Kila2 / lldb_debugger

Helpful commands when using lldb.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The LLDB Debugger


It is hard to do things quickly in lldb unless you have set up an lldbinit file.

cat ~/.lldbinit 
# Great scripts from
command script import ~/LLDB/lldb_commands/
# Facebook's chisel
command script import /usr/local/opt/chisel/libexec/
# Personal commands
command script import
# Alias
command alias -h "Run a command in the UNIX shell." -- yd_shell platform shell
command alias yd_thread_beautify settings set thread-format "thread: #${thread.index}\t${}\n{ ${module.file.basename}{`${}\n"
command alias yd_register_beautify register read -f d
command alias yd_smoke exp let $z = 5
command alias yd_swift settings set target.language swift
command alias yd_objc settings set target.language objc
command alias yd_c settings set target.language c
command alias yd_stack_vars frame variable --no-args
command alias yd_connect process connect connect://localhost:6666


# Load debugger

# Launch code from within lldb
(lldb) process launch c_playground

# Create target from within lldb
(lldb) target create patched.bin

# Create a target
lldb --wait-for patched.bin
(lldb) target create patched.bin

# Attach to running app
lldb -n open_app

Finding variables

# Frame
frame info

# Print variables in the Frame
frame variable -A -T

# Get pointer to variables inside the Frame
fr v -L

# Show the current thread's call stack

# Move to another Frame to find variables
frame select 1

Getting started

# Threads
thread list

# Brief list of attached Libraries
image list -b

# Sections of all loaded code
image dump sections

# Sections of a Module
image dump sections myApp

# Symbols of a Module
image dump symtab myApp

# Symbols of all loaded code (BAD IDEA)
image dump symtab

# Lookup help
help image lookup

# Lookup a Debug Symbol
image lookup -r -n YDClass

# Lookup non-debug symbols
image lookup -r -s YDClass

# Lookup Address
image lookup -a 0x1000016a0

# Search for Object on Heap
search -r 0x0000000100610570


# By address
disas -s 0x00001620

# By function name
disas -n Foo.Bar

# By ObjC method
disas -n "+[YDFileChecker asmSyscallFunction:]"


Argument Register x86_64 arm64
Return - RAX -
First arg1 RDI x0
Second arg2 RSI x1
Third arg3 RDX x2
Fourth arg4 RCX x3
Fifth arg5 R8 x4
Sixth arg6 R9 x5
Syscalls - syscall x16

Print and Expression

# Print a register with useful aliase
po $arg2

# Hex to Decimal
p/d 0x1a        // (int) $2 = 26

# Create char * and persist it ( the $ symbol )
po char *$new

# Check for substring in a register
po $new = (char *) strnstr((char *)$rsi, "Info.plist", (int)strlen((char *) $rsi))

# Create NSString from Selector
exp NSString *$myMethod = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)

# Get Selector
po NSSelectorFromString($meth)


# Getting the options
help breakpoint set

#  Options to add script to Breakpoint
help break command add

# Delete all breakpoints
b delete

# List
b list

# Breakpoint on symbol name
b syscall

# Breakpoint on fullname
breakpoint set -F access

# Breakpoint on fullname in a single Module
breakpoint set -F access -s libsystem_kernel.dylib

# Breakpoint on Name and give the breakpoint a name
b -n task_get_exception_ports -N fooName --auto-continue true

# Breakpoint on Address ( gdb syntax )
b *0x1000016ce

# Breakpoint on ObjC Class Method
b "+[YDFileChecker foobar:]"

# Breakpoint on Function, name the breakpoint and set condition
br set -b "+[YDFileChecker foobar:]" -N fooName  -c "$arg1 == 0x33"

# Breakpoint on Address with name (lldb syntax )
br s -a 0x1000016ce -N fooName

# Break on Register value ( SVC calls )
b set -N fooName --auto-continue true -c $x16==26

# Break on Register holding Info.plist substring
br s -n syscall -c '(char *) strnstr((char *)$rsi, "Info.plist", (int)strlen((char *) $rsi)) != NULL'

# Breakpoint on Selector
breakpoint set --selector URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:

# Breakpoint on Selector in Module
breakpoint set --selector blah:blah: -s playModule

# Regex Breakpoint on Selector ( good for Swift )
rb Foo.handleBarChallenge -s playModule -N fooName

# Breakpoint naming
breakpoint set --selector blah:blah: -s objc_play -N fooName

# Breakpoint condition
br mod -c $arg2 == "URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:" fooName

# Break on exact ObjC Method
b "-[MyUser name:]"

# Breakpoint on completionHandler
b -[YDURLSessionDel URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:]

#  Regex Breakpoint
rb '\-\[UIViewController\ '
rb '\-\[YDUser(\(\w+\))?\ '
breakpoint set --func-regex=. --shlib=objc_play

#  Python script when Breakpoint fires
(lldb) breakpoint command add -s python fooName
Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
    print("[!]found it")

# Callback to Python function when Breakpoint hits
(lldb) breakpoint command add -F ydscripts.YDHelloWorld fooName

# Add & continue Python script when Breakpoint fires
(lldb) breakpoint command add -s python fooName
    print lldb.frame.register["rsi"].value
    lldb.frame.register["rsi"].value = "1"
    print("[*]new value set.")
    thread = frame.GetThread()
    process = thread.GetProcess()

#  Breakpoint all code inside a function
(lldb) script
>>> for a in range(0x1000016bc, 0x1000016d1):


Read the string that is pointed to by a char* pointer

memory read 0x00007fff36d99fb5

Read five instructions after address

memory read --format instruction --count 5 0x10463d970

Read memory and print in format Decimal

mem read 0x00007ffee5f99610 -f d

Get start and end of search
(lldb) section
[0x0000010462c000-0x00000107744000] 0x0003118000 MyApp`__TEXT
[0x00000107744000-0x00000107d48000] 0x0000604000 MyApp`__DATA
/* removed sections for brevity */
Find String in memory range

mem find -s "youtube" -- 0x00000107744000 0x00000107d48000

Read 100 bytes from address

memory read -c100 0x10793362c

Find every "B" character. Stop after 5 matches.
(lldb) mem find -s "B" -c 5 -- 0x00000100000000 0x00000100004000
data found at location: 0x10000063b
0x10000063b: 42 2e 64 79 6c 69 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00  B.dylib......&..
data found at location: 0x100003f60
0x100003f60: 42 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 62 00 00 00 6f 00 00 00  B...a...b...o...
0x100003f70: 6f 00 00 00 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 5b 2a 5d  o...n........[*]
no more matches within the range.


