KipCrossing / SpecialMath

Library for some math/stat functions; designed to run on MicroPython

Repository from Github https://github.comKipCrossing/SpecialMathRepository from Github https://github.comKipCrossing/SpecialMath

Special Math

I created this labary to contain spcific methods that help me solve novel, yet common, problems.

These are written light-weight to run on micropython


Import the special math object that contains the methods

from specialmath import SpecialMath

sm = SpecialMath()



Mean takes a list of numbers and returns the average


returns 2.0


SSE takes 2 lists of equal length and returns the sum of square error


returns 3

Gen Sine

Returns a list that is a full rotation of a sine wave

  • Argument 1: length of output list
  • Argument 2: amplitude of sine wave
  • Argument 3: phase shift of sine wave
returns [-20.0, -16.18033988749895, -6.180339887498947, 6.180339887498947, 16.18033988749895, 20.0, 16.18033988749895, 6.180339887498959, -6.18
0339887498954, -16.180339887498945]

Fit sine

Returns a tuple size 2 that contains (1) the amplitude and (2) the phase shift. Takes 2 arguments :

  • Argument 1: Imput list containing the data to shape the sine wave to
  • Argument 2: Accuract factor, detirmines the number of itterations taken to estimate the wave properties. The higher the number, the more accurate and the longer computational time

returns (3.9999744, 0.99993896484375)

To Do

Add a method to calculate the Standard Deviation


Written By Kipling Crossing


Library for some math/stat functions; designed to run on MicroPython


Language:Python 100.0%