, docker
is my main development and deployment tool.
However, I also use several databases and other services locally:
I use this setup for small and simple projects. Other stuff is always dockerized.
I loved my Sublime
. It was fast and beautiful.
The main reason is that Sublime
is almost unmaintained.
Packages are also abandoned.
So, I have switched to vscode
It solved almost all issues I had with Sublime
Here's how my new vscode
setup looks like:
Here's a list of packages I use:
theme with modifications andA File Icon
syntax highlightingVetur
I try to keep my vscode
setup as simple as possible.
It was also heavy influenced by makevscodeawesome
I also use powered-up nano
for in-terminal editing.
Some of the used tools requires local configuration. Such as git
with username and email.
Here's the full list:
to store any user-specific data~/.shell_env_local
to store local shell config, like: usernames, passwords, tokens,gpg
keys and so on
WTFPL: do the fuck you want. Enjoy!