Official implementation of Prompt-Based Exemplar Super-Compression and Regeneration for Class-Incremental Learning.

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ESCORT: Prompt-Based Exemplar Super-Compression and Regeneration for Class-Incremental Learning


Class-incremental learning (CIL) with Exemplar Super-COmpression and Regeneration based on prompTs (ESCORT), a diffusion-based approach that boosts CIL performance by storing exemplars with increased quantity and enhanced diversity under limited memory budget. ESCORT works by

  • extracting visual and textual prompts from selected images and saving prompts instead of images
  • regenerating exemplars from prompts with ControlNet for CIL model training in subsequent phases


Official implementation of

Prompt-Based Exemplar Super-Compression and Regeneration for Class-Incremental Learning
Ruxiao Duan1, Yaoyao Liu1, Jieneng Chen1, Adam Kortylewski2,3, Alan Yuille1,
1Johns Hopkins University, 2University of Freiburg, 3Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Getting Started

1. Environment Creation

git clone
conda env create -f ControlNet/environment.yaml
conda activate control

2. ControlNet Preparation

  • Download ControlNet from HuggingFace and save the Canny edge model (control_sd15_canny.pth) in ControlNet/models/control_sd15_canny.pth.

3. Data Curation

  • Choose an image classification dataset and save all images in the form of <data-dir>/<dataset-name>/<mode>/<class-label>/<image-filename>
    • <data-dir>: directory to store all datasets.
    • <dataset-name>: name of the dataset.
    • <mode>: either "train" or "test".
    • <class-label>: the class tag, e.g., "cupcakes".
    • <image-filename>: the image filename, e.g., "0001.jpg".
  • If the dataset is not implemented, add it to the scripts.
    • In utils/, set another class by specifying the dataset name and its number of categories.
    • In utils/, add a mapping from the dataset name to its class instance in _get_idata().

4. Path Configuration

  • In compress/ and compress/, set CNET_DIR to <pwd>/ControlNet.
  • In compress/ and compress/, set DATA_DIR to <data-dir>.
  • In utils/, set self.data_dir to <data-dir>.
  • In utils/, set return of output_folder() as path to the output folder.

5. Prompt Extraction and Image Generation

  • We compress all the training images into edge maps and generate their copies by ControlNet in advance.

  • In compress/ and compress/, set SEEDS to seeds of your choice, e.g., range(5).

  • If the images are relatively high-resolution, run

python compress/
  • If the images are relatively low-resolution, run
python compress/

6. Training Configuration

  • In exps/config.json set training parameters. Most configurations follow the convention of PyCIL, except:
    • augmentation_prob: the probability of replacing a real image during one of its generated copies during training.
    • augmentations_per_image: the number of generated copies per image.
    • memory_per_class: memory budget in units per class.
    • real_per_class: number of real exemplars per class.
    • syn_per_class: number of synthetic exemplars per class.
  • For instance, if we can set memory_per_class=20, real_per_class=18, and syn_per_class=48.

7. CIL Model Training



The CIL framework is developed based on PyCIL.


Official implementation of Prompt-Based Exemplar Super-Compression and Regeneration for Class-Incremental Learning.


Language:Python 100.0%