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TheThingsNetwork AWS Workshop repository

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The Things Network AWS Workshop

This workshop will help you get a Things Node connected to the AWS Cloud, where we'll use the power of AWS services to quickly query the activity of your alarm and notify you when there's a burglar at your doorstep!

AWS Architecture

During the workshop, we will use multiple AWS services and combine them in a data workflow. The workflow will branch out into:

  • a flow which will detect motion while it's dark and send out a SNS notification to your mailbox. (hands-on part of the workshop)
  • a flow which will store the messages into S3's object storage (after a small transformation) and make the data queryable via AWS Athena. (will be demoed, the step by step log is also provided within this document). architecture

AWS Services

Below one can find all the AWS Services that will be used during this workshop. Each service is listed under an AWS Service Group which is an abstract level categorising the AWS Services. Only a brief description is foreseen, during the workshop we provide a bit more information about each service. Detailed information can be found via Explore AWS Products

Group: Compute

  • EC2: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud.
  • Lambda: small code blocks or functions which act on or transform data, without having to provision or manage servers.
  • Elastic Beanstalk: is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services.

Group: Management Tools

  • CloudWatch: is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS.
  • CloudFormation: allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts.

Group: Internet of Things

  • AWS IoT: is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. This is were we'll see our devices and can subscribe/publish messages.

Group: Application Integration

  • Simple Notification Service: Allows you to send notifications to a mobile device, e-mail account, http endpoint etc.

Group: Analytics

  • Athena: interactive query service that makes it easy to analyse data in AWS S3 using standard SQL.
  • Kinesis: AWS message log, which makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time data and deliver it to various endpoints (such as S3).
  • QuickSight: is a fast, cloud-powered business analytics service that makes it easy to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, and quickly get business insights from your data

Group: Storage

  • S3: AWS object storage which allows you to store files of data, video, images,...

Workshop resources

We will be using various code snippets during the workshop, which you can simply copy-paste from this repo.

TTN CloudFormation template: We made a small change to the default AWS CloudFormation template provided by The Things Network. Therefore you are advised to use this template during the workshop.
Lambda to SNS notification: We'll use this Javascript snippet for an AWS Lambda function. It will send out a notification to your email inbox via SNS when it detects movement at night.
Lambda to flatten json: We'll use this Javascript snippet for an AWS Lambda function. It will take multiple records from a Kinesis stream and transform the json message of the TTN Node to a flat json with only the fields we require.
Lambda test record: You can use this sample Kinesis record to test your "flatten json" lambda.
Athena create table statement: We'll use this "create table" statement to create a table in Athena, which maps on the data we stored in S3.

Workshop log

This log will guide you through the steps of the workshop.

Generic setup

1. Setting up the TTN Integration with AWS

During the workshop there will be one LoRa Gateway on which several Things Nodes will be connected via LoRa.

The TTN Integration with AWS brings the LoRaWAN to AWS IoT, which syncs thing registry, syncs thing shadows, acts on uplink messages and sends downlink messages. This integration runs in your AWS account and security context and can connect to The Things Network public community network and private networks.

To make this possible TTN has created a CloudFormation template which will setup the required:

  • IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles
  • EC2 node on which the actual application responsible for the synchronization between the two IoT platforms will be deployed.
  • Elastic Beanstalk configuration which is the TTN provided web application.
  • CloudWatch configuration that captures and reports the TTN web application metrics.
  • ...

To deploy the TTN CloudFormation template one can use the Quick Start guide provided by The Things Network. However, you need to take one small change into account. Instead of using their S3 template URL link, you should use our template, and upload it during the "select template" step of the guide.

Note: Before following this quick start guide one has to create a secure KeyPair which is required during the CloudFormation Stack configuration. See section : 1.1 Create KeyPair in this document.


Use the provided abstract description below.

2. Create KeyPair

During the configuration of the CloudFormation stack one will be requested to provide a KeyPair. Amazon EC2 uses public–key cryptography to encrypt and decrypt login information. The public and private keys are known as a key pair. So the only purpose for this KeyPair is to have the private key which is required when one wants to login directly from their local development machine onto an EC2 node.

During this workshop there is no need to login to the EC2 node which is used to run the TTN Elastic Beanstalk application. But since an EC2 node is automatically created during the deployment of the CloudFormation template, it is mandatory to provide one. The private key belonging to this KeyPair can only be downloaded once, so make sure you store it in a safe place, since this will be the last time you'll be able to download it.

