KeyLiaoHPC / SC23-Artifacts

Source codes and scripts for reproducibility.

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Source codes and scripts for reproducibility.



We suggest using the same(or similar) hardware configurations for reproducing the measurement in the paper:

  • Server: Inspur NS5488m5 blade server (in Inspur i48 rack)
  • 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6248 (fixed at 2.5GHz)
  • 12 x 16GiB DDR4-2666 RAM

We noted that the memory foot print of the experiment is up to 98GiB, and users need at least 20GiB disk space for experiment data.


The server for running timing and FilT algorithm must have following softwares installed:

  • GCC-9.3.0
  • Python-3.10
  • OpenMPI (>4.0.5)
  • Openblas-0.3.17
  • GNU Scientific Library - 2.17
  • PAPI-

Meanwhile, all these softwares should be existed in the relative path in environment variables. E.g.:

$ export
declare -x BLAS="/mnt/nvme/01-App/openblas-0.3.17_gcc930"
declare -x CPATH="/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/include:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openmpi-4.0.6_gcc930/include:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/papi-6.0.0_gnu9/include:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/libpfc_gnu9/include:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/gsl-2.7_gcc930/include:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/03-Project/perf_var/PerfHound/src/"
declare -x GCC="/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0"
declare -x GSL="/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/gsl-2.7_gcc930"
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/lib:/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/lib64:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openmpi-4.0.6_gcc930/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/papi-6.0.0_gnu9/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/libpfc_gnu9/lib64:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openblas-0.3.17_gcc930/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/g
declare -x LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/lib:/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/lib64:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openmpi-4.0.6_gcc930/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/papi-6.0.0_gnu9/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/libpfc_gnu9/lib64:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openblas-0.3.17_gcc930/lib:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/gsl-
declare -x OPENMPI="/mnt/nvme/01-App/openmpi-4.0.6_gcc930"
declare -x PAPI="/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/papi-6.0.0_gnu9"
declare -x PATH="/mnt/nvme/01-App/gcc-9.3.0/bin:/mnt/nvme/01-App/openmpi-4.0.6_gcc930/bin:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/papi-6.0.0_gnu9/bin:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/libpfc_gnu9/bin:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/01-App/03-x86-64-linux/gsl-2.7_gcc930/bin:/mnt/nvme/hpckey/03-Project/perf_var/PerfHound/src/probe/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin:/home/hpckey/.local/bin:/home/hpckey/bin"

Finally, before running, the cpu frequency needs to be fixed, and the user-space RDTSCP should be switched on by using the root permission:

$ su -
$ cpupower frequency-set  -u 2.5GHz -d 2.5GHz
$ echo 2 > /sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu/rdpmc
$ modprobe -ar iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support
$ echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog

After timing, following python packages should be installed before interpreting results and plotting:

  • pandas-1.4.1
  • numpy-1.21.5
  • matplotlib-3.5.1


The workflow

There are two scripts for each experiments. Users replicate the experiment by executing these scripts consecutively. The first one is a bash script "exp*". This script first prepares and compiles the source code, and executes timing and in-situ sampling. After timing, csv files of measured results are dumped to the "exp*_data" folder.

The second script, "exp*" is for interpreting the result and plotting. There are three types of ouputs. The first type is the Wasserstein metric, such as:

t_base, t_mean, w-metric, w90-99.9(R90-99.9), w99-99.9(R99-99.9)
PAPI norm-s0.015
0.1 us: 542.2, 87.8(0.162), 11.3(0.021)
0.2 us: 523.2, 83.1(0.159), 10.7(0.020)
0.3 us: 556.1, 96.3(0.173), 15.9(0.029)
0.4 us: 549.1, 99.3(0.181), 18.5(0.034)

The second type is the ε_R and ε_P metrics for evaluating FilT algorithm in experiment 4, 5 and 6. E.g.:

64 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.0001,eR=0.003272
64 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0352,eR=0.004348
80 PAPI ps=0.050000,eP=0.2854,eR=0.009168
80 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0000,eR=0.002441
128 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.0000,eR=0.002619

The third type is the figure, which maps to corresponding plots in our paper.

