KishoreMayank / CodingChallenges

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Coding Challenges

This is a repo of some of the problems that I have encountered. The code is written in python.

Interview Cake

    Merge Intervals  |  Merge Lists  |  Reverse Words  |  Single Riffle

    Cycle Beginning  |  Delete Node  |  Find Repeat  |  Kth Last Node  |  Reverse Linked List

    Bracket Validator  |  Max Stack  |  Parenthesis Matching  |  Queue Two Stacks

    Permutation Palindrome  |  Two Sum

    Highest Product of 3  |  In Place Shuffle  |  Max Profit  |  Product Array

    Counting Sort  |  Rotation Point

    Graph Coloring  |  Mesh Message

    Second Largest  |  Super Balanced  |  Valid BST

    Coin Change  |  Fibonacci  |  String Permutations  |  Two Egg Problem  |  Unbounded Knapsack

    Appears Twice  |  Binary Search  |  Re Roll Dice

Cracking the Coding Interview

    One Away  |  Rotate Matrix  |  String Rotation  |  URLify  |  Zero Matrix

    Intersection  |  Palindrome  |  Partition  |  Remove Duplicates  |  Sum Lists  |  Sum Lists 2

    Animal Shelter  |  Sort Stack  |  Stack of Plates  |  Three in One

    Binary Search  |  Find Duplicates  |  Group Anagrams  |  Missing Int  |  Peaks and Valleys

    Rank From Stream  |  Sorted Matrix Search

    BST Sequences  |  Check Subtree  |  Lowest Common Ancestor  |  Successor  |  List of Depths

    Minimal Tree  |  Paths with Sum  |  Random Node  |  Route Between Nodes  |  Topological Sort

    Boolean Evaluation  |  Eight Queens  |  Magic Index  |  Paint Fill  |  Parens  |  Power Set

    Recursively Multiply  |  Robot Grid  |  Stack of Boxes  |  Towers of Hanoi  |  Triple Step



Language:Python 100.0%