Khang-NT / reproduce-KT-32417

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


So here, I have getHelloString in moduleB

fun getHelloString(firstName: String): String {
    return "Hello $firstName"

Then I will change it to:

fun getHelloString(firstName: String, lastName: String = ""): String {
    return "Hello $firstName $lastName"

And the android app will crash

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method getHelloString(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; in class Lcom/example/module/b/HelloStringKt; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.example.module.b.HelloStringKt' appears in /data/app/com.example.myapplication-x5EvJ6MhyrRk76EACAwBsg==/base.apk)


  1. Clone the project
  2. Publish moduleB v1.0.0 by ./gradlew moduleB:publishToMavenLocal
  3. Publish moduleA v1.0.0 by ./gradlew moduleA:publishToMavenLocal
  4. Run module app, it should work fine and show "Hello Khang" text
  5. Update method getHelloString in moduleB
fun getHelloString(firstName: String, lastName: String = ""): String {
    return "Hello $firstName $lastName"
  1. Update moduleB/build.gradle, set new version "1.0.1"
  2. Re-publish moduleB v1.0.1 by ./gradlew moduleB:publishToMavenLocal
  3. Update app/build.gradle set moduleB version to 1.0.1
  4. Rebuilt and install app successfully, but it crashes.



Language:Kotlin 100.0%