We noted that if the compute server has the different tsc_khz kernel variable than 2,494,140KHz, users should modify the FREQ variable in script and the freq variable in each python script for correctly converting the reading of RDTSCP to nanosecond.

Experiment 1

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 5 minutes.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.2
  • Outputs: exp1_<0-1>.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ case "$-" in
+ __lmod_vx=x
+ '[' -n x ']'
+ set +x
Shell debugging temporarily silenced: export LMOD_SH_DBG_ON=1 for this output (/usr/share/lmod/lmod/init/bash)
Shell debugging restarted
+ unset __lmod_vx
+ cp ../stencil/stencil.c ./exp1.c
+ mkdir exp1_data
+ NT=10
+ for narr in 256 4000
+ mpicc -o t1_stiming_C256.x -DNTEST=10 -DNARR=256 -DSTIMING ./exp1.c
+ mpicc -o t1_papi_C256.x -DNTEST=10 -DNARR=256 -DPAPI ./exp1.c -lpapi
+ for narr in 256 4000
+ mpicc -o t1_stiming_C4000.x -DNTEST=10 -DNARR=4000 -DSTIMING ./exp1.c
+ mpicc -o t1_papi_C4000.x -DNTEST=10 -DNARR=4000 -DPAPI ./exp1.c -lpapi
+ for i in '{1..10}'
+ for narr in 256 4000
+ rm 'stiming*.csv'
+ rm 'papi*.csv'
+ mpirun --mca mtl psm2 --mca btl vader,self --map-by core --bind-to core -np 40 ./t1_stiming_C256.x
NTEST=10, NARR=256, rx=0.841919, ry=0.170247
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 11057201 ns
+ mpirun --mca mtl psm2 --mca btl vader,self --map-by core --bind-to core -np 40 ./t1_papi_C256.x
NTEST=10, NARR=256, rx=0.696394, ry=0.202002
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 12179926 ns
+ cat stiming_time.csv
+ cat stiming_tot_time.csv
+ cat papi_time.csv
+ cat papi_tot_time.csv

Experiment 2

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 5 minutes.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.4
  • Outputs: exp2_<0-3>.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ case "$-" in
+ __lmod_vx=x
+ '[' -n x ']'
+ set +x
Shell debugging temporarily silenced: export LMOD_SH_DBG_ON=1 for this output (/usr/share/lmod/lmod/init/bash)
Shell debugging restarted
+ unset __lmod_vx
+ cp ../vkern/vkern.c ./exp2.c
+ mkdir exp2_data
+ V1=0
+ V2=1
+ T=0
+ mpicc -o exp2_stiming_T0.x -DUNIFORM -DNTEST=100 -DTBASE=0 -DV1=0 -DV2=1 -DFSIZE=6291456 -DINIT ./exp2.c -lgsl -lopenblas
+ mpicc -o exp2_papi_T0.x -DUSE_PAPI -DUNIFORM -DNTEST=100 -DTBASE=0 -DV1=0 -DV2=1 -DFSIZE=6291456 -DINIT ./exp2.c -lpapi -lgsl -lopenblas
+ mpicc -o exp2_stiming_T0_noflush.x -DUNIFORM -DNTEST=100 -DTBASE=0 -DV1=0 -DV2=1 -DFSIZE=0 -DINIT ./exp2.c -lgsl -lopenblas
+ mpicc -o exp2_papi_T0_noflush.x -DUSE_PAPI -DUNIFORM -DNTEST=100 -DTBASE=0 -DV1=0 -DV2=1 -DFSIZE=0 -DINIT ./exp2.c -lpapi -lgsl -lopenblas
+ V1=25
+ V2=6
+ NAME=sc1-S62500+2500x6-INIT+6MiBx40
+ TBASE=62500
+ V1=2500
+ V2=6
+ NT=100
+ FSIZE=6291456
+ for i in '{1..10}'
+ for t in 0 625 6250 62500
+ echo '====== Round 1, #DSub = 0 ======'
====== Round 1, #DSub = 0 ======
+ date
Sun Apr 23 14:27:36 CST 2023
+ mpirun --mca mtl psm2 --mca btl vader,self --map-by core --bind-to core -np 40 ./exp2_stiming_T0.x
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=0, interval=0, nint=1, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
+ cat stiming_time.csv
+ sleep 1
$ ./
./exp2_data/exp2-T0-STiming.csv MeanTime= 23.68548881575416 W-metric= 23.70917430456991
./exp2_data/exp2-T0-STiming-noflush.csv MeanTime= 18.75565155894248 W-metric= 18.77440721050142
./exp2_data/exp2-T0-PAPI.csv MeanTime= 563.8901098901099 W-metric= 564.454
./exp2_data/exp2-T0-PAPI-noflush.csv MeanTime= 252.1908091908092 W-metric= 252.443

