KhubaibKhan4 / Flexi-Store-KMP

Flexi-Store is an Ecommerce Application developed using Compose Multiplatform (Android,iOS,Desktop & Web). It's uses the Custom Server for it.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




Flexi Store KMP is a Compose Multiplatform Project that uses the Custom Ktor Server as a Backend & Supports Android, iOS, Web & Desktop. Basically, It's an Amazon Clone & Will contains all the features in the future including the Seller Central too where users can register and sell their products to earn.

Supported Features

  • User Authentication: Secure user authentication and authorization with OAuth, Firebase Authentication, or custom methods.
  • Payment Integration: Seamless integration with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Square for secure transactions.
  • Product Recommendations: Advanced recommendation engine suggests products based on user preferences and browsing history.
  • Advanced Search: Filter, sort, and search for products efficiently with advanced search options.
  • Order Tracking: Real-time order tracking provides updates on order processing, shipping, and delivery status.
  • Multi-language Support: Support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base.
  • Responsive Design: Responsive user interface optimized for various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Push Notifications: Keep users informed with push notifications for order updates, new products, and promotions.
  • Social Media Integration: Share products, reviews, and store links on social media platforms.
  • Wishlist and Favorites: Create wishlists and mark products as favorites for easy access.
  • Discounts and Coupons: Offer discounts, coupons, and promotional offers to incentivize purchases.
  • Customer Support: Built-in chat or messaging system for customer support and assistance.
  • Product Reviews and Ratings: Leave reviews and ratings for products to help other users make informed decisions.
  • Inventory Management: Inventory tools for sellers to track stock levels and manage product listings.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Track key metrics such as sales performance and user engagement with analytics and reporting features.

Future Planning Features

  • Seller Central: Allow users to register as sellers and manage their own stores, including product listings, order management, and analytics.
  • Social Media Integration: Enable sharing products, reviews, and purchases on social media platforms for increased visibility and engagement.
  • AI-Powered Recommendations: Implement machine learning algorithms to improve product recommendations and personalize the shopping experience further.
  • Voice Search: Integrate voice search functionality for hands-free navigation and product discovery.
  • Augmented Reality: Utilize AR technology to enable virtual product try-on and visualization before purchase.
  • Blockchain Integration: Explore blockchain technology for enhanced security, transparency, and traceability in transactions and supply chain management.
  • Subscription Services: Introduce subscription-based services for regular product deliveries, memberships, or premium content access.
  • Offline Mode: Develop offline functionality to allow users to browse products and make purchases without an internet connection.
  • Expanded Payment Options: Add support for additional payment methods, such as cryptocurrencies, digital wallets, and installment plans.
  • Community Forums: Create community forums or discussion boards for users to interact, share tips, and ask questions related to products and shopping.
  • Gamification: Incorporate gamification elements like loyalty programs, challenges, and rewards to enhance user engagement and retention.

Technologies Used

Jetpack Compose Dependencies

  • androidx-activityCompose: For integrating Compose with Android activities.
  • androidx-testManifest: Provides testing support for Jetpack Compose.
  • androidx-junit4: Integration of JUnit 4 for Compose UI testing.

Voyager Navigator

  • voyager-navigator: A navigation library for Jetpack Compose.


  • napier: A logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform projects.

Kotlin Coroutines

  • kotlinx-coroutines-core: Core module for Kotlin coroutines.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-android: Coroutines support for Android.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-swing: Coroutines support for Swing.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-test: Testing utilities for Kotlin coroutines.

MVVM Architecture

  • Official LifeCycle: MVVM architecture library for Jetpack Compose.


  • ktor-core: Core module of the Ktor HTTP client.
  • ktor-client-darwin: Ktor client for iOS.
  • ktor-client-okhttp: Ktor client using OkHttp.
  • ktor-client-js: Ktor client for JavaScript.
  • ktor-content-negotiation: Content negotiation support for Ktor clients.
  • ktor-serialization-json: JSON serialization support for Ktor.
  • ktor-logging: Logging support for Ktor clients.
  • ktor-client-curl: Ktor client for cURL.
  • ktor-client-winhttp: Ktor client for Windows HTTP stack.


  • kotlinx-serialization-json: JSON serialization library for Kotlin.

Date and Time

  • kotlinx-datetime: Date and time library for Kotlin Multiplatform.

Dependency Injection

  • koin-core: Core module of the Koin dependency injection framework.
  • koin-annotations: Annotations for Koin dependency injection.

Image Handling

  • kamel-image: Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform.

Material Design

  • screen-size: Material Design library for handling window size class in Jetpack Compose.


  • sqlDelight-driver-sqlite: SQLite driver for SQLDelight.
  • sqlDelight-driver-android: Android driver for SQLDelight.
  • sqlDelight-driver-native: Native driver for SQLDelight.
  • sqlDelight-driver-js: Web worker driver for SQLDelight.

These technologies are utilized to develop a robust and feature-rich Kotlin Multiplatform Ecommerce application that supports Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop platforms.

Mobile Screen Shots

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Desktop Screen Shots

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Flexi-Store Backend

Flexi-Store is developed using Ktor and is mandatory for the backend of the Flexi-Store-KMP. You can find the Flexi-Store server repository here.

Before running!

  • check your system with KDoctor
  • install JDK 17 or higher on your machine
  • add file to the project root and set a path to Android SDK there


To run the application on android device/emulator:

  • open project in Android Studio and run imported android run configuration

To build the application bundle:

  • run ./gradlew :composeApp:assembleDebug
  • find .apk file in composeApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/composeApp-debug.apk Run android simulator UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:pixel5Check


Run the desktop application: ./gradlew :composeApp:run Run desktop UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:jvmTest


To run the application on iPhone device/simulator:

  • Open iosApp/iosApp.xcproject in Xcode and run standard configuration
  • Or use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin for Android Studio Run iOS simulator UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:iosSimulatorArm64Test

Experimental Browser (JS)

Run the browser application: ./gradlew :composeApp:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun --continue Run browser UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:jsBrowserTest


Flexi-Store is an Ecommerce Application developed using Compose Multiplatform (Android,iOS,Desktop & Web). It's uses the Custom Server for it.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Kotlin 99.8%Language:Swift 0.1%Language:HTML 0.1%