Kmschr / GeoTIFF2Heightmap

Convert GeoTIFF raster data to rgba encoded PNG heightmaps

Repository from Github https://github.comKmschr/GeoTIFF2HeightmapRepository from Github https://github.comKmschr/GeoTIFF2Heightmap


Convert GeoTIFF raster data to rgba encoded PNG heightmaps

Example output Example output

Getting data

There are a lot of good sources for getting high resolution elevation data, though it is not available for all areas and the data is not always complete or free of noise. Here are some sources I used while making this program.

OpenTopography - 1 meter resolution Lidar scans with option to supress noise/trees and generate shaded relief maps, limited to specific areas within the US. Some data is restricted to users with .edu email address

USGS TNM - Covers a larger area than OpenTopography and has multiple resolutions available but has less options for pulling data from specific bounds


requires libgdal-dev to be installed on linux if on windows python with gdal can be installed using OSGeo4W

python3 -h for usage instructions:

usage: [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-d DOWNSAMPLE] [-v VERTICAL SCALE] [-n] FILE

Convert GeoTIFF raster data to rgba encoded PNG heightmaps

positional arguments:
FILE               file path for GeoTIFF (.tif) data

optional arguments:
-h, --help         show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE         specify output file/path (default: heightmap.png)
-d DOWNSAMPLE      skip over every n-1 data points for smaller image output (default: 1)
-v VERTICAL SCALE  height multiplier - controls vertical resolution (default=100)
-n, --normalize    subtract min height from height values


Convert GeoTIFF raster data to rgba encoded PNG heightmaps

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%