Experiment 3

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 6 hours.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.5
  • Outputs: exp3_0.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘exp3_data’: File exists
Sun Apr 23 14:29:48 CST 2023
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.1 us ======
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.2 us ======
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.3 us ======
Sun Apr 23 14:31:24 CST 2023
====== Round 1, t_base = 0.1 us ======
Sun Apr 23 14:31:24 CST 2023
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=125, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=125, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating normal ditribution. Tbase=125, sigma=0.0150, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating normal ditribution. Tbase=125, sigma=0.0150, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
====== Round 1, t_base = 0.2 us ======
Sun Apr 23 14:33:10 CST 2023
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=250, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.

$ ./
t_base, t_mean, w-metric, w90-99.9(R90-99.9), w99-99.9(R99-99.9)
PAPI norm-s0.015
0.1 us: 542.2, 87.8(0.162), 11.3(0.021)
0.2 us: 523.2, 83.1(0.159), 10.7(0.020)
0.3 us: 556.1, 96.3(0.173), 15.9(0.029)

Experiment 4

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 10 minutes.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.11
  • Outputs: exp4_<0-2>.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
====== Compiling T=0  ======
====== Compiling T=625  ======
====== Compiling T=6250  ======
====== Compiling T=62500  ======
====== Round 1, #DSub = 0 ======
Sun Apr 23 14:35:48 CST 2023
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=0, interval=0, nint=1, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=0, interval=0, nint=1, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=0, interval=0, nint=1, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=0, interval=0, nint=1, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
====== Round 1, #DSub = 625 ======
Sun Apr 23 14:36:01 CST 2023
Generating uniform ditribution. Tbase=625, interval=25, nint=6, Ntest=100.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
625 PAPI bin_p_st= 0.2 ep= 0.054603398138516245 eR= 0.009866444669112143
625 STiming bin_p_st= 0.05 ep= 0.05262445028180117 eR= 0.013861269289053221
w_met_papi= 536.293 w_filter_papi= 24.63 w_met_stiming= 37.297331184296034 w_filter_stiming= 10.73
6250 PAPI bin_p_st= 0.2 ep= 0.10840920483024813 eR= 0.008136763867832108
6250 STiming bin_p_st= 0.05 ep= 0.0001361110148056413 eR= 0.0011240415813730334
w_met_papi= 619.378 w_filter_papi= 57.38 w_met_stiming= 168.56778528871718 w_filter_stiming= 49.08

