KilianB / League-of-Legends-Tool-Collection

Collection of league tools I have created over the years

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


While waiting for riot to respond to request regarding viability and due to encription of their chat service this project is temporarily halted.


League of legends tool collection of scripts I have written over the years. All modules are written in java with the help of quering some external apis and looking at the log files the client produces. No memory reading or process hooking takes place. All windows are simple transparent overlay windows or windows overlayed with OBS Studio's chroma key filter.

A sample rundown of the faetures can be found in this youtube video:

Youtube Video

Implemented modules

Animated loading screen

  • animated loading screen for almost every champion
  • live elo retrival utilizing the riot api
  • common item paths from
  • lore text to speech utilizing google tts



  • create custom gradients
  • display a heatmap based on mouse clicks, mouse position
  • overlay over background image
  • export image

heatmap Image ovelay - transparent gradient heatmapmouseclicks Custom on the fly gradient heatmaps Mouse movement

League Chat To Teamspeak Text To Speech

Converts any text send to the bot via the league chat to a speech output in teamspeak. The google api is queried to convert the text to speech. Java is used to connect to the xmpp server and relay the information to the sinus bot using thr ts query account and a javascript attention is used to filters the request for the different accent requests.

Auto login and decay manager

  • Displays the days until an account will deacay in every queue.
  • A click in the login cell will terminate the currently open lol client process, open a new instance and move the mouse to the username and password field to type in the correct values as well as submitting the query with enter

Automatic rune and mastery switcher based on picked champion

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OBS Studio League Scene Switcher

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Functional Twitch Chat Overlay

  • Functional Twitch Chat overlay
  • Toggle Chat with CRTL Enter
  • Choose Background Alpha
  • Custom League Emoticions
  • Twitch Emoticon Support

Ability Count Overlay

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APM And Mouse Distance Overlay

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Keyboard And Mouse Overlay

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League Group Chat Mirror Bot

  • mirrors all messages written to the bot to all users on the friendlist
  • global and local mute list
  • moderator commands to bann users and filter keywords
  • game search feature. !lf ELO (MODIFIER) MESSAGE will send a message to every person joining the chatroom (comming online or leaving a game). Once !full is called, the lobby owner joins the queue or the lobby is destroyed the search is deemed invalid.
  • Whisper feature for members
  • Auto accepts friend requests
  • Multi bot and region support allows chats between different regions, and gets rid of chat room size limitations.

Modular Management Gui

The management gui is a sceleton javafx application which allows individual modules to register itself for easy extensibility. It provides global information regarding keyboard and mouse states, the league game state, the current username and champion, the path to the league directory and initalizes Apis (caching) and logging facades.

Hello World Module

A module usually consits out of 3 components

  1. A class which extends the Module class and takes care of the logic
  2. (Optional) a javafx pane which will be displayed in the manager gui for user settings
  3. (Optional) a javafx/swing windows which will be spawned once the user actives the module

public class HelloWorldModule extends Module /* optional */ implements GlobalKeyListener, LolGameEventListener {
	public HelloWorldModule(ModuleManager moduleManager) {
		super(moduleManager, "Module Long Name", "Module Short Name");
		this.managerPanel = new HelloWorldPane(shortName);
    		//Do we want to work with apis? Simply create an new instance whenever needed
    		RiotAPI riot = new RiotAPI();
   		OpGGAPI = opGG = new OpGGAPI();
    		GoogleTTS tts = new GoogleTTS();

	 * Gets called once the user clicks on the chatbox in the gui manager
	protected void setActive() {
		if(isActive) {
			//Do we want key and mouse listener?
			//Do we want to be notified if the user joins a game?
			//Spawn overlay window
		}else {
			//Do we want key and mouse listener?
			//Do we want to be notified if the user joins a game?
			//Hide overlay window

	//Do event based logic 
	public void CurrentGameDataReady(CurrentGameInfo gameInfo) {}

	public void LoadingScreenEntered(String[] champNames, int mapID) {}

	public void GameEntered() {}

	public void GameEndScreenShown() {}

	public void GameWindowExited() {}

	public void keyPressed(GlobalKeyEvent arg0) {}

	public void keyReleased(GlobalKeyEvent arg0) {}

Pane which will be integrated into the manager

//Controller class for the javafx pane
public class HelloWorldPane extends ModuleManagerPane{

	private Button btn;
	public HelloWorldPane(String description) {
		//Load fxml and set controler
		super(description, HelloWorldPane.class);
		btn.setOnAction((event) -> System.out.println("Hello World"));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?>

<fx:root maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" type="TitledPane" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
      <Button fx:id="btn" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />

Inter module communication

Modules have the ability to send requests to other modules without explizitly knowing of them. For example the login manager asks all modules which keep track of keystrokes to halt operation for the duration the password is typed in.

public HelloWorldModule(ModuleManager moduleManager) {
	super(moduleManager, "Module Long Name", "Module Short Name");
	this.managerPanel = new HelloWorldPane(shortName);
	//Suggest every module which implements GlobalKeyListener to halt operation
	moduleManager.notifyModuleGeneric(GlobalKeyListener.class, this, ModuleEvent.HALT_OPERATION, null);
	//Send a custom event and payload to the keyboard overlay module
	moduleManager.notifyModule(KeyBoardMouseOverlayModule.class, this, ModuleEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT, new Object[] {"Custom value"});	


Collection of league tools I have created over the years


Language:Java 96.3%Language:JavaScript 3.7%