Kevin-Nguyen-USA / OPNSense-Firewall-Lab

Homelab project implementing a secure network for a fictional company. Gaining experience with a variety of SIEM tools, networking, and system administration.

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OPNSense Firewall Lab Project


This project consists of implementing a secure network that features an Intrustion Detection and Prevention System for a fictional company. In this project, we are going to be leveraging OPNSense Firewall, Windows Server, Ubuntu Server, and Active Directory. Elasticsearch stack will be utilized as our threat hunting and monitoring solution. All of this will be virtualized using VMware VirtualBox.

Programs and Utilities Used

Environments Used

Virtual Box Setup

1. Inside of VM VirtualBox, install OPNSense, and Kali Linux ISOs.
OPNSense Firewall Steps
Be sure to select Free BSD (64-bit) when installing the OPNSense ISO: OPNSense Firewall Steps
I assigned 2 cores, 2048 MB of RAM, and 16 GB of disk space to each Virtual Machine.

2. Set Network settings for both of the Kali Linux and OPNSense VMs to have 2 adapters: NAT and Internal Network. We are going to be running this in a local networking configuration that allows our Virtual Machines to communicate with eachother.
OPNSense Firewall Steps OPNSense Firewall Steps

Setting up OPNSense

1. Start the OPNSense VM. Mount the OPNSense Firewall ISO and follow through with the Installation Wizard. Install UFS.
OPNSense Firewall Steps

2. Rewrite contents of ada0 (our VBOX HARDDISK) and confirm. This will format the disk and its contents to have the OPNSense Firewall Image installed on the VM.
OPNSense Firewall Steps

3. Assign interfaces for LAN and WAN. em0 for LAN and em1 for WAN. I left each interface IP as the default ( and
OPNSense Firewall Steps


Homelab project implementing a secure network for a fictional company. Gaining experience with a variety of SIEM tools, networking, and system administration.