//See how many times a C function is called when running an iOS app.

breakpoint set -n getenv
breakpoint modify --auto-continue 1
breakpoint command add 1
  po (char *)$arg1								// telling lldb how to cast $arg1



help watchpoint set

watchpoint list

watchpoint list

watchpoint delete

watch del 1

watchpoint on Global variable

watchpoint set variable file_exists

Once it stops

po file_exists = NO

watchpoint on frame variable

watchpoint set variable completionHandler

watchpoint on address in function

watchpoint set expression -w write -- "+[YDFileChecker checkFileExists]" + 32

watchpoint on register

watchpoint set expression -- $arg1

watchpoint on register

watchpoint set expression -w read_write -- $arg1

Delete some watchpoints, if you see this error

error: sending gdb watchpoint packet failed



settings show

show target.env-vars

settings show target.env-vars

Add setting to lldbinit file

echo "settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor intel" >> ~/.lldbinit


settings set target.process.extra-startup-command QSetLogging:bitmask=LOG_ALL;

lldb with Swift

class lyftClass {

    static let request_number = 1
    static let uri = "https://my.url/"
    let app_version = "app_99"

    func facebook() -> Int {
        return 96

    static func google() -> Int {
        return 42
Invoking code from a Framework or the main application ?

If you are invoking code from a Swift dynamic framework, make sure to tell lldb about the Framework. Below is why...

(lldb) exp let $a = RustyAppInfo()
error: <EXPR>:3:10: error: use of unresolved identifier 'RustyAppInfo'
let $a = RustyAppInfo()

(lldb) expr -- import rusty_nails
(lldb) exp let $a = RustyAppInfo()
// success. now you have a class instant.

lldb knew I was trying to write swift code. In an iOS app, where you have Swift and Objective-C code, I always find it useful to type:

(lldb) settings set target.language swift

Connect to app via lldb

I liked to put a breakpoint on the the AppDelegate class. If you let the app load, the context of Swift is automagically lost by lldb.

Print your class
(lldb) po lyftClass()
<lyftClass: 0x60c000051dc0>
Create a class instance

expression let $lyft = rusty.lyftClass()

Invoke a member function from instance class

po $lyft.app_version()

Try and print a Class member
po $lyft.request_number
error: <EXPR>:3:1: error: static member 'uri' cannot be used on instance of type 'lyftClass'

This fails as it is a Static class member and not accessible to the instantiated class.

Print a Class member
(lldb) po lyftClass.uri
Print Class function member
(lldb) po
Invoke Swift Class with Initializers
class lyftClass {

    static let url = "https://my.url/"
    let version = "app_99.0"
    let mickey: String
    let mouse: Int

    init(mickey: String, mouse: Int) {
        self.mickey = mickey
        self.mouse = mouse

    convenience init(mickey: String){
        self.init(mickey: mickey, mouse: 100)

    func facebook_string() -> String {
        return "jibber jabber"

    static func google_int() -> Int {
        return 42
Create a class instance
(lldb) expression let $a = lyftClass()
error: <EXPR>:3:10: error: cannot invoke initializer for type 'lyftClass' with no arguments

<EXPR>:3:10: note: overloads for 'lyftClass' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (mickey: String, mouse: Int), (mickey: String)
let $a = lyftClass()
Invoke a function from instant class
(lldb) expression let $b = lyftClass(mickey: "zer", mouse: 500)
(lldb) po $b
<lyftClass: 0x60c000284470>

(lldb) po $b.mickey

(lldb) po $b.mouse
Create Class with convenience initializer
(lldb) expression let $a = lyftClass(mickey: "wow")
(lldb) po $a
<lyftClass: 0x60000009b580>
(lldb) po $a.mickey
(lldb) po $a.mouse

lldb with Objective C

@import Foundation;

@interface Box:NSObject {
    double length;    // Length of a box
    double breadth;   // Breadth of a box
    double height;    // Height of a box

@property(nonatomic, readwrite) double height;  // Property
-(double) volume;

@implementation Box

@synthesize height;

-(id)init {
    self = [super init];
    length = 1.0;
    breadth = 1.0;
    return self;

-(double) volume {
    return length*breadth*height;


int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        Box *box1 = [[Box alloc]init];    // Create box1 object of type Box

        double volume = 0.0;             // Store the volume of a box here

        // box 1 specification
        box1.height = 5.0;

        // volume of box 1
        volume = [box1 volume];
        NSLog(@"Volume of Box1 : %f", volume);
    return 0;
Create a new Class Instance
(lldb) exp Box *$b = [Box new];

I could have easily written:
(lldb) exp Box *$a = [[Box alloc]init];

Print an initialised Class variable
(lldb) po $a->length
Print the Class pointer
(lldb) po $b
<Box: 0x100777d50>

(lldb) po (Box*)$b
<Box: 0x100777d50>
Set a Class variable
(lldb) exp $b->height = 20.0
(double) $8 = 20

(lldb) po $b->height
Access Instance Method
(lldb) po $b.volume

Invoke Instance Method with several parameters

- (void)getVersion:(int*)num1 minor:(int*)num2 patch:(int*)num3;

(lldb) e SampleClass *$sample = [[SampleClass alloc]init];
(lldb) po $sample
<SampleClass: 0x10040ae70>

(lldb) exp [$sample getVersion:&a minor:&b patch:&c];

NSString to NSData and back

(lldb) exp @import Foundation
(lldb) exp NSString* $str = @"hello string";
(lldb) po $str
hello string
(lldb) exp NSData* $data = [$str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
(lldb) po $data
<74657374 73747269 6e67>
(lldb) po (NSData*) $data
<74657374 73747269 6e67>

(lldb) exp NSString* $newStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:$data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
(lldb) po $newStr
hello string


(lldb) expression BOOL $myflag = YES
(lldb) print $myflag
(BOOL) $myflag = NO
(lldb) expression $myflag = YES
(BOOL) $7 = YES
(lldb) print $myflag
(BOOL) $myflag = YES

lldb with Objective-C Blocks

Write Block
--> remember, Blocks are on the Stacks. So if your debugger moves around and you created a Block it won't be available ( if you changed Frames / Stacks )

(lldb) exp
1 void (^$simpleBlock)(void) = ^{
2 (void)NSLog(@"hello from a block!");
3 };
Call Block
(lldb) po $simpleBlock()
[1136:66563] hello from a block!
Get Pointer to Block
(lldb) po $simpleBlock        // get pointer to Block
(void (^)()) $simpleBlock = 0x00000001025a9900
While Loop inside a Block
(lldb) expression
1 void (^$helloWhile)(int) =
2 ^(int a) {
3 while(a <10) {
4 printf("Hello %d\n", a);
5 a++;
6 }};

(lldb) po $helloWhile(2)
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Add two numbers with a Block
(lldb) expression
1 int (^$add)(int, int) =
2 ^(int a, int b) { return a+b; }

(lldb) p $add(3,4)
(int) $0 = 7

(lldb) po $add

(lldb) p $add
(int (^)(int, int)) $add = 0x0000000101424110
Void Block
po void (^$fakeBlock)(int, NSURLCredential * _Nullable) =^(int a, NSURLCredential *b) {NSLog(@"hello. Original enum was set to %d", a);}

po $fakeBlock(2,0)
Use Global Dispatch Block
(lldb) expression
1 dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0),
         ^(){ printf("Hello world\n"); });
Calling the Block with a Name
A more complicated example that gives the Block a name so it can be called like a function.