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
  2. In the navigation pane, under NETWORK & SECURITY, choose Key Pairs.
    Note: The navigation pane is on the left side of the Amazon EC2 console. If you do not see the pane, it might be minimized; choose the arrow to expand the pane.
  3. Choose Create Key Pair.
  4. Enter a name for the new key pair in the Key pair name field of the Create Key Pair dialog box, and then choose Create.
    Note: for this workshop it would be best to identify each resource with a ttn prefix. It would make life easier in cleaning your environment after the workshop. So set as Key pair name => ttn-workshop-key-pair
  5. The private key file is automatically downloaded by your browser. The base file name is the name you specified as the name of your key pair, and the file name extension is .pem. Save the private key file in a safe place.

3. Deploy TTN CloudFormation Template

  1. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/.
  2. Choose Create Stack
  3. In section Choose a template select Upload a template to Amazon S3
  4. Download the content of the TTN CloudFormation template file and upload it to S3 via Choose File.
    Note: The best way to download the content is to open the file. Select Raw and copy the content in a new created file or with some browsers one can select the shown raw page content, right mouse button and do a save as.
  5. Choose Next
  6. Stack name => ttn-workshop-app
  7. AccountServer => keep the default (don't change)
  8. AppAccessKey => TBD. This is the application access key which can be found in your TTN application.
  9. AppId => TBD This is the application id which can be found in your TTN application.
  10. DiscoveryServer => keep the default (don't change)
  11. EnvironmentName => ttn-beanstalk-env. This will be the name given to the automatic created EC2 node
  12. InstanceType keep the default (don't change)
  13. KeyName => ttn-workshop-key-pair
  14. ThingShadowDeltaFPort => keep the default (don't change)
  15. ThingSyncEnabled => keep the default (don't change)
  16. ThingSyncInterval => Choose 1m
  17. ThingTypeName => ttnLoraWan
  18. Choose Next
  19. In the next window nothing has to be changed. Choose Next
  20. Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  21. Choose Create

Follow the progress of the Stack creation. This might take several minutes.

4. Check the EC2 Created Instance

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
  2. In the navigation pane, under INSTANCES, choose Instance.
    Note: The navigation pane is on the left side of the Amazon EC2 console. If you do not see the pane, it might be minimized; choose the arrow to expand the pane.

One should see an entry with the name ttn-beanstalk-env as which we provided during the creation of the Stack. Notice the Instance Type, Availability Zone and the Instance State.

5. Check the TTN Elastic Beanstalk Application

  1. Open the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/.
  2. Choose ttn-beanstalk-env and notice the Health
  3. Choose the URL in the top left corner containing ttn-beanstalk-env....elasticbeanstalk.com. Notice that a new page is loaded with title The Things Network Integration.

6. Check the TTN Application Metrics via CloudWatch

  1. Open the Amazon CloudWatch console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics
    Note: The navigation pane is on the left side of the Amazon CloudWatch console.If you do not see the pane, it might be minimized; choose the arrow to expand the pane.

  3. Under Custom Namespaces choose TheThingsNetwork/Integration

  4. Choose AppId, DiscoveryServer
    If your device is not switched on the only metric count that we should see is for the metric ThingsCreatedInAWS.

  5. Choose in the menu tab All metrics the metric name ThingsCreatedInAWS

  6. In the menu tab Graphed metrics, set the Statistic column to Sum.

Notice that the Graph shows a count with value 1. So we can conclude that once you've got the integration up-and-running, it will automatically sync the devices of The Things Network to AWS IoT

With the above checks we have showed different ways for you to check if the TTN Integration with AWS was a success. The only thing that needs to be checked is if data from the ThingNode is coming into AWS.

7. Verify the IoT Data of Your Things Node in AWS IoT.

  1. open AWS IoT in the AWS Management Console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/iot/home
  2. in the menu on the left, go to Manage -> Things. Here you should see your TTN things now.
  3. in the menu on the left, go to Test. Here we'll try to subscribe on the MQTT messages published by your TTN Node.
  4. in the subscription topic field, enter <ttn-app-name>/devices/<ttn-node-name>/up, were you'll have to replace the placeholders with their actual values.
  5. click on the Subscribe to topic button. When you interact with your Things Node (by moving with it, clicking the button, etc), you should see your messages in AWS IoT.

