This is the source code of the Ledger Wallet Chrome application. You can build the application package yourself if you want to do the Ledger Wallet initialization on an airgap computer.
To prepare your build environment, follow these steps:
- Install nodejs
- Install application dependencies
npm install -g gulp
npm install
Once the environment is setup, you should see the help page of the build system by typing gulp --help
To build the application, go to the repo root directory then enter gulp clean build package --release
. This will create a crx file into the dist directory.
To install the application on Chrome, go to chrome extensions page (chrome://extensions), then drag and drop the crx file into the page.
You can build the application and automatically packaging it in a zip file by running gulp clean build zip --release
. This will create a zip file into the dist directory
You can build the chrome application for other coins. Run gulp clean build package zip -n *coin_name* --release
. Right now you can build for the following coins:
- bitcoin
- testnet
- litecoin
- litecoin_test
- dogecoin
- dogecoin_test
Note: that the API is only available for bitcoin and testnet right now.