KingJamesSong / SOC

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Skew Orthogonal Convolutions

  • Skew Orthogonal Convolution (SOC) is a convolution layer that has an orthogonal Jacobian and achieves state-of-the-art standard and provably robust accuracy compared to other orthogonal convolutions.
  • Last Layer normalization (LLN) leads to improved performance when the number of classes is large.
  • Certificate Regularization (CR) leads to significantly improved robustness certificates.
  • Householder Activations (HH) improve the performance for deeper networks.


  • Python 3.7 or 3.8
  • Pytorch 1.8
  • einops. Can be installed using pip install einops
  • NVIDIA Apex. Can be installed using conda install -c conda-forge nvidia-apex
  • A recent NVIDIA GPU

How to train 1-Lipschitz Convnets?

python --conv-layer CONV --activation ACT --num-blocks BLOCKS --dataset DATASET --gamma GAMMA

  • CONV: bcop, cayley, soc
  • ACT: maxmin, hh1, hh2 (hh1, hh2 are householder activations of order 1, 2; both illustrated below).
  • BLOCKS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • GAMMA: certificate regularization coefficient
  • Use --lln to enable last layer normalization
  • DATASET: cifar10/cifar100.

How to train Standard Convnets using Orthogonal Convolutions?

python --conv-layer CONV --model-name MODEL --dataset DATASET

  • CONV: bcop, cayley, soc (Use standard to train using standard convolution)
  • MODEL: resnet18, resnet34, resnet50, resnet101, resnet152
  • DATASET: cifar10, cifar100

Demonstration of Skew Orthogonal Convolutions


Demonstration of Householder Activations

  • Illustration of the hh1 activation function demo
  • Illustration of the hh2 activation function (right) demo


If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite:

  title={Skew Orthogonal Convolutions},
  author={Sahil Singla and Soheil Feizi},

  title={Improved deterministic l2 robustness on {CIFAR}-10 and {CIFAR}-100},
  author={Sahil Singla and Surbhi Singla and Soheil Feizi},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},



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