Kiarahmani / em_synthesis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EM Synthesis Project

Our goal is to synthesize a programmatic state machine policy from time-series data while simultaneously inferring a set of high-level labels.

Our system is a discrete-time Markov process defined by:

  • a high-level label space $H$ = a set of discrete high-level labels $h \in H$
    • Ex: $h \in$ {ACC, DEC, CON}
  • a low-level action space $L$ = a continuous domain of low-level actions $l \in L$: controlled joystick directives, motor inputs, etc.
    • Ex: $l = a \in \mathbb{R}$, where $a$ is the acceleration
  • a observed state space $O$ = a continuous domain of observed variables $o \in O$
    • Ex: $o = (x, v) \in \mathbb{R}^2$, where $x$ is the position and $v$ is the velocity
  • an action-selection policy (ASP) $\pi: H \times O \rightarrow H$ that maps the current high-level label and the current observed variables to the next high-level label
  • a motor model $\phi: H \rightarrow L$ that maps the current high-level action to the current low-level action
  • an extra set of domain-specific constants $C$
    • Ex: $C$ = {max_velocity, deceleration_value, acceleration_value, target_position}

Overall problem formulation:


We define a trajectory $\tau$ over a time period $T$ as a function $\tau : T \rightarrow H \times L \times O$, which can be thought of as giving the value of the system's state $(h, l, o)$ at each time step $t=0...T$.

We know the problem domain $H, L, O$, as well as $C$ and the motor model $\phi$. We are given a set of demonstrations, which are defined simply as trajectories with the high-level labels missing, i.e. $(l, o)$ for all time steps.


We would like to:

  1. Infer the values of the high-level labels in the demonstrations
  2. Synthesize an ASP that is maximally consistent with the demonstrations ($\pi^*$)

Project Organization

This project is roughly split into the following components:

  • data_gen - using simulations to generate demonstrations
  • expectation (particle filter)
  • maximization (program synthesis)



Language:C++ 100.0%