Kevin-Allain / Study-Results-Analysis

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Notes about coding for results analysis


This project is developed to generate visualization graphs displaying answers from participants in studies. The studies will have different total number of HITs generated, but will follow the same structure.

The answers of the studies are first generated as csv files from Qualtrics, which is the platform on which we run our experiments.

How to use

The first thing to do is to remove the header lines from the csv file produced by Qualtrics. The line to keep has the question indexed with a Q preceding their index, e.g. Q15.

  • Make sure that inside the dataTransform.js file the csvFilePath links to the data you wish to use in the graphs.
  • Run in the cmd the command: node dataTransform.js
  • The resulting csv file in the data/transformed folder is written accordingly to the date, with survey_precise-study_ followed by a number.
  • Inside the Confidence_Interval.r code, update the line that sets the working directory accordingly (e.g. setwd("C:/Users/Kevin/Dropbox/Courses/PhD documents/R_studyResultsAnalysis")).
  • Inside Confidence_Interval.r, make sure that the variable d is updated accordingly to the file you generated (e.g. d <- read.table(file="data/transformed/survey_precise-study_1620402561191.csv", TRUE, ","))
  • Run the entire file to display the error bars (more graphs in progress)

Technologies used

The technologies that have to be installed are: Node.js and R. We run the code on RStudio, but that choice is up to the user.

Columns name and their meaning

ResponseId The unique answer id
Progress How far in the study that question was recorded
RecordedDate Date and time when the data is recorded
StartDate Date and time for the beginning of the question
EndDate Date and time for the ending of the question
Finished Binary value to indicate if study finished
Duration_in_seconds Difference between EndDate and StartDate
filename Name of the file of the stimuli
idc id for the data combination
drawnQn Quantitative attribute drawn in the stimuli
drawnQl Qualitative attribute drawn in the stimuli
queryString The query from which results the mask applied over the visualization
flips Indication whether the stimuli of the map is flipped
nMasks Number of changes of status of mask being on or off
dMask Difficulty categorization for the mask
dComplex_Qn Difficulty categorization for the quantitative attribute
dComplex_Ql Difficulty categorization for the qualitative attribute
dComplex_Where Difficulty categorization for the trajectory
focus Focus of the question: whether the
bslnA1 Numerical correct value for question A1
bslnA2 Numerical correct value for question A2
bslnA3 Numerical correct value for question A3
bslnB Categorical correct value for question B
t Time in seconds to click on the submit on this one page (the 4 questions and their trust)
cntrQ Question counter
dComplex_focus Difficulty of the data which is focused on and necessary to answer the question
answerA1 Participant answer for question A1
answerA2 Participant answer for question A2
answerA3 Participant answer for question A3
trustA1 Participant self-assessed confidence in their answer for question A1
trustA2 Participant self-assessed confidence in their answer for question A2
trustA3 Participant self-assessed confidence in their answer for question A3
answerB Participant answer for question B
trustB Participant self-assessed confidence in their answer for question B
diffA1 Difference between the answer given for question A1 and the baseline
diffA2 Difference between the answer given for question A2 and the baseline
diffA3 Difference between the answer given for question A3 and the baseline
correctB Difference between the answer given for question B and the baseline

Inspirations concerning graphs to display the results

Our main inspirations considering the questions asked and how to analyze them are Heer et al [1] and Pena-Araya et al. [2].

Both Heer et al. and Pena-Araya et al. display error bars to analyze and display numerical values.

Additionally, Pena-Araya et al. use stacked bar charts to analyze and display categorical values.

Categories and drafts of graphs to produce

The categories we aim to compare are the same no matter the question. The following graphs indicate them. The difficulty is aggregated accordingly to the focus and mask difficulties result in more categories. We should have them aligned to assess if the changes are significant.


We also aim to look at the stacked bar charts colored according to self-reported confidence in their answers for the same categories.



[1] Heer, J. and Bostock, M. (2010). Crowdsourcing graphical perception: using mechanical turk to assessvisualization design. InProceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems,pages 203–212

[2] Peña-Araya, V., Pietriga, E., and Bezerianos, A. (2019). A comparison of visualizations for identifyingcorrelation over space and time.IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 26(1):375–385



Language:R 89.5%Language:JavaScript 10.5%