Experiment 5

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 20 hours.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.12
  • Outputs: exp5_<0-3>.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
Sun Apr 23 14:36:12 CST 2023
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.1 us ======
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.2 us ======
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.3 us ======
====== Compiling, t_base = 0.4 us ======
Sun Apr 23 14:39:24 CST 2023
====== Round 1, t_base = 0.1 us ======
Sun Apr 23 14:39:24 CST 2023
Sun Apr 23 14:39:24 CST 2023
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=125, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=125, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
Generating Pareto ditribution. Tbase=125, alpha=26.0000, Ntest=10000.
Warming up for 1000 ms.
Start random walking.
$ ./
0.1 PAPI ps=0.100000,eP=0.0613,eR=0.012751
0.1 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0127,eR=0.015968
0.2 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.0644,eR=0.012380
0.2 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0344,eR=0.008929
0 0.1 PAPI, w-metric: 559.3304 35.254400000000004 w90: 94.6006000000001 5.0166000000000075
0 0.1 STiming, w_raw= 33.58177244902051 w_filtered= 1.4029999999999985 w90_raw= 5.240000089810511 w90_filtered= 0.29359999999999986
1 0.2 PAPI, w-metric: 556.863 33.332600000000006 w90: 96.86600000000004 6.399000000000008
1 0.2 STiming, w_raw= 34.074924647373464 w_filtered= 1.4882000000000026 w90_raw= 4.94231172267796 w90_filtered= 0.18400000000000016
0.1 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.1060,eR=0.029260
0.1 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.2410,eR=0.016422
0.2 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.0889,eR=0.026503
0.2 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0431,eR=0.016847
0 0.1 PAPI, w-metric: 514.817 29.074 w90: 78.7604 0.4346000000000032
0 0.1 STiming, w_raw= 30.450176108799035 w_filtered= 3.5839999999999996 w90_raw= 3.8977647830514712 w90_filtered= 1.2896
1 0.2 PAPI, w-metric: 521.4789999999999 20.531599999999997 w90: 81.30939999999987 1.1983999999999995
1 0.2 STiming, w_raw= 30.708986889268466 w_filtered= 5.141 w90_raw= 3.802381524693889 w90_filtered= 1.1845999999999997

Experiment 6

Reproducibility info:

  • Approx. run time: 1.5 hours.
  • Corresponding figure: Fig.13, Fig.14
  • Outputs: exp6_<0-1>.png.
  • Example console output:
$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘exp6_data’: File exists
Sun Apr 23 14:41:23 CST 2023
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.187913, ry=0.510888
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 657059 ns
Size=64, STiming NSAMP=795
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.381623, ry=0.142063
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 936256 ns
Size=64, PAPI NSAMP=1073
Sun Apr 23 14:41:32 CST 2023
NTEST=10, NARR=80, rx=0.437054, ry=0.135585
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 1111074 ns
Size=80, STiming NSAMP=1190
795 1190
NTEST=10, NARR=80, rx=0.475835, ry=0.297682
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Size=8000, PAPI NSAMP=103866
Start timing and in-situ sampling for FilT.
====== Round 1, NARR=64 ======
Sun Apr 23 14:45:32 CST 2023
- STiming running.
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.496720, ry=0.320065
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 682025 ns
- STiming in-situ sampling.
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.021333, ry=0.305375
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Finish benchmarking. Writing.
Run time: 1238796 ns
- PAPI running.
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.372036, ry=0.836339
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Run time: 948445 ns
- PAPI in-situ sampling.
NTEST=10, NARR=64, rx=0.774357, ry=0.239303
Warming up for 2000 ms.
Start running.
Finish benchmarking. Writing.
Run time: 1726943 ns
$ ./
64 PAPI ps=0.050000,eP=0.1365,eR=0.005131
64 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0000,eR=0.001966
80 PAPI ps=0.050000,eP=0.3416,eR=0.005790
80 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0000,eR=0.010920
128 PAPI ps=0.200000,eP=0.0001,eR=0.003646
128 STiming ps=0.050000,eP=0.0000,eR=0.002193
64 wd_raw= 214.80018583559857 wd_filtered= 4.48
80 wd_raw= 210.6965782594401 wd_filtered= 18.745


Source codes and scripts for reproducibility.


Language:Python 46.8%Language:C 34.6%Language:Shell 18.6%