Oluwakemi Oluwadahunsi's repositories
CrimeSentry is a cutting-edge community application designed to empower citizens with the ability to report crimes instantly and in real-time. Whether you are witnessing a crime unfold or come across a crime scene, CrimeSentry provides a seamless and efficient platform for reporting such incidents to local law enforcement agencies.
This project is a web application built with Vite for the front-end and deployed on Vercel. It serves as a platform for managing repositories on GitHub, allowing users to view repository details, create new repositories, and perform various other actions related to repository management.
Welcome to KCoat Fashion Store, an e-commerce web application built using ReactJS, TailwindCSS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MySQL. This application provides a comprehensive shopping experience for customers with features such as user authentication, product filtering, shopping cart, and payment integration.
A motivational quote generator website using reactjs and tailwind css. Used Rest API to fetch Motivational quotes randomly, cuustomized, or based on user search input. Features include retrieving quotes based on keywords or authors, creating custom designs on shirts, with the options of either download directly or share on social media.
A landing page for a website using Reactjs.
A brand portfolio for Astonish Designs, a fashion and tailoring brand. This portfolio showcases about the brand, a catalogue of the brand designs, contact information, testimonials from clients, and services rendered. There are 3 pages, the Landing page, the About page and the Catalogue page.
A fully responsive static Landing page for a travelling Agency. CyberOceans Assignment 3
Contri is a project that displays a country's information by using the search box. It fetches the data displayed dynamically from an API endpoint.
A full stack pizza food ordering web application built with Nextjs 14. Features includes:
A static web view of google.com homepage.
A Patient's dashboard for viewing health reports and user profile.
This is my brand portfolio (KodeMaven). It showcases about me, my projects, services I render, contact information with form configuration.
A News app take home Assessment
Task from TalentSync to be completed in 72hours. A figma design was provided and we are to build that with the stacks we know.
A food ordering web app, for online food ordering and delivery. Built with HTML%, CSS#, and Vanilla Javascript. Paypal integration for swift payment checkout.
Given a figma file link (https://www.figma.com/design/48pFDNlkATYsUNm33fvUIu/Asin5?node-id=5-2&t=OStQJPDWwE9f6wVT-0), I built this landing page to picture perfect, cobverting the figma design to codes using NextJs and TailwindCss.
This project is a RESTful API for a blogging platform created with Nodejs and Expressjs. It allows users to register, login, create, update, delete, and fetch blog posts. Users can also view published blogs and search for blogs by various filters. The API uses JWT for authentication and MongoDB for data storage.
This is a repo created for testing the crude functionalities. Do add the keyword "Demo" when creating a new repository, and remember to set its visibility to public.
A drag and drop effect with cards using vanilla Javascript, Next.js, React.js, Tailwindcss
Adding another repo.