KingHodor / SwiftAPI

Evercoin Public Swift API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swift library

Evercoin is a an instant-access cryptocurrency exchange. This Swift API enables you to easily integrate cryptocurrency exchange funtionality into your IOS app.



Download a version of the Evercoin swift's framework from SwiftAPI

Usage Example

import XCTest
import Darwin

@testable import EvercoinAPI

class EvercoinAPITests: XCTestCase {
    override func setUp() {
        // Make sure to use test endpoint during development and testing.
        //let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        //defaults.set("", forKey: "evercoin.api.endpoint")
    override func tearDown() {
        // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
    func testExample() {
        let API_KEY:String = "Your API Key"; // contact to obtain yours
        let version:String = "v1";
        let deposit:String = "BTC";
        let destination:String = "ETH";
        let refundMainAddress:String = "n4MZ1KydkCEokrr8fVAcGSghsSMjHvNexo";
        let destinationMainAddress:String = "0xb306e1D76E4C4bd6462F370d4551F842eB4fFcad";
        let depositAmount:String = "1.0";
        let evercoin:Evercoin = EvercoinFactory.create(config: EvercoinApiConfig(apiKey: API_KEY, version: version))
        let coins:CoinsResponse = evercoin.getCoins()
        let depositCoin = coins.getCoin(symbol: deposit);
        let destinationCoin = coins.getCoin(symbol: destination);
        if (depositCoin != nil && !(depositCoin?.fromAvailable)!) {
            //Exchanging from BTC is not currently available.
        if (destinationCoin != nil && !(destinationCoin?.toAvailable)!) {
            //Exchanging to ETH is not currently available.
        let refundValidateReponse = evercoin.validateAddress(coin: deposit, address: refundMainAddress)
        if (refundValidateReponse.isSuccess! && refundValidateReponse.isValid! == false) {
            //Your BTC address is not valid.
        let refundAddress = Address(mainAddress: refundMainAddress);
        let destinationValidateReponse = evercoin.validateAddress(coin: destination, address: destinationMainAddress)
        if (destinationValidateReponse.isSuccess! && destinationValidateReponse.isValid! == false) {
            //Your ETH address is not valid.
        let destinationAddress = Address(mainAddress: destinationMainAddress);
        let priceResponse = evercoin.getPrice(depositCoin: deposit, destinationCoin: destination, depositAmount: Double(depositAmount), destinationAmount: nil)
        if priceResponse.isSuccess == true{
            let orderResponse = evercoin.createOrder(priceResponse: priceResponse, refundAddress: refundAddress, destinationAddress: destinationAddress)
            if orderResponse.isSuccess == true {
                EvercoinAPI.logToConsole(msg: "You should deposit to this address: " + (orderResponse.depositAddress?.mainAddress)!)
                    let statusResponse:StatusResponse = evercoin.getStatus(orderId: orderResponse.orderId!)
                    if (statusResponse.exchangeStatus?.statusId == Status.awaitingDeposit.statusId) {
                        let depositMainAddress = orderResponse.depositAddress?.mainAddress
                        var printStr = "Send " + depositAmount + " "
                        printStr = printStr +  deposit + " to the " + depositMainAddress!
                        EvercoinAPI.logToConsole(msg: printStr)
                    else if (statusResponse.exchangeStatus?.statusId == Status.awaitingConfirm.statusId) {
                        EvercoinAPI.logToConsole(msg: "Looks like you sent " + deposit + ". Waiting for confirmation on the blockchain.");
                    } else if (statusResponse.exchangeStatus?.statusId == Status.awaitingExchange.statusId) {
                        EvercoinAPI.logToConsole(msg:"Your " + destination + " is on the way.");
                    } else if (statusResponse.exchangeStatus?.statusId == Status.allDone.statusId) {
                        EvercoinAPI.logToConsole(msg:"Success! Enjoy your " + destination);

    func testPerformanceExample() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        self.measure {
            // Put the code you want to measure the time of here.

More Info

More information and API documentation can be found at

Getting help

Please contact


Evercoin Public Swift API


Language:Swift 99.3%Language:Objective-C 0.7%