(lldb) exp
1 double (^$multiplyTwoValues)(double, double) =
2 ^(double firstValue, double secondValue) {
3 return firstValue * secondValue;
4 };

(lldb) po $multiplyTwoValues(2,4)

(lldb) exp double $result
(lldb) p $result
(double) $result = 0
(lldb) exp $result = $multiplyTwoValues(2,4)
(double) $1 = 8
(lldb) po $result
Get the syntax
(lldb) expression
Enter expressions, then terminate with an empty line to evaluate:
1 void(^$remover)(id, NSUInteger, BOOL *) = ^(id string, NSUInteger i,BOOL *stop){
2 NSLog(@"ID: %lu String: %@", (unsigned long)i, string);
3 };

(lldb) p $remover
(void (^)(id, NSUInteger, BOOL *)) $remover = 0x00000001021a4110

(lldb) exp [oldStrings enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:$remover]

ID: 0 String: odd
ID: 1 String: raygun
ID: 2 String: whoop whoop
3 String: doctor pants

lldb with C code

malloc / strcpy

Create a malloc char array, copy with strcpy, and free.

(lldb) e char *$str = (char *)malloc(8)
(lldb) e (void)strcpy($str, "munkeys")
(lldb) e $str[1] = 'o'
(lldb) p $str
(char *) $str = 0x00000001c0010460 "monkeys"
Warm-up - getenv
(lldb) e const char *$home = NULL
(lldb) p *$home
error: Couldn't apply expression side effects : Couldn't dematerialize a result variable: couldn't read its memory
(lldb) e $home = getenv("HOME")
(const char *) $3 = 0x00007ffeefbff8d2 "/Users/foobar"
(lldb) po $home
(lldb) p $home
(const char *) $home = 0x00007ffeefbff8d2 "/Users/foobar"
(lldb) malloc_info --type 0x1c0010480
[+][+][+][+] The string is in the heap!  [+][+][+][+]

(lldb) memory read 0x00000001c0010460
(lldb) e (void)free($str)
Print Bool
(lldb) po (bool) result
<object returned empty description>

(lldb) p result
(bool) $2 = true

(lldb) p/x result
(bool) $0 = 0x01

(lldb) exp result = false
(bool) $1 = false

(lldb) p/x result
(bool) $2 = 0x00

(lldb) p/t result
(bool) $4 = 0b00000000

(lldb) exp result = true
(bool) $5 = true

(lldb) p/t result
(bool) $6 = 0b00000001
Print Char Array
(lldb) po (char*) message

(lldb) po message

(lldb) p message
(char *) $5 = 0x0000000100000fa9 "AAAA"

(lldb) p *message
(char) $1 = 'A'
Struct initialize
(lldb) expr struct YD_MENU_ITEMS $menu = {.menu_option = "a", .description = "all items"};

(lldb) expr struct VERSION_INFO $b
error: typedef 'VERSION_INFO' cannot be referenced with a struct specifier

(lldb) expr VERSION_INFO $b
(lldb) p $b
(VERSION_INFO) $b = (Major = 0, Minor = 0, Build = 0)
Enum initialize
(lldb) expr PAS_RESULT $a
(lldb) po $a
(lldb) p $a
(PAS_RESULT) $a = 0
(lldb) exp $a = 2
(PAS_RESULT) $0 = 2
Cast return types

The flexibility of void * is great. If you don't know how to cast the return handle you can point it to void.

(lldb) exp (void*) getCurrentVersion(&$b);
(void *) $2 = 0x0000000000000000
(lldb) p $b
(VERSION_INFO) $b = (Major = 4, Minor = 6, Build = 13)
Banana Skins

Make sure you add the $ sign before a variable. Else you will hit:

error: warning: got name from symbols: b

Read Pointer Array

Source code
void foo_void ( float *input )
    printf("Pointer: %p.\n", input);        <-- breakpoint here

int main ( void ) {
    float tiny_array[4];
    tiny_array[0] = 1.0;
    tiny_array[1] = 2.0;
    tiny_array[2] = 3.0;
    tiny_array[3] = 4.0;
    foo_void ( tiny_array );
    return 0;
(lldb) fr v -L
0x00007ffeefbff4c8: (float *) input = 0x00007ffeefbff4f0

(lldb) script
Python Interactive Interpreter. To exit, type 'quit()', 'exit()'.

>>> ptr = lldb.frame.FindVariable('input')

>>> print(ptr.GetValue())       // this prints the value NOT the offset

>>> print(ptr.GetType())
float *

>>> print(ptr.GetLoadAddress())

>>> ptr_type = ptr.GetType().GetPointeeType()

>>> print(ptr_type)

>>> ptr_size_type = ptr_type.GetByteSize()

>>> print(ptr_size_type)

>>> for i in range (0, 4):
...     offset = ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned() + i * ptr_size_type
...     val ="temp", lldb.SBAddress(offset,, ptr_type)
...     print(offset, val.GetValue())
(140732920755440, '1')
(140732920755444, '2')
(140732920755448, '3')
(140732920755452, '4')


In a stripped binary - you can get a value from a register - as you will know the register position from documentation. But you won't have a variable symbol name and will probably need to help lldb with the Type. For example:

# same information in `input` and `arg1`

# debug build
(lldb) fr v -L
0x00007ffeefbff4c8: (int *) input = 0x00007ffeefbff4f0

(lldb) mem read 0x00007ffeefbff4f0 -c 16
0x7ffeefbff4f0: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00

(lldb) script
>>> ptr = lldb.frame.FindVariable('input')
>>> print(ptr.GetType())
int *

What happens if I don't have debug symbols ?

>>> ptr = lldb.frame.FindRegister("arg1")
>>> print(ptr.GetType())
unsigned long

>>> ptr.GetNumChildren()

Were you expecting it to have 4 children? lldb doesn't even know it is a pointer to a single integer or array of integers. At this point you are stuck, unless you help lldb.

