KevinLu2000 / CS506-Covid-Prediction

This study seeks to use machine learning to predict Covid-19 diagnosis from a multitude of clinical data.

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Predicting COVID-19 Diagnosis from Clinical Data

Project Description

This study seeks to use machine learning to predict Covid-19 diagnosis from a multitude of clinical data. The data was collected, aggregated, de-identified, and published by Carbon Health, a U.S. primary and urgent care provider. The dataset contains a total of 46 variables, including epidemiological factors, comorbidities, vitals, clinical assessed and patient reported symptoms, as well as lab results and radiological findings. The dataset was first cleaned and encoded, before splitted into a training set and a testing set. Exploratory Data Analysis was performed on the training set to obtain basic understandings about the characteristics of input variables. Feature selection was then performed by ensembling the Chi-Squared and Mutual Information criteria. Six features, namely Cough, Fever, Headache, Loss of Smell, Loss of Taste, and Muscle Sore, were ultimately used for model construction. Due to the extreme imbalance (99:1 ratio) in the class distribution of the response variable, resampling methods were applied to the training set in order to reduce classification bias towards the majority class. Since the dataset consists solely of categorical features, SMOTE-N, a categorical variation of the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), was adapted to the training set to achieve a negative-to-positive class ratio of 5:1. Undersampling was then performed using One Sided Selection and Neighborhood Cleaning Rule to further balance the class distributions of the response variable. To identify the best model for this particular dataset, six classifiers, namely kNN, Logisti, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Categorical Naive Bayes, XGBoost, were fitted and baseline performances were compared. To optimize the hyperparameter tuning process, Random Search CV was executed 2000 times on the Random Forest Classifier, with 4-fold CV repeated three times on each iteration. Best hyperparameters were recorded locally, and Grid Search CV was applied to further tune the hyperparameters by checking the immediate neighbors of each hyperparameter value. The model predicts the testing set quite well, and model performance is substantially better compared to the baseline. However, the model underperforms at predicting positive results, which is to be expected considering the severe class imbalance present in the original dataset. Our model could be applied to prioritize testing when testing resources are scarce or inaccessible. It could also aid the diagnosis of Covid-19 in ambiguous or conflicting cases.

Reproducing Results

The results included in the report and the presentation are fully reproducible. Random states have been set for all functions and methods. The model is built on Python version 3.8.5. All dependencies are listed as imports in the file. To reproduce the results, download the repository and run the following command in terminal. Results will be saved to the "output" folder.


Project Team Member: Runsheng Wang & Jinqi Lu,


This study seeks to use machine learning to predict Covid-19 diagnosis from a multitude of clinical data.


Language:Python 100.0%