SNS notification flow

Within this flow we will illustrate how one can send a notification to an email account based on a certain condition. The condition is that when the ThingsNode sends a message based on a motion event and the light sensor indicates it is dark (light sensor value < 35) it will trigger a SNS notification.

1. Setup Simple Notification Service

Now we'll setup an SNS topic and subscription, to send out the notifications.

  1. Go to SNS in the AWS Management console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/sns/v2/home
  2. In the menu on the left, select Topics. A SNS topic is a communication channel to send messages and subscribe to notifications.
  3. Click the Create new topic button, with name ttn_alarm_notification. Confirm with Create topic.
  4. Your SNS topic is now created. Note the ARN for your SNS topic, as you'll need this in the next step.
  5. In the menu on the left, select Subscriptions.
  6. Click the Create subscription button. Enter the topic ARN, select Email as the protocol, fill in your email address as the endpoint and confirm with create subscription.
  7. SNS will now send you an email to confirm your SNS subscription. Confirm it by clicking on the link in this email.

SNS is now setup to handle notifications.

2. Setup lambda

We'll now setup a lambda function, which will send out a notification to your SNS topic when it detects movement while dark. As a trigger for this lambda, we'll use AWS IoT, so that it gets triggered on every AWS IoT message of your Things Node.

  1. Go to the Lambda service in the AWS Management console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home
  2. In the menu on the left, go to Functions.
  3. Click the Create function button.
  4. Select Author from scratch.
  5. Fill in the basic information by providing a name to your lambda function and role.
  6. The role is used to provide your Lambda function with certain permissions. In the role dropdown, choose create new role from template.
  7. In the policy templates dropdown, search for the SNS publish policy.
  8. finalize your lambda function creation with clicking on the Create function button.
  9. Now your enter the main screen of your Lambda function. At the top you have the Designer panel, at the bottom the Function code panel.
  10. In the Designer panel, click on the AWS IoT trigger in the left menu. The trigger will be added and you'll have to setup the MQTT topic to listen to.
  11. In the Configure triggers panel, select Custom IoT rule for the IoT type.
  12. From the Rule dropdown, select create a new rule. Also enter a name for your rule.
  13. As the Rule query statement, enter: select * from <ttn_app_name>/devices/<ttn_node_name>/up
  14. Finally, in the code section, copy-paste the code from our Lambda to SNS notification code snippet.
  15. Finalize the lambda by clicking on the Save button at the top.

3. Testing the flow

Now, when you move the Things Node, while keeping it concealed from any light, an email should drop in your inbox.

Store, Query and Dashboard flow

Within this flow we will illustrate how one can store all the received data coming from the ThingsNode to S3 (both the raw data set and a flattened json with a subset of the raw data set). We make use of Kinesis to compact the incoming data sets and to write them to S3, to modify the incoming raw data sets to a flattened json we will make use of a Lambda function. With the AWS Athena service we will create a table for the subset of the raw data on which queries can be performed on the flattened json data sets stored on S3 and which will be used via the BI tool QuickSight.

1. Create AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream

  1. Open the Amazon Kinesis console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/
    Note: If you don't have a Kinesis configuration yet, choose Get Started to continue.
  2. Choose Create delivery stream
  3. Delivery stream name => ttn-kinesis-delivery-stream
  4. Source => Direct PUT or other sources
  5. Choose Next
  6. Record transformation => Enabled
  7. Lambda function choose Create new
  8. Choose General Firehose Processing
  9. Name => ttn-lambda-flatten-json
  10. Role choose create new role from template from the dropdown
  11. Role name => ttn-lambda-flatten-json-role
  12. Policy templates choose Basic Edge Lambda permissions from the dropdown
  13. The Lambda function code can't be edited at this moment so choose Create function
  14. Now your enter the main screen of your Lambda function. At the top you have the Designer panel, at the bottom the Function code panel.
  15. In the Function code panel in the code section, copy-paste the code from our Lambda to flatten json code snippet.
  16. Choose Save
  17. Close the browser page of the lambda function
  18. Close the Choose Lambda blueprint popup box that is still opened in your Kinesis Firehose Console
  19. Lambda function => ttn-lambda-flatten-json from the dropdown.
  20. Choose Next
  21. Select destination
  22. Destination => Amazon S3
  23. S3 bucket choose Create new
  24. S3 bucket name => ttn-workshop-data-<unique-id>
    Note: An S3 bucket must be globally unique
  25. Choose Create S3 bucket
  26. Notice that the create S3 bucket is automatically selected as the S3 bucket
  27. Prefix => iot-to-bi/
    Note: It is very important to add an ending /
  28. Source record S3 backup => Enabled. This is were you configure that the raw ingested data set should be stored on S3 as well.
  29. Backup S3 bucket choose Create new
  30. S3 bucket name => ttn-workshop-raw-data-<unique-id>
    Note: An S3 bucket must be globally unique
  31. Choose Create S3 bucket
  32. Notice that the create S3 bucket is automatically selected as the Backup S3 bucket
  33. Prefix => keep the default (don't change)
  34. Choose Next
  35. S3 buffer conditions Buffer size => keep the default (don't change)
  36. S3 buffer conditions Buffer interval => 60 seconds
  37. S3 compression and encryption => keep the defaults (don't change)
  38. Error logging => keep the default (don't change)
  39. IAM role => Create new, or Choose
  40. Choose Allow (so keep the suggested IAM Role and Create a new Role Policy)
  41. Choose Next
  42. Choose Create delivery stream