>>> options = lldb.SBExpressionOptions()

// help lldb by casting to int *
>>> val = lldb.frame.EvaluateExpression("(int *) $arg1", options)
>>> print(val)
(int *) $0 = 0x00007ffeefbff4f0
>>> print(val.GetType())
int *

Stripped Binary, decayed pointers and memory writes

Source code
void foo_void (int *input)
    printf("Pointer: %p.\n", input);

int main (void) {

    int tiny_array[4];
    tiny_array[0] = 1;
    tiny_array[1] = 2;
    tiny_array[2] = 3;
    tiny_array[3] = 4;

    foo_void (tiny_array);

    return 0;

When the breakpoint fires - I want to modify tiny_array[3]. First, I will cast the register value to the type you expect:

>>> options = lldb.SBExpressionOptions()
>>> ptr = lldb.frame.EvaluateExpression("(int *) $arg1", options)
>>> print(ptr)
(int *) $0 = 0x00007ffeefbff4f0

>>> print(ptr.GetType())
int *

>>> ptr_type = ptr.GetType().GetPointeeType()

>>> ptr_size_type = ptr_type.GetByteSize()

>>> offset = ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned() + 3 * ptr_size_type

>>> error = lldb.SBError()
>>> new_int_as_bytes = str('\xFF\x00\x00\x00')
>>> result = lldb.process.WriteMemory(offset, new_int_as_bytes, error)
>>> if not error.Success() or result != len(new_int_as_bytes):
... 	print('SBProcess.WriteMemory() failed!')

>>> offset = ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned() + 3 * ptr_size_type
>>> print("temp", lldb.SBAddress(offset,, ptr_type))
(int) temp = 255

>>> for i in range (0, 4):
... 	offset = ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned() + i * ptr_size_type
... 	val ="temp", lldb.SBAddress(offset,, ptr_type)
... 	print(offset, val.GetValueAsUnsigned())

(140732920755440, '1')
(140732920755444, '2')
(140732920755448, '3')
(140732920755452, '32')

>>> exit
(lldb) mem read 0x00007ffeefbff4f0 -c 16
0x7ffeefbff4f0: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00

Find, read and amend variable inside Parent Frame

Source code
void foo_void ( float *input )
    printf("Pointer: %p.\n", input);      <-- Breakpoint here

int main ( void ) {
    float tiny_array[4];
    tiny_array[0] = 1.0;
    tiny_array[1] = 2.0;
    tiny_array[2] = 3.0;
    tiny_array[3] = 4.0;
    foo_void ( tiny_array );
    return 0;
>>> print(lldb.frame.GetFunctionName())

>>> print(lldb.frame.get_parent_frame().GetFunctionName())

>>> f = lldb.thread.GetFrameAtIndex(1)

>>> ptr = f.FindVariable('tiny_array')

>>> print(ptr)
(float [4]) tiny_array = (1, 2, 3, 4)

>>> print(ptr.GetChildAtIndex(1))
(float) [1] = 2

>>> print(ptr.AddressOf())
(float (*)[4]) &tiny_array = 0x00007ffeefbff540

>>> print(ptr.AddressOf().GetType())
float (*)[4]

>>> print(ptr.TypeIsPointerType())

>>> print(ptr.GetNumChildren())

>>> print(ptr.GetLoadAddress())

>>> ptr_type = ptr.AddressOf().GetType()

>>> print(ptr_type)
float (*)[4]

>>> pointee_type = ptr_type.GetPointeeType()

>>> print(pointee_type)
float [4]

>>> print(pointee_type.GetByteSize())

>>> for i in range (0, ptr.GetNumChildren()):
... 	offset = ptr.GetLoadAddress() + i * (pointee_type.GetByteSize() / ptr.GetNumChildren())
... 	print(offset, str(ptr.GetChildAtIndex(i)))
(140732920755520, '(float) [0] = 1')
(140732920755524, '(float) [1] = 2')
(140732920755528, '(float) [2] = 3')
(140732920755532, '(float) [3] = 4')

>>> error = lldb.SBError()
>>> result = ptr.GetChildAtIndex(i).SetValueFromCString('0xFF', error)

>>> print(ptr.GetChildAtIndex(3))
(float) [3] = 255


C code:


struct Foo {
    int a;
    int b;

void bar_void ( void *input )
    printf("Pointer: %p.\n", input);		// BREAKPOINT HERE

int main ( void ) {
    struct Foo my_foo = { 111, 222 };
    bar_void ( &my_foo );
    return 0;

LLDB commands:

(lldb) fr v -L
0x00007ffeefbff528: (void *) input = 0x00007ffeefbff550

(lldb) mem read 0x00007ffeefbff4f0 -c 16
0x7ffeefbff4f0: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00

(lldb) script

>>> ptr_type ='Foo').GetPointerType()

>>> print(ptr_type)
struct Foo *

>>> print(type(ptr_type))
<class 'lldb.SBType'>

>>> root ="root", lldb.SBAddress(0x00007ffeefbff538,, ptr_type)

>> print(root)
(Foo *) root = 0x00007ffeefbff550

>>> root.GetValue()

>>> root.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetValue()

>>> root.GetChildAtIndex(1).GetValue()


>>> process = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
>>> target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
>>> target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
>>> module = target.GetModuleAtIndex(0)
>>> print(type(module))
<class 'lldb.SBModule'>

>>> for symbol in module:
... 	name = symbol.GetName()
... 	saddr = symbol.GetStartAddress()
... 	print(name, saddr)


Check versions ( python, lldb )

script import sys; print(sys.version)


lldb attach -p $(ps x | grep -i -m1 debugger_challenge | awk '{print $1}') // 'debugger_challenge' is app name

Import lldb script

command source <file_path>/lldb_script.txt

Import Python script

command script import <file_path>/

lldb command line ( no XCode )
- Kill xcode
- Run iOS app in the simulator
- lldb attach -p $(ps x | grep -i -m1 debugger_challenge | awk '{print $1}')
Watch Packets ( caution )

log enable gdb-remote packets

Custom prompt

settings set prompt \-\>

Print with NSLog

exp (void)NSLog(@"๐Ÿ˜€foobar woobar"); // on a real iOS device, you don't need to caflush for this to appear in


>>> if byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderLittle:
... 	pass
... elif byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderBig:
... 	print("big endian")
...   byteOrder.reverse()

>>> print(lldb.eByteOrderLittle)
>>> print(lldb.eByteOrderBig)


If you use lldb --wait-for or lldb -attach you are attaching after a decision on where to send stdout was made. For example:

// NSLog only sent to when you attach

ps -ax
lldb -p 3668

(lldb) exp @import Foundation
(lldb) exp (void)NSLog(@"hello");
(lldb) c
Process 3668 resuming
< you can see the output to NSLog when you open >

But you can control stdout.

$) lldb
(lldb) target create my_playground
(lldb) process launch
(lldb) exp @import Foundation
(lldb) exp (void)NSLog(@"hello");
2018-12-13 10:14:09.638801+0000 objc_playground_2[2776:61771] hello

Playing with the User Interface

lldb - print all View Controllers connected to current hierarchy

(lldb) po [[[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController] _printHierarchy]

lldb - Recursive description of current view

po [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] recursiveDescription]

UILabel change text

Find the ID of the UIlabel after running the recursiveDescription command above.

