KevinSia / joah

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome everyone!

JOAHH is ehhh Mudah clone?(not really..) check it out!

This is an app which consists of :

  1. A user authentication feature built from scratch (sign up/sign in), using gem bcrypt.
  2. A user authentication feature using OAuth || users have a concept of roles (for e.g. admin vs regular users) along with simple authorization.
  3. A search functionality (for e.g. search for users, search for products).
  4. Integrated with at least 1 external API provider (for e.g. Twilio, Braintree).
  5. Some AJAX functionality.

I'll also, Write some model validation test (for e.g. unique email). Write at least 2 model specs, testing any custom model methods (test for happy and edgy paths). Write at least 1 integration spec using Capybara's library.



Language:JavaScript 50.7%Language:CSS 47.3%Language:Ruby 1.4%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:CoffeeScript 0.0%