Khaaz / SP_NinjaJumper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NinjaJumper [SP]

  • Category: School Project
  • Status: Discontinued


This project is a Ninja Jumper mobile app written in Java android. This was a school project in team of 2.
This is basically a copy of Doodle Jump.

Goal / Requirements

We had to create a mobile game in android.
One of the requirements was to use one of the mobile native functionality. In our cases we used the accelerometer.

We had to create a well-written and designed application with all OOP principles.
This was an introduction to android natives apps and was directly following Interstella project.

We took particular care about writing a well written application.
The project is mostly in a working state but behave differently when ran on development and when published on the play-store. It would need few adjustements to make it fully functional. It could also benefits more features, but the application is working correctly however.


  • Java 7
  • Android
  • Android Studio
  • Threads (via java Thread Pools)

We tried to follow Object Oriented Programming principles such as:

    • Single-responsibility Principle
    • Open-closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Separation of Concerns

We also tried to implement some of OOP design patterns (factory, strategy, observer, chain of responsability...)



Language:Java 100.0%