(lldb) e id $myLabel = (id)0x104ec9370

(lldb) po $myLabel
<MyApp.CustomUILabel: 0x104ec9370; baseClass = UILabel; frame = (0 0; 287 21); text = 'Boring default text...'; opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x1d4291b70>>

(lldb) po [$myLabel superview]
<UIStackView: 0x104ec8f70; frame = (56 0; 287 88); opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CATransformLayer: 0x1d443a620>>

(lldb) p (int)[$myLabel setText:@"Bye World"]
Nothing will happen.  You need to refresh the screen or continue the app.

(lldb) e (void)[CATransaction flush]

Change background Color

(lldb) e id $myView2 = (id)0x104f474e0
(lldb)  v
<UIView: 0x104f474e0; frame = (0 0; 375 603); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x1d0239c20>>
(lldb) e (void)[$myView2 setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]]

(lldb) caflush
// this is the Chisel alias for e (void)[CATransaction flush]


po [[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController]
e id $rootvc = (id)0x7fb9ce868200
expression -lobjc -O -- [`$rootvc` _shortMethodDescription]
expression (void)[$rootvc setSelectedIndex:1]
expression (void)[$rootvc setSelectedIndex:0]

(lldb) po [$rootvc selectedViewController]
<tinyDormant.YDJediVC: 0x7fb9cd613a80>

(lldb) po [$rootvc viewControllers]
<__NSArrayM 0x600001038810>(
<tinyDormant.YDJediVC: 0x7fb9cd613a80>,
<tinyDormant.YDMandalorianVC: 0x7fb9cd41f1c0>

Part 1 : UITabBarController add a tab

(lldb) po [[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController]
<UITabBarController: 0x7fdf0f036000>

(lldb) e id $tbc = (id)0x7fdf0f036000

(lldb) po $tbc
<UITabBarController: 0x7fdf0f036000>

(lldb) po [$tbc description]
<UITabBarController: 0x7fdf0f036000>

(lldb) e Class $sithVcClass = (Class) objc_getClass("tinyDormant.YDSithVC")
(lldb) e id $sithvc = (id)[$sithVcClass new]
(lldb) po $sithvc
<tinyDormant.YDSithVC: 0x7fb9cd426880>

e id $newClass = (id)class_createInstance($sithVcClass, 100);

(lldb) po [$tbc viewControllers]
<__NSArrayM 0x6000029fc930>(
<tinyDormant.YDJediVC: 0x7fdf0ef194e0>,
<tinyDormant.YDMandalorianVC: 0x7fdf0ed23c50>

// Create mutable array
(lldb) e NSMutableArray *$listofvcontrollers = (NSMutableArray *)[$tbc viewControllers]

// Add and Delete and View Controller from the array
(lldb) po [$listofvcontrollers addObject:$sithvc]
(lldb) po [$listofvcontrollers removeObjectAtIndex:0]

// Print the array
(lldb) po $listofvcontrollers
<__NSArrayM 0x600001c32580>(
<tinyDormant.YDMandalorianVC: 0x7fa476e15c40>,
<tinyDormant.YDSithVC: 0x7fa476d033d0>

(lldb) po [$tbc setViewControllers:$listofvcontrollers]

Part 2 : UITabBarController beautify

 (lldb) search UITabBar
 <UITabBar: 0x7fa476e16be0; frame = (0 618; 375 49); autoresize = W+TM; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x60000082b690>; layer = <CALayer: 0x600000678b40>>

 (lldb) e id $tabs = (id)0x7fa476e16be0

 (lldb) po [$tabs items]
 <__NSArrayI 0x600000826580>(
 <UITabBarItem: 0x7fae2f6164c0>,
 <UITabBarItem: 0x7fae2f6195a0>,
 <UITabBarItem: 0x7fae2f502380> selected

 (lldb) e int $sithIndex = [$listofvcontrollers indexOfObject:$sithvc]
 (lldb) po $sithIndex

 (lldb) po [[[$tabs items] objectAtIndex:$sithIndex] setBadgeValue:@"99"];

 (lldb) e UIImage *$sithimage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"approval"];
 (lldb) e [[[$tabs items] objectAtIndex:$sithIndex] setImage:$sithimage]
 (lldb) caflush

Part 3 : UITabBarController add tint color

(lldb) po [$tabs barTintColor]
 (lldb) e (void)[$tabs setBarTintColor: [UIColor lightGrayColor]]

(lldb) caflush

(lldb) e (void)[$tabs setBarTintColor: [UIColor greenColor]]
(lldb) caflush

Part 3 : UINavigationBar add Right-Sided Button

(lldb) search UINavigationBar
(lldb) e id $nc = (id)0x113d960e0
(lldb) po [$nc setBarTintColor: [UIColor greenColor]]
(lldb) caflush

Push a new ViewController

(lldb) po [[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController]
<UINavigationController: 0x105074a00>

(lldb) e id $rootvc = (id)0x105074a00
(lldb) po $rootvc
<UINavigationController: 0x105074a00>

(lldb) e id $vc = [UIViewController new]
(lldb) po $vc
<UIViewController: 0x1067116e0>

(lldb) e (void)[$rootvc pushViewController:$vc animated:YES]
(lldb) caflush

Advanced : Wiring a more complicated U.I.

  • Find a UITabBarController in memory
  • Create a new UINavigationController
  • Create a new UIViewController
  • Connect the UIViewController to the UINavigationController
  • Create a new array of UINavigationControllers
  • Check the View Hierarchy to ensure it is wired correctly
 (lldb) search UITabBarController
 <UITabBarController: 0x7fa3b0029600>

 (lldb) search UINavigationController
 <UINavigationController: 0x7fa3b0813600>

 (lldb) po id $nc = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:$sithvc]
 (lldb) po $nc
 <UINavigationController: 0x7fa3af80a000>

 (lldb) search UINavigationController
 <UINavigationController: 0x7fa3af81a200>

 <UINavigationController: 0x7fa3b0813600>

 (lldb) po [$nc2 viewControllers]
 <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x600002005570>(
 <tinyDormant.YDSithVC: 0x7fa3af704430>

 (lldb) e Class $sithVcClass = (Class) objc_getClass("tinyDormant.YDSithVC")
 (lldb) e id $sithvc = (id)[$sithVcClass new]
 (lldb) po $sithvc
 <tinyDormant.YDSithVC: 0x7fa3af704430>


 (lldb) po [[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController]
<UITabBarController: 0x7fa3b0029600>

(lldb) e id $tbc = (id)0x7fa3b0029600
(lldb) po $tbc
<UITabBarController: 0x7fa3b0029600>