2. Add Action to IoT Thing to Send Data to Kinesis.

  1. Open AWS IoT in the AWS Management Console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/iot/home
  2. In the menu on the left, go to Act
  3. Choose Create a rule
  4. Name => ttn_iot_to_kinesis
  5. Attribute => * (So the Rule query statement becomes: SELECT * FROM ")
  6. Topic filter => <ttn-app-name>/devices/<ttn-node-name>/up
  7. Condition => keep the default (blanc)
  8. Choose Add action
  9. Choose Send messages to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream
  10. Choose Configure action
  11. Stream name => ttn-kinesis-delivery-stream from the dropdown
  12. Separator => \n(newline) from the dropdown
  13. IAM role name => choose Create a new role
  14. ttn-iot-to-kinesis-role
  15. Choose Create a new role
  16. IAM role name => choose ttn-iot-to-kinesis-role from the dropdown
  17. Choose Add action
  18. Choose Create rule

From the moment one should see data being stored on S3. (This is done in batches as configured with the Kinesis Firehose S3 buffer conditions).

3. Athena

  1. Open AWS Athena in the AWS Management Console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/athena/
  2. Make sure the default database is selected in the left column under DATABASE
  3. In the right panel in the code section, copy-paste the code from our Athena create table statement
  4. Adapt the SQL syntax for the LOCATION part to select your proper S3 bucket
  5. Choose Run Query
  6. In the left panel under TABLES a new table should be seen with the name ttn_iot_flat_data
  7. In the right panel in the code section type
select * from ttn_iot_flat_data
  1. Choose Run Query
  2. One should see in the Results tab a list of records corresponding to the data set on S3

4. QuickSight

  1. Open AWS QuickSight in the QuickSight Console: https://quicksight.aws.amazon.com/
  2. Choose Sign up for QuickSight
    Note: QuickSight is not a default supported service and one has to subscribe for it to activate the service on their AWS Account.
  3. Select the Standard Edition and choose Continue
  4. QuickSight account name => ttn-quick-sight-account
  5. Notification email address => your account owners email address might be preferred
  6. QuickSight capacity region => US East (N.Virgina)
    Note: We have noticed that this service is not fully supported in other regions
  7. Select Amazon Athena
  8. Select Amazon S3
  9. Select S3 buckets linked to QuickSight account
  10. Select the S3 bucket ttn-workshop-data-
  11. Choose Select buckets
  12. Choose Finish

Now your QuickSight account is generated. After the creation of the account choose Go to Amazon QuickSight

  1. Choose Manage data on the top right side
  2. Choose New data set on the top left
  3. Choose Athena
  4. Data source name => ttn-flat-iot-athena-data
  5. Choose Create data source
  6. Database: contain sets of tables => default from dropdown
  7. Tables: contain the data you can visualize => ttn_iot_flat_data select the radio button
  8. Choose Select
  9. Finish data set creation => select Directly query your data
  10. Choose Visualize

Before one can use the time one has to modify the data type within the QuickSight data set.

  1. Select Visualize from the most left column
  2. Fields list select Edit analysis data sets from the drop down where ttn_iot_flat_data is shown
  3. Choose Edit for ttn_iot_flat_data
  4. In the column time select the String type and select Date type
  5. Specify the following time format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
  6. Choose Update

Now the data set is ready to be used and one can start creating QuickSight visuals.


TheThingsNetwork AWS Workshop repository


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