Kineruth / C_Programming

Tasks in C programming's course.

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Date: 11/12/20117
Last edited: 28/12/2017


Tasks in c programming course.


Kineret Ruth Nahary


Task 1 :
creating a game user vs. computer.
The game goes like this: each one in his turn need to change the number in a packet.
The looser is the one who has only 1 in a packets when the rest are empty.
In this game the computer always wins.
Give it a try and see if you can break all odds, and let me know.

C_Boggle :
The Boggle game is our second task in C programming.
It has a bug - it counts duplicated words - because 5 words could be found using different paths.

4 In A Row :
The 4-in-a-row game is our third task in C programming.
There are two players - X & O. Every player in his turn decides where to put his mark.
The winner is the one who has 4 marks sequentially whether it's as a row/column/diagonal.
If the board is full and no one won - it a tie!

File list:

4 In A Row


Tasks in C programming's course.


Language:C 100.0%