(lldb) e NSMutableArray *$listofvcontrollers = (NSMutableArray *)[$tbc viewControllers]

(lldb) po $listofvcontrollers
 <__NSArrayM 0x600002cb89f0>(
 <tinyDormant.YDJediVC: 0x7fa3af727240>,
 <UINavigationController: 0x7fa3b0813600>

(lldb) po [$listofvcontrollers addObject:$nc]

 (lldb) po $listofvcontrollers
<__NSArrayM 0x600002cb89f0>(
<tinyDormant.YDJediVC: 0x7fa3af727240>,
<UINavigationController: 0x7fa3b0813600>,
<UINavigationController: 0x7fa3af80a000>

(lldb) po [$tbc setViewControllers:$listofvcontrollers]

(lldb) search UITabBar
<UITabBar: 0x7fa476e16be0; frame = (0 618; 375 49); autoresize = W+TM; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x60000082b690>; layer = <CALayer: 0x600000678b40>>

(lldb) e id $tabs = (id)0x7fa476e16be0
(lldb) e UIImage *$sithimage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"UIBarButtonSystemItemFastForward"]
(lldb) e (void)[[[$tabs items] objectAtIndex:$sithIndex] setImage:$sithimage]

(lldb) caflush

WARNING - careful with copy and paste of text into lldb. I spent hours trying to work out why one the above commands was not working.

Facebook's Chisel

Read all Objects on a screen
(lldb) pviews
Change a Swift View border
(lldb) pvc
<UINavigationController 0x7fa47905fa00>, state: appeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView 0x7fa47862e9c0>
   | <DELETE_PROV_PROFILE_MACHINE.ydHomeVC 0x7fa47861dcc0>, state: appeared, view: <UIView 0x7fa4786327a0>
(lldb) expr -l objc -- @import UIKit
(lldb) border -c red -w 1.0 0x7fa4786327a0
(lldb) border -c red -w 5.0 0x7fa4786327a0
Find View Controller (fvc)
(lldb) fvc --view=0x7fc2c4410970
Found the owning view controller.
<MYAPP.ydHomeVC: 0x7fc2c443d850>
hide a View
(lldb) pvc
The current UIViewController that you want to hideโ€ฆ
<UIViewController 0x1067116e0>, state: appearing, view: <UIView 0x10b707740>

lldb) hide 0x10b707740
Show a hidden ViewControlller
var $window: UIWindow?
$window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
let $mainViewController = ydHiddenVC()
window?.rootViewController = $mainViewController
UILabel fun
<UIButtonLabel: 0x7f826bd2b090; frame = (0 3; 56 20.5); text = 'Submit'; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x600003dc3ed0>>
   |    |    |    |    | <UILabel: 0x7f826be15710; frame = (148.5 12; 78.5 20.5); text = 'Feedback';

(lldb) mask 0x7f826bd2b090
(lldb) unmask 0x7f826bd2b090
(lldb) border -c yellow -w 2.0 0x7f826be15710
(lldb) border 0x7f826be15710
Cast from Swift to Objective-C object
<UILabel: 0x7f826bd2e8c0; frame = (33 10.5; 302 20); text = 'General feedback'; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x600003db0e10>>
(lldb) expression id $alien = (id)0x7f826bd2e8c0  // UILabel Object was created in Swift but you need access in Objective-C
(lldb) po $alien
<UILabel: 0x7f826bd2e8c0; frame = (33 10.5; 302 20); text = 'General feedback'; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x600003db0e10>>
(lldb) exp (void*)[$alien setText:@"odd"]
(void *) $11 = 0x0000000107116010
You wonโ€™t see anything until you..

(lldb) caflush

(lldb) po $alien
<UILabel: 0x7fd0b36444a0; frame = (172 12; 31 20.5); text = 'odd'; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x6000031c8820>>
Demangle Swift ViewController Names
(lldb) search UIView -m myFramework      // observe the de-mangled Swift name
<myFramework.PageViewController: 0x7f826bf0c980>

(lldb) search UIViewController -m myFramework    // Great for Swift
_TtC8myFramework18PageViewController * [0x00007f826bf0c980]

(lldb) search -r 0x7f826bf0c980       // Now get all references to ViewController

Thread Pause / Thread Exit

Thread ID: dec:2264260 hex: 0x228cc4
Thread ID: dec:2264261 hex: 0x228cc5
shark: 0
jelly: 0
shark: 1
jelly: 1
shark: 2
jelly: 2
shark: 3
jelly: 3
shark: 4
jelly: 4
Program ended with exit code: 0
 (lldb) settings set thread-format "thread: #${thread.index}\t${}\n{ ${module.file.basename}{`${}\n"
 (lldb) thread list
 Process 3106 stopped
 thread: #1    0x1659a
 * thread: #2    0x165f7
 thread: #3    0x165f2
 thread: #4    0x165f4
 thread: #5    0x165f8

 (lldb) exp NSTimeInterval $blockThreadTimer = 2
 (lldb) exp [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:$blockThreadTimer]
 (lldb) c
 Process 49868 resuming
 [+]Tiger Shark: thread ID: 0x14a075
 [+]Lemon Shark: thread ID: 0x14a07a
 Tiger Shark: 0
 Tiger Shark: 1
 Tiger Shark: 2
 Tiger Shark: 3
 Tiger Shark: 4
 Lemon Shark: 5
 Lemon Shark: 6
 Lemon Shark: 7
 Lemon Shark: 8
 Lemon Shark: 9

help lldb by setting the language

I hit this error too many times!
(lldb) e id $my_hello = [hello_from_objc new]

error: <EXPR>:3:3: error: consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'
id $my_hello = [hello_from_objc new]
Tell lldb you are using Objective-C

(lldb) expression -l objective-c -o -- id $my_hello = [hello_from_objc new]

print all instance methods available to you..

expression -lobjc -O -- [$my _shortMethodDescription]

Set the expression language to Swift explicitly:

(lldb) expression -l swift -o -- let $myHello = HelloClass()

Set the expression language to Swift and call a function

(lldb) expression -l swift -o -- $myHello.hello()


(lldb) settings set target.language swift

lldb & rootless

Apple's System Integrity Protection

$ sudo lldb -n Finder
(lldb) process attach โ€”name "Finder"
/* fails if you don't disable Rootless */

lldb bypass Certificate Pinning

Bypass overview

"Do I trust the server, before sending data?". You will often find that question in iOS and Android app code. It refers to certificate pinning.

The below script overwrites the answer to that question. The bypass requires a debugger (lldb) a scripting language (python) and writing values in memory (registers).

