KezzyNgotho / Chimoney-Ambassadors

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Chimoney-Ambassadors Repo

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This repo serves as a centralized platform for all resources, guides, and materials related to the Chimoney Ambassadors Program.

Getting Started

To access the resources in this repository, simply navigate through the folders and files listed. Here's a brief overview of what you'll find:

  • Onboarding Guide: A comprehensive guide to help new ambassadors get started with the program.
  • Templates: Standardized templates for emails, reports, presentations, and other ambassador-related documents.
  • Training Materials: Presentations, slides, and videos used for training sessions and educational purposes.
  • Events Calendar: Stay informed about upcoming events, webinars, and meetings relevant to ambassadors.
  • FAQs: Quick answers to frequently asked questions about the ambassadors program.


We value the contributions of all ambassadors to enhance the repository and make it more valuable for everyone. If you have any resources, guides, or materials that you believe would benefit fellow ambassadors, please consider submitting a pull request. Your contributions help us create a more comprehensive and diverse repository.

In addition to contributing resources and materials, we encourage ambassadors to initiate various activities such as campaigns, events, discussions, tutorials, or blogs that align with the goals of the Chimoney Ambassadors Program. To propose and organize such activities, please follow these steps:

  1. Create an Issue:

    • Navigate to the Issues tab and create a new issue.
    • Provide a descriptive title and detailed description of the activity you want to initiate.
    • Use relevant tags such as event, discussion, tutorial, or blog.
    • Tag @Phyleria, to review the issue.
  2. Review Process:

    • Once the issue is created, it will be reviewed by @Phyleria to ensure alignment with the program's goals and guidelines.
    • Feedback or suggestions may be provided to refine the proposed activity.
  3. Implementation:

    • Upon approval, proceed with organizing and executing the proposed activity.
    • For activities that require financial/speaker support we'll follow up with the required details.
    • Engage with fellow ambassadors and the Chimoney community to maximize participation and impact.


Your feedback is essential for the continuous improvement of this program. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or concerns, please don't hesitate to open an issue.

You can also submit your feedback to this anonymous form.