(lldb) br s -a 0x1000013ae -N fooName
Breakpoint 2: where = objc_play`-[YDURLSessionDel URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:] + 334 at main.m:19:5, address = 0x00000001000013ae

(lldb) c
Process 48838 resuming
๐ŸญChallenged on:
๐ŸญCert chain length: 3

(lldb) yd_bypass_urlsession       // run custom Python LLDB script

[*]URLSession trust bypass started
[*]Original of NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition: (unsigned long) rsi = 0x0000000000000002
[!]NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition set to Cancel.
[*]PATCHING result: pass
๐ŸญHTTP Response Code: 200


App's often used a completionHandler with Apple's NSURLSession on iOS and macOS when deciding whether to start a network request.

completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge, NULL);

The above line of code is typical of an app that has implemented Certificate Pinning and has decided to stop the network request from being sent.

Find the Needle in the Haystack

If you ingested the executable file into a disassembler like Hopper, you could find the assembly instruction to patch out the answer.

Hopper had a really nice pseudo code flow of: URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler::

/* @class YDURLSessionDel */
-(void)URLSession:(void *)arg2 didReceiveChallenge:(void *)arg3 completionHandler:(void *)arg4 {
    var_30 = [[arg3 protectionSpace] serverTrust];
    [[arg3 protectionSpace] host];
    (*(arg4 + 0x10))(arg4, 0x2, 0x0, arg4);

We care about the line: (*(arg4 + 0x10))(arg4, 0x2, 0x0, arg4);.

In assembly, that is this instruction:

0x1000016ce <+174>: call   qword ptr [rcx + 0x10]

Sure enough, if you set a breakpoint on this instruction:

(lldb) po $arg1
<__NSStackBlock__: 0x7000050deba8>
 signature: "v24@?0q8@"NSURLCredential"16"
 invoke   : 0x7fff30e47a04 (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFHTTPCookieStorageUnscheduleFromRunLoop)
 copy     : 0x7fff30d3b7ed (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFURLCredentialStorageCopyAllCredentials)
 dispose  : 0x7fff30d3b825 (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFURLCredentialStorageCopyAllCredentials)

(lldb) po $arg2

(lldb) po $arg3

(lldb) po $arg4
<__NSStackBlock__: 0x7000050deba8>
 signature: "v24@?0q8@"NSURLCredential"16"
 invoke   : 0x7fff30e47a04 (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFHTTPCookieStorageUnscheduleFromRunLoop)
 copy     : 0x7fff30d3b7ed (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFURLCredentialStorageCopyAllCredentials)
 dispose  : 0x7fff30d3b825 (/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork`CFURLCredentialStorageCopyAllCredentials)

What is the 2 value in the second register (arg2)? If a server and connection was trusted or not, the result was often this value:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition) {
  NSURLSessionAuthChallengeUseCredential = 0,                                       /* Use the specified credential, which may be nil */
  NSURLSessionAuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling = 1,                              /* Default handling for the challenge - as if this delegate were not implemented; the credential parameter is ignored. */
  NSURLSessionAuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge = 2,                       /* The entire request will be canceled; the credential parameter is ignored. */
  NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace = 3,                               /* This challenge is rejected and the next authentication protection space should be tried; the credential parameter is ignored. */
Breakpoint and script

Most of the effort and skill was placing a breakpoint.

(lldb) br s -a 0x1000013ae -N fooName

You could then - now you have named the breakpoint - add instructions to the breakpoint OR you could invoke a Python script from the command line.

I choose to invoke my own Python script so it was simple to re-use this code on other apps. The main lines of the script were:

frame = exe_ctx.frame
disposition = frame.FindRegister("rsi")
if disposition.unsigned == 2:
     print "[!]NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition set to Cancel."
     result = frame.registers[0].GetChildMemberWithName('rsi').SetValueFromCString("0x1", error)
     messages = {None: 'error', True: 'pass', False: 'fail'}
     print ("[*]PATCHING result: " + messages[result])

The trick was frame = exe_ctx.frame. If you didn't have this context - from - you would get stuck for hours / days.

Try, try and try again

Like most bypass code, I tried multiple ideas. I removed the details of failed ones for brevity. If you care, essentially they were:

  • Set completionHandler to NULL
  • Overwrite the instruction with no operation ( a NOP instruction )
  • Passing a NULL Objective-C block
  • Passing a fake Objective-C block
  • Drop the (NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge ( failed as a lot of code depends on this challenge)
@interface YDURLSessionDel : NSObject <NSURLSessionDelegate>

@implementation YDURLSessionDel
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session didReceiveChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential * _Nullable))completionHandler{

    SecTrustRef trust = [[challenge protectionSpace] serverTrust];
    NSLog(@"๐ŸญChallenged on: %@", [[challenge protectionSpace] host]);
    NSLog(@"๐ŸญCert chain length: %ld", (long)SecTrustGetCertificateCount(trust));

    completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge, NULL);

int main(void) {
    @autoreleasepool {

        dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
        NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
        YDURLSessionDel *del = [[YDURLSessionDel alloc] init];
        NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

        NSURLSessionConfiguration *config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
        NSLog(@"๐Ÿญ @property waitsForConnectivity default: %hhd", config.waitsForConnectivity);
        config.waitsForConnectivity = YES;

        NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:del delegateQueue:nil];
        NSLog(@"๐Ÿญ start");
        NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [session dataTaskWithRequest: request
                                                completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {

                                    if (error) {
                                        if(error.code == -999)
                                            NSLog(@"๐Ÿญ Bypass failed. Connection: %@ ( %ld)", [error localizedDescription], (long)error.code);
                                    if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
                                        NSLog(@"๐Ÿญ HTTP Response Code: %ld", (long)[(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response statusCode]);
        [task resume];
        dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
        NSLog(@"๐Ÿญ finish");

    return 0;

lldb on Jailbroken iOS device

# macOS - install iProxy
brew install usbmuxd

# for lldb over USB access
iproxy 6666 6666 &

# For SSH over USB access
iproxy 2222 22 &

# SSH onto jailbroken device
ssh -p 2222 root@localhost

# get process ID
ps -ax | grep -i my_app

# invoke lldb
debugserver localhost:6666 -a my_app

# Hijack the app, before it starts

debugserver localhost:6666 --waitfor my_app

# start lldb from Terminal on macOS
$ lldb
(lldb) process connect connect://localhost:6666
(lldb) thread list
Checkra1n Jailbreak

An SSH server is deployed on port 44 on localhost only.

iproxy 4444 44 &
ssh -p 4444 root@localhost

Although SSH is installed by default, you need scp for file copying. I installed openSSH via Cydia.

Electra Jailbreak

Electra shipped with debugserver. Previous jailbreaks had lots of manual steps to get the correct debugserver onto the device. electra

Electra app will not open

If you have a full Apple iOS developer license, you can code-sign ad-hoc apps to last one year. If the Electra app won't open, you can re-code sign the ipa file. One way to achieve this:

  • Open Cydia Impactor
  • Select \Device\InstallPackage
  • Find the Electra.ipa file
  • When prompted by Cydia Impactor enter your Apple ID.
  • Do NOT enter your password. Go to and generate a APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORD

Now Electra will work for another year.

Electra specifics

When you select Tweaks, Electra runs the debug-server from a different path:

# Tweaks enabled
/Developer/usr/bin/debugserver localhost:6666 -a 794

# Tweaks disabled
/usr/bin/debugserver localhost:6666 -a 794
Terminted due to Code Signing Error

You need to change the entitlements inside the app bundle. Specifically: <key>get-task-allow</key>:

security cms -D -i embedded.mobileprovision | grep -i -A 1 "get"

lldb bypass iOS Jailbreak detections

Connect debugger

Set your iOS debugserver to wait for the app to be opened.

ssh onto Jailbroken devices

Install the app on JB device

root# /Developer/usr/bin/debugserver localhost:6666 -v DEBUG=1 -waitfor MYAPP   // on JB device ssh session

OPEN THE APP now the debugserver is waiting for a connection

$) LLDB_SDK=ios lldb // from macOS machine

(lldb) process connect connect://localhost:6666
Find the target
(lldb) lookup jail
2 hits in: MYAPP
-[RSADeviceInfo jailBreak]
-[RSADeviceInfo setJailBreak:]
Attack the Setter
(lldb) b -[RSADeviceInfo setJailBreak:]
Breakpoint 2: where = MYAPP`-[RSADeviceInfo setJailBreak:], address = 0x00000001033fe1fc

(lldb) c
Process 1874 resuming
Process 1874 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 2.1
    frame #0: 0x00000001033fe1fc MYAPP` -[RSADeviceInfo setJailBreak:]

(lldb) p (char *) $arg2
(char *) $2 = 0x00000001034bb104 "setJailBreak:"

(lldb) p (char *) $arg3
(char *) $4 = 0x0000000000000005 <no value available>

(lldb) p (int) $arg3
(int) $5 = 5. // this is the value

register write $arg3 0 // put the value 0 (clean?) in the setter
Attack the getter

Kill the app and start the whole process of connecting again.

(lldb) b -[RSADeviceInfo jailBreak]
Breakpoint 1: where = MYAPP`-[RSADeviceInfo jailBreak], address = 0x0000000100b821ec

Process 1957 stopped

(lldb) step until the return register is set $x0 on a physical iOS device

    frame #0: 0x0000000100b821f8 MYAPP` -[RSADeviceInfo jailBreak]  + 12
MYAPP`-[RSADeviceInfo jailBreak]:
->  0x100b821f8 <+12>: ret

(lldb) po (int) $x0

(lldb) register write $x0 0

(lldb) p (int) $x0
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ Success ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ.  

The getter example is a little more work; you have to place the breakpoint, step until it sets the return register and then modify the return value. All of that can be automated. Changing the Setter is normally a one-time only call.

lldb inspect third party SDK

Get helper lldb scripts

Dump classes

dclass -o my_app

search classes on Heap

(lldb) search RSADeviceInfo
<RSADeviceInfo: 0x1d019e780>

Inspect interesting Methods

(lldb) methods 0x1d019e780
<RSADeviceInfo: 0x1d019e780>:
in RSADeviceInfo:
		@property (retain) NSString* Timestamp;  (@synthesize Timestamp = Timestamp;)
		@property (retain) NSString* HardwareID;  (@synthesize HardwareID = HardwareID;)
		@property (retain) NSString* SIM_ID;  (@synthesize SIM_ID = SIM_ID;)
		@property (retain) NSString* PhoneNumber;  (@synthesize PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber;)
		@property (retain) RSAGeoLocationInfo* GeoLocation;  (@synthesize GeoLocation = GeoLocation;)
		@property (retain) NSString* DeviceModel;  (@synthesize DeviceModel = DeviceModel;)

Invoke instance methods

(lldb) po [0x1d019e780 DeviceName]
Security iPhone 8

(lldb) po [0x1d019e780 DeviceModel]

(lldb) po [0x1d019e780 jailBreak]
0x0000000000000005  // very jailbroken

Create a class

(lldb) settings set target.language objc

(lldb) exp RSADeviceInfo *$rsa = (id)[[RSADeviceInfo alloc] init]

(lldb) po $rsa
<RSADeviceInfo: 0x1c819ddc0>

lldb lifting code ( iOS app )

This article was written to show:

  • a framework can be ripped out of an iOS app
  • you can invoke Objective-C code without even importing the Modules
Find the target app

I found an app that was using a phone number validator. This was publicly available from:

Extract the App

I downloaded the app via the AppStore and then extracted it from a jailbroken device.

Extract the Framwork

Inside the app bundle, copy the entire libPhoneNumber-iOS framework. Ignore the fact the Framwork is codesigned. xCode will resign the Framework later, when you create a fresh app.


Create a new hello world project and drag in your lifted Framework.

The "lifted" code inside an iOS app was thinned. Don't try and run this on a simulator. Run the app in debug mode and connect lldb.

Dump the classes
[+] script to dump classes from:

dclass -m libPhoneNumber_iOS

Dumping classes

attach lldb
(lldb) exp id $a = [NBPhoneNumberUtil new]
(lldb) po $a
<NBPhoneNumberUtil: 0x1c1c6b580>

(lldb) expression -lobjc -O -- [$a _shortMethodDescription]
// dumps all available Class, Properties and Instance Methods

(lldb) exp NSString *$b = @"497666777000"
(lldb) exp NSString *$nn = nil
(lldb) exp NSNumber *$cc = (NSNumber *)[$a extractCountryCode:$b nationalNumber:&$nn]
// using the github page, find how to invoke a method via Objective C, then apply it via lldb

(lldb) p $cc
(__NSCFNumber *) $cc = 0xb0000000000002c3 (long)49
(lldb) p $nn
(__NSCFString *) $nn = 0x00000001c4227be0 @"7666777000"

lldb references

Man page

Patching code

LLDB-Python script with excellent examples

UI manipulation

Custom breakpoints

ASM arm instructions

iOS Syscalls

iOS Syscalls

Debugger technical background

Breakpoint commands

Hardware Breakpoints


Fun cheat sheet


Multi-line lldb commands

lldb cheatsheet

some lldb commands

great lldb overview

more lldb info

lldb | python References

ptrace Reference\~modi/code/include/x86\_64-linux-gnu/sys/ptrace.h.htmlโ€จ

ptrace Anti-debugging

ptrace Anti-debugging

ptrace enum values

anti-debug code samplesโ€จ\_Debuggers

lldb and Blocks

Different ARM and x86 Registers


Helpful commands when using lldb.


Language